2 Anamneza: Family history = Rodinná anamnéza Flashcards
I would like to ask your family
Ráda bych se vás zeptala na vaši rodinu
Are your parents alive?
Žijí vaši rodiče?
How old is your father?
Is he healthy?
Kolik let je otci?
Je zdravý? He is healthy?
How old is your mother?
Is she healthy?
Kolik let je matce?
Je zdravá?
Is your father being treated for something?
Léčí se vaše otec na něco?
How old was your father when he died?
How old was your mother when she died?
How old was he/she when he died?
Kolik let bylo otci, když zemřel?
Kolik let bylo matce, když zemřela?
Kolik let mu/jí bylo, když zemřel/a?
What did he die for?
Na co zemřel?
Na co zemřela?
what illnesses did he have?
Did he have other illnesses?
Jaké nemoci měl?
Měl jiné nemoci?
(Měla jiné nemoci?)
Do you have siblings?
How many?
Máte sourozence?
A kolik?
Are they healthy?
Is he/she healthy?
Jsou zdraví?
Je zdravý /á?
How old are they?
How old is he?
How old is she?
Kolik je jim let?
Kolik je mu let?
Kolik je jí let?
Do you have kids?
Máte děti?
How old is your son / daughter?
Kolik let je synovi/dceři?
Did anyone in the family have…
Heart disease, High blood pressure, Heart attack, Strokes, Diabetes, Tumors, Tuberculosis, Kidney diseases
Měl někdo v rodině…
Choroby srdce, Vysoký krevní tlak, Infarkt, Mrtvici, Cukrovku, Nádory, Tuberkulózu, Choroby ledvin
Heart disease
Choroby srdce
High blood pressure
Vysoký krevní tlak
Heart attack
Kidney diseases
Choroby ledvin