9 Anamneza: Další příznaky/ Symptomy nemoci = review of systems Flashcards
do you have pain?
Máte bolesti?
Máte bolesti?
do you have pain?
Máte bolesti?
Co vás bolí?
Odkdy vás to bolí?
Jak dlouho to bolí?
do you have pain?
where have you got the pain?
since when does it hurt?
how long have you had the pain?
do you have pain?
where have you got the pain?
since when does it hurt?
how long have you had the pain?
Máte bolesti?
Co vás bolí?
Odkdy vás to bolí?
Jak dlouho to bolí?
Co vás bolí?
where have you got the pain?
where have you got the pain?
Co vás bolí?
Odkdy vás to bolí?
since when does it hurt?
since when does it hurt?
Odkdy vás to bolí?
Jak dlouho to bolí?
how long have you had the pain?
how long have you had the pain?
Jak dlouho to bolí?
Jaká je to bolest? Můžete tu bolest / své problémy popsat? Silná = Slabá = Permanentní/trvalá = Pálivá = Bodavá = Křečovitá = cramps Ostrá = sharp Řezavá = cutting Tupá = dull Pulzujíci = throbbing
what is the pain like? can you describe the pain/ your problem? strong weak permanent burning stabbing