9/3 Anatomy Flashcards
what is S1
it is the Lub that is the AV valves closing this is the systolic
what is S2
it is the Dub, it is the semi lunar valves close this is the diastolic
what is systolic murmurs
a murmer after S1
what is dastolic mermers
a murmer after S2
what are two common causes of murmers
valve stenosis which makes a narrower valve and a turbulent flow and a sound when the valve is supposed to be open. valve incompetence that leads to regurgitation, turbulent flow and a sound when the valve is supposed to be closed
how could I know if a murmer is systolic or diastolic murmer. if the
after S1 sound it is a systolic and after S2 it is a diastolic murmer. Or if the murmer happens during the ventricle contraction or the atrium contraction.
what would a stenotic valve cause
a murmer when the valve is supposed to be open. (like the squirting sound when you put your thumb on a hose)
what would an incompetent valve cause?
it would cause a murmur when the valve is suppose to be closed where some blood is leaking back through (like a leaky hose).
what is an incompetent valve and what does it lead to?
a valve that doesn’t close well enough to prevent back flow. It leads to a murmur when blood flows turbulently back through the valve.
how can I find the sternal angle
find the jugular notch and then follow the sternum down a few inches to the 2nd rib position
where does rib two connect?
at the Sternal angle
where do you put stethaschope for the valves of the heart?
Pulmonary valve: the second IC space on the left. Tricuspid valve: fifth IC space near the sternum on the left. Bicuspid valve: left 5th IC space farther to the left lateral Aortic valve: the right second IC space near the sturnum.
where should I listen to S2 and S1
S2: near the sternal angle (just below it). S1: Fifth IC space on the left a little away form the sternum
what is the notch at the top of the sturnum
jugular notch
how would blood get from the right lateral ribs to the heart
blood could go through the skin (and through the capillary through the anterior seratious, the exterior, interior etc.) to the intercostal vein and then either back to the azygotic vein and then to the IVC, or to the front and down the internal thorasic in the front and eventrually to the IVC.
how many muscle layers are derived from the hypaxial group of the somites in an embrio?
6 layers!
What are the 6 hypaxial muscle layers from the exterior to the interior?
Supracostal; External layer; intermediate layer; internal layer; subvertebral layer (below the vertebra); ventral strap at the most ventral postition.
what are the names of the muscles int he thorasic that correspond to the six layers of hypaxial muscle in the somite
Supracostal: serratus anterior/Pectoralis minor (romboieds and levator scapula). External: external intercostal. Intermediate: internal intercostal. Internal layer: Innnermost intercostal, subcostal, transv. thoracic. Subvertebral layer: Longus colli; Ventral strap: Sternalis.
what nerves inervate the pec major
lateral and meadial thorasic nerve
Name the thorasic wall muscles from the out side in
pectoral major, pectoral minor, serratus anterior, external intercostal, internal intercostal, innermost intercostal, subcostal, transverse thorasic.
how would loss of the ventral ramus in the thorasic region affect innervation?
the ventral ramus provides inervation to the costal muscles through the intercostal nerves. You would lose cutanious sensation and motor innervation.
between what two layers of muscle do the intercostal vein/artery/nerve course
between the internal and the innermost intercostals.
where is intercostal space 1?
below the first rib!
what surrounds the lungs?
Pleura membranes: the parietal pleural near the ribs and the visceral pleural around and adhering to the lungs.
what is the order of the vein/artery/and nerve in the intercostal space?
Vien on top, then the Artery, then the nerve: think “VAN”
where is the VAN? in the thorax
the viens, arrtery, and nerve course between the internal and innermost muscles in the costal groove in the bottom of the rib
what is the purpose of the intercostal veins?
to drain tissue from the IC space and overlying skin.
where would blood go if it drained to the back of the intercostal veins
to the Azyos system of veins: over the right primary bronchous and into the superior vena cava.
what is on the left and right of the azygos system of veins and where do they drain.
on the rignt is ths azygos vein. on the left is the hemazygos vein and the accessory hemazygos vein up above the hemazygos vein. The hemi and the accessory both drain to the azygos.
where would blood go if it drainde to the fron of the intercostal veins
to the internal thoracic veins on the left and right and then to the brachial sophalic vien then the superior vena cava.
what is an anastomoses
a cross connection between adjoining vessels.
how does blood get to the intercostal arteries?
the posterior intercostal arteries come off of the aorta segmentally. the anterior intercostal arteries come off of the internal thoracic arteries on the left and right of the sternum.
what is the purpose of the intercostal arteries
seggmentally subly the intercostal muscles and the skin over them
what is the purpose of the intercostal nerves?
to segmentally supply motor control to the intercostal muscles; innervation to the IC mm and sensory innervation to underlying parietal pleura and overylying skin (T1-T12 dermatomes.
where does the V. Ramus course? and what is it called as it does?
between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles. it is then called the IC Nerve
what would happen if the lost the branches off of the IC nerve?
lose motor control of the IC muscles.
how do we innervate sensation of the skin in the thorax area
the lateral cutaneous nerve comes off of the IC nerve and the anterior cutanious nerve comes off of the IC nerve in teh front and courses just under the skin.
how do we innervate sensation of the parietal pleura on the outside of the lungs?
it recieves innervation just like the skin from the IC nerve.