2A. Uninterrupted flow Flashcards
(e.g., level of service [LOS], capacity)
Where can Adjustment for Average Lane width (flw) be found?
HCM 2016: exhibit 12-20
Average lane width (ft) — reduction
> =12 — 0.0
= 11-12 — 1.9
= 10-11 — 6.6
Where can Adjustment for Right-Side Lateral Clearance (fRLC) be found?
HCM 2016: Exhibit 12-21
Where can Speed Adjustment Factor be found?
HCM 6th edition: Chapter 11
Where can Capacity Adjustment Factor be found?
HCM 6th Edition: chapters 11 and 26
What information is in HCM volume 1?
Concepts: Fundamentals and Methodology
What information is in HCM volume 2?
Uninterrupted Flow: Freeways and Multilane Highways
What information is in HCM volume 3?
Interrupted Flow: Volume 3: Arterials and Urban Streets
What information is in HCM volume 4?
Applications Guide
What is the difference between AASHTO Green Book and HCM and MUTCD?
AASHTO green book is for highway and roadway design. Roadway design and layout (cross-sections, alignments, and safety features).
HCM is used for highway and roadway evaluation. Analyzing traffic flow, congestion, and level of service (LOS).
MUTCD is for Standardizing traffic signs and signals.
Where can Uninterrupted Flow information be found
HCM: Chapters 10- 15 (Volume 2)
What formula would be used to calculate number of lanes at a given LOS?
N = V / (MSF * PHF * Fhv)
N = Number of lanes
V = directional peak hour demand
MSF = Maximum service flow rate for LOS (HCM exhibit 12-37)
PSH = Peak hour factor
Fhv = Adjustment for heavy vehicle