8A. Permanent signs and pavement markings Flashcards
Where can sign shapes be found?
MUTCD Chapter 2. Table 2A-4
Where can “Examples of Heights and Lateral Locations of Sign Installations” be found?
MUTCD Chapter 2 Figure 2A-2
What is the minimum height of a sign near pavement in a rural area?
5 ft
The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the pavement, of signs installed at the side of the road in rural areas shall be 5 feet (see Figure 2A-2).
What is the minimum height of a sign where pedestrian or parking movements occur?
7 ft
The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the top of the curb, or in the absence of curb, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the traveled way, of signs installed at the side of the road in business, commercial, or residential areas where parking or pedestrian movements are likely to occur, or where the view of the sign might be obstructed, shall be 7 feet (see Figure 2A-2).
What is the minimum height from the base of a sign to the bottom of a sidewalk.
The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the sidewalk, of signs installed above sidewalks shall be 7 feet.
MUTCD Chapter 2
What is the minimum height of a overhead sign to the pavement?
17 ft.
Overhead signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than 17 feet to the sign, light fixture, or sign bridge over the entire width of the pavement and shoulders except where the structure on which the overhead signs are to be mounted or other structures along the roadway near the sign structure have a lesser vertical clearance.
MUTCD Chapter 2
Where can one find Regulatory sign sizing?
MUTCD Chapter 2 - Table 2B-1
Where can one find Freeway or Expressway Guide sign sizing?
MUTCD Chapter 2-Table 2E-1
Which chapter and subchapter can regulatory sign information be found?
MUTCD Chapter 2B (Regulatory Signs)
Which chapter and subchapter can warning sign information be found?
MUTCD Chapter 2C (Warning Signs)
Which chapter and subchapter can guide sign information be found?
MUTCD Chapter 2D (Guide Signs)
What color pavement markings delineate the separation of opposing traffic lanes?
MUTCD Chapter 3B
Center line pavement markings, when used, shall be the pavement markings used to delineate the separation of traffic lanes that have opposite directions of travel on a roadway and shall be yellow.
Two-direction passing zone markings consisting of?
Two-direction passing zone markings consisting of a normal broken yellow line where crossing the center line markings for passing with care is permitted for traffic traveling in either direction.
One-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of?
One-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of a double yellow line, one of which is a normal broken yellow line and the other is a normal solid yellow line, where crossing the center line
markings for passing with care is permitted for the traffic traveling adjacent to the broken line, but is prohibited for traffic traveling adjacent to the solid line
Two-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of?
Two-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of two normal solid yellow lines where crossing the center line markings for passing is prohibited for traffic traveling in either direction.
The center line markings on undivided two-way roadways with four or more lanes for moving motor vehicle traffic always available shall be?
The center line markings on undivided two-way roadways with four or more lanes for moving motor vehicle traffic always available shall be the two-direction no-passing zone markings consisting of a solid double yellow line as shown in Figure 3B-2.
When are centerlines required?
Center line markings shall be placed on all paved urban arterials and collectors that have a traveled way of 20 feet or more in width and an ADT of 6,000 vehicles per day or greater. Center line markings shall also be placed on all paved two-way streets or highways that have three or more lanes for moving motor vehicle traffic.
Where can the “Minimum Passing Sight Distances for No-Passing Zone Markings” be found?
MUCTD Chapter 3 - Table 3B-1
What is the passing sight distance for a vertical curve?
MUTCD chapter 3- Figure 3B-4
The passing sight distance on a vertical curve is the distance at which an object 3.5 feet above the pavement surface can be seen from a point 3.5 feet above the pavement (see Figure 3B-4).
What is the passing sight distance for a horizontal curve?
MUTCD chapter 3- Figure 3B-4
The passing sight distance on a horizontal curve is the distance measured along the center line (or right-hand lane line of a three-lane roadway) between two points 3.5 feet above the pavement on a line tangent to the embankment or other obstruction that cuts off the view on the inside of the curve (see Figure 3B-4).
What color pavement markings delineate the separation of traffic lanes in the same direction?
When used, lane line pavement markings delineating the separation of traffic lanes that have the same direction of travel shall be white.
What are characteristics for lane-reduction transition markings?
MUTCD Chapter 3 - Figure 3B-14
1. Lane-reduction arrows are optional for speeds of less than 45 mph
2. See Section 3F.04 for delineator spacing
3. L = WS for speeds of 45 mph or greater and L = WS^2/60 for speeds of less than 45 mph, where:
L = Length of taper in feet
S = Posted, 85th-percentile, or statutory speed in mph
W = Offset in feet
4. d = Advance warning distance (see Section 2C.05)
What are recommended yield line layouts
MUTCD Chapter 3 - Figure 3B-16
Yield lines are white triangular lines separated from each other by 3-12”. The height of the triangle is 1.5 times the base.
What are the International Symbol of Accessibility Parking Space Marking dimensions?
MUTCD Chapter 3 - Figure 3B-22
Min height: 28”
Min width: 24”
Min stroke (line width): 3”
Where can one find standard arrow dimensions for pavement markings
MUTCD Chapter 3 - Figure 3B-24
What is the Approximate Spacing for Delineators on Horizontal Curves for a curve with 400’ Radius
Table on MUTCD Chapter 3 -Table 3F-1
What is the minimum spacing for delineators?
20 ft
What is the maximum spacing for delineators on curves?
300 ft
What is the normal line width for pavement lines?
4 to 6 in
For crosswalks, lines shall not be less than ____ inches nor more than _____ in width and should not be placed less than ______ feet apart.
6 in, 24 in, 6 ft
Stop bars lines widths are typically?
12 to 24 inches
What are the four components of a temporary Traffic Control Zone?
Advanced Warning, Transition, Activity, Termination