8.4 - CONTENT - Crime and Punishment Flashcards
Explain Non-religious arguments for capital punishment
1) Acts as a warning and stops people committing the crime.
2) It means society can rid itself of most dangerous people, they can’t be a threat any more.
3) Can make the criminal confess to their crime, as plea bargaining can reduce sentences.
4) The value of human life is made more clear by executing those who kill others.
What is the legal age for people to be able to drink alcohol?
You must be over 18 years of age to consume alcohol legally. However there is an exception where persons aged 16 or over can drink alcohol if they are having a table meal with someone who is aged 18 or older.
State reasons for the need for law and justice in society.
- We ought to protect weak people so they don’t get bullied
- Everyone is entitled to live in peace
- We need to be kept safe from criminals
- People need to know how to behave with each other
- I want to live without fear
- We need to protected against violence
Explain Islamic thoughts and attitudes towards justice.
Muslims believe:
- the Qur’an teaches that God wants people to act in justice and fairness to each other
- Everyone is equal under Islamic law
- Justice is the basis of Zakah ( one of the pillars of Islam)
- The Shari’ah (law of God) requires justice for everyone
- The prophet Muhammad acted with justice
Give examples of Islamic quotes towards justice
“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God…” (Surah 4:135)
Why is justice important for Christians? State what they think
Christians believe that they should behave justly, which means treating other people in a fair and just way. This is important because
-God is a just God and people should behave in the same way
-The bible teaches that God wants people to behave justly
Jesus taught that everyone should be treated in the way they would like to be treated. “ do to other what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12)
-All of the Christian churches teach that Christians should behave justly
Give a quote about Christians and justice.
” I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me… I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Explain Islamic thoughts and attitudes towards justice.
Muslims believe:
- the Qur’an teaches that God wants people to act in justice and fairness to each other
- Everyone is equal under Islamic law
- Justice is the basis of Zakah ( one of the pillars of Islam)
- The Shari’ah (law of God) requires justice for everyone
- the prophet Muhammad acted with justice
Give examples of Islamic quotes
“O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God…” (Surah 4:135)
State the 4 main types of punishment and for each explain what the theory is.
Deterrence- The idea that punishments should be of such a nature that they will put people off(deter them from) committing crimes
Retribution- The idea that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong
Protection- Isolating the prisoner to them safe and others safe.
Reform- The idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again.
What are the problems caused by drugs and alcohol?
- Some drugs such as alcohol and tobacco can be incredibly harmful to a person’s health.
- They can be highly addictive which can ruin lives.
- Some drugs cause considerable social problems.
- A lot of these drugs can lead people to make very bad decisions which can hurt others.
What is a Christian attitude towards drugs and alcohol?
Sometimes it is okay to drink alcohol as the Bible does not condemn it. As well as this, Jesus himself drank wine.
However drinking alcohol can impair someone’s judgement and reduce their ability to act in a Christian way.
What is a Muslim attitude towards drugs and alcohol?
All Muslims should follow the teachings of the Qur’an. In the Qur’an, it teaches that drugs are Haram (Forbidden).
Explain Christian attitudes against capital punishment
1) Goes against the sanctity of life. Only God has the right to give life and take it away.
2) Jesus came to save and reform people- an executed criminal can’t be reformed.
3) Jesus taught that revenge is wrong: “…If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
4) Capital punishment is not compatible with the overall message of Christianity, which is love and forgiveness.
Explain Christian attitudes for capital punishment
1) The Old Testament teaches that capital punishment should be used for some criminals, “ whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed.”
2) In the New Testament, St Paul teaches that Christians should accept and obey the laws and punishments of the government, this would include the death penalty.
3) Jesus never taught that the death penalty was wrong
4) Some Christian Churches permit the death penalty for very serious crimes.
Explain Muslim attitudes in favour of capital punishment
1) The Qur’an says that the death penalty can be given for certain crimes.
2) Shari’ah law says that the death penalty can be given for certain crimes.
3) Muhammad made many statements that showed that he agreed with the death penalty.
4) When Muhammad was ruler of Medina, he himself sentenced people to death for committing murder.
Explain Muslim attitudes against capital punishment
1) The scholars of Shari’ah law does not agree when or how the death penalty should be applied.
2) The Qur’an says that capital punishment is an option which can be considered- doesn’t have to be used.
3) The Qur’an gives such strict conditions under which death penalty can be given that these are very rarely met and therefore the punishment should not be given.
What is deterrence? Why would some people be for it? Why would others be against it?
To deter someone means to prevent or discourage them from doing something that is against the law.
- The person will be put off doing that action against
- Someone who may have thought about doing that action will be put off by seeing the punishment that the other person received
- In the UK prisons are full of prisoners, many of whom have committed more than one crime - if deterrence did work re-offending levels would be much lower.
What is retribution? Why would some people be for it? Why would others be against it?
The idea that punishments should make someone pay for what they have done wrong
- the victims feel a sense of justice
- the offender will ‘get what they deserve’
- criminals deserve to suffer for doing wrong
- Victims of crime often feel that the criminal has not been punished enough
- If a criminal feels there punishment was excessively harsh it may lead them to feel resentment that would cause them to commit crime again in the future
What is reform? Why would some people be for it? Why would others be against it?
The idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again
- Providing criminals with education and training will help them to gain the skills they need to become law-abiding citizens again
- if they understand what they have done wrong they are less likely to commit crimes again in the future
- reform goes against the idea of punishing people - they would argue that teaching and educating people is not punishing them
What is Protection? Why would some people be for it? Why would others be against it?
To protect innocent people from criminals by imprisoning them
- people are frightened by criminals
- in prison the harm that criminals can do to others is limited
- At some point most criminals are released back into society and many commit crimes again