8C: Light & Optical Systems Flashcards
What are the properties of light?
- Light is a form of energy.
- Light exists as tiny particles called photons.
- Light travels in straight lines called rays.
- Shadows form when light rays are blocked.
- Light travels faster than sound
- Luminous objects give off their own light. Non-luminous objects only reflect light.
- When light strikes an object, it can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
What the difference between a non-luminous and luminous object?
Can you provide an example of each?
A luminous object emits or produces its own light rays.
ex) sun, lightbulb, flashlight, tv, etc.
A non-luminous object relies on a luminous object because they must reflect the incoming light rays.
ex) moon, desk, Mr. Foisy, etc
When light travels towards an object, three specific things can happen. What are they?
Light can either be:
- Reflected
- Absorbed
- Transmitted (passes through)
What is a diffuse reflection?.
Diffuse reflection is the reflection of light from an irregular surface so that an incident ray is reflected at many different angles.

What are the colors in the visible color spectrum?
-Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
What is the difference between transparent, translucent, and opaque materials?
- Transparent: transmit nearly all of the light.
- Transluscent: transmit some of the light, but scatters it.
- Opaque: do not transmit any light – they block it.
What types of surfaces follow the law of reflection and demonsrate regular reflection?
Smooth and shiny surfaces reflect light rays at the same angle.
What does this image represent?

The Law of Reflection
(Angle of Incedence=Angle of Reflection)
When light is transmitted through a transluscent object it is often refracted. True or False?
Absorption means to block light rays. True or False?
(Colored objects appear that way because they absorb some colors but reflect others).
White light is made up of 7 different colors. True or False?
Explain what happens when white light passes through a triangular prism.
The prism splits the white light into its colors because the white light gets refracted into its primary components. You will be able to witness the visible light spectrum.
What are the primary colours of light?
- Red
- Blue
- Green
Explain what an incedent ray is.
The ray of incidence is described as the incoming light ray in a ray diagram or optical device.
The primary colors of light are cyan, yellow, and blue. True or False?
These colours are created by mixing the 3 primary colours of light (R,B,G).
Why can images become visible when light is projected through a gas that contains dust/other particles?
The light becomes blocked by the solid particles and is either absorbed or reflected. In addition, some gases have a different refractive index.
What is refraction?
When light rays pass through one object to another the light bends because it changes speed in the different materials (mediums).
Lenses are useful because they can refract light rays in a predictable way. True or False?
A concave lens is ________ in the middle.
A convex lens is _________ in the middle.
Where does “bad” light go???
To Prism….