8.2 - CONTENT - Environmental and Medical Issues Flashcards
Give three reasons why organ donation is a good thing
- organ transplants make use of organs which would other wise be wasted
- it gives people and their loved ones the opportunity to help others after after their death
- it offers relief and is a blessing to those who receive the organ and their loved ones - saves lives
What are the effects of global warming?
Polar regions warm up and melt, places get hotter which causes drought, extreme weather events such as hurricanes and flash flooding.
What can be done to prevent global warming?
Individuals can turn off electrical appliances, walking instead of using the car and people can support environmental charities like Green peace.
Governments and international organisations can set laws and regulations on green house gas emissions.
Scientists can research into the cause and affects of climate change because with this knowledge they can try to prevent it.
Explain why treatments for infertility are a moral issue.
- Treatments are very expensive and money could otherwise be spent on treating people with life-threatening conditions and illnesses.
- Nature shouldn’t be interfered with.
- World already over-populated. Being unable to have children is nature’s way of trying to control population levels.
- Many unwanted / orphaned children in the world- adopting a child would be better option.
- Who has right to decide who receives these treatments- should it be only married couples? Should single people or same sex couples be allowed?
- Sperm and egg donors should be responsible for the children they have conceived.
- Children have the right to know who their biological parents are.
Explain why some Christians are against infertility treatments.
- God intended that children should be created through the natural act of sex between a husband and wife.
- No-one has the ‘right’ to have children.
- God has a plan for everyone- may not be to have children.
- Masturbation is a sin- all treatments where fertilisation takes place outside the woman’s body involves masturbation by the male.
- IVF- involves creation of several embryos- those not used are destroyed or experimented on- violating sanctity of life.
- Donated sperm or eggs is seen as adultery.
- Surrogacy- involves a 3rd person- may cause complications for all involved.
in places such as the UK organ donation is voluntary why is this a good thing?
- it should be peoples right to decide what happens to their body after death
- it allows for unwilling participants to
Explain why treatments for infertility are a moral issue
- Treatments are very expensive and money could otherwise be spent on treating people with life-threatening conditions and illnesses.
- Nature shouldn’t be interfered with.
- World already over-populated. Being unable to have children is nature’s way of trying to control population levels.
- Many unwanted / orphaned children in the world- adopting a child would be better option.
- Who has right to decide who receives these treatments- should it be only married couples? Should single people or same sex couples be allowed?
Explain why some Christians are against infertility treatments.
- God intended that children should be created through the natural act of sex between a husband and wife.
- No-one has the ‘right’ to have children.
- God has a plan for everyone- may not be to have children.
- Masturbation is a sin- all treatments where fertilisation takes place outside the woman’s body involves masturbation by the male.
- IVF- involves creation of several embryos- those not used are destroyed or experimented on- violating sanctity of life.
- Donated sperm or eggs is seen as adultery.
- Surrogacy-
Explain why some Christians agree with infertility treatments.
- God has given humans the capacity to create children in this way.
- Allows couples to experience the joy of having children.
- Is a way of loving your neighbour and follows the golden rule.
- God’s command= ‘be fruitful and multiply’.
give reasons why every one should be signed up for organ donation and not have to sign up for it
- because it allows for more organs to be collected
- it means more people who would want to sign up for donation, but forget the opportunity to donate
- it means that people would be more supportive for organ donation
give four problems that medical professionals face when dealing with organ donation
if the person on the waiting list for the longest time should get the organ
if the person with the best tissue match should get the organ
should the youngest person receive the organ
should animals organs be used
give three reasons why Christians don’t oppose organ donation
- it is a loving and charitable act which fulfils Jesus’ teaching to love one another
- it raises no problems for life after death since the body will not be needed in heaven
- it is a way in which people can show their gratitude for God’s gift of life
give three reasons why christian’s oppose organ donation
- it violates the sanctity of life and people should not play god
What are the three types of pollution?
Land pollution
It can lead to poor growth, loss of wildlife habitat, soil erosion, desertification and other types of pollution such as water.
Most common types include dropping litter.
Air pollution
It happens when substances or chemicals affect the natural balance of the air.
The most common example is sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxides from coal fired power stations which cause acid rain. This harms soil, water, all forms of life and buildings.
Water pollution
Is the contamination of rivers, lakes, oceans and reservoirs.
An example is when sewage or fertilisers make plants grow in the water and the bacteria causes the fish to die.
What can we do to prevent natural resources running out?
Not wasting electricity, using public transport rather than a car and buying products that are from a renewable source.
What are the 3 teachings that are at the heart of the Christian teachings on the environment?
Stewardship- care for the environment and it’s resources
Responsibility- recognising that it is up to people to care for the natural world
Authority or dominion- having a position of power over the natural world
Explain why some Muslims agree with infertility treatments.
- Infertility is regarded as a disease- so it is OK to cure.
- Childbirth and child-rearing is an important family commitment.
- Having children helps to keep the couple and the family together.
- Social status of the Muslim woman, her self-esteem and her place in her family and society as a whole are closely related to her ability to have a child.
God has given people the ability to create life in this way.
Why would some Muslims disagree with fertility treatment?
- Some Muslims could believe that as Allah ‘creates what he wills’ - if it is the will of Allah for a couple to not have a child then the couple should accept it and not use fertility treatments
Most Muslims disagree with any treatment that uses donor sperm or eggs because:
- it is seen as adultery or violating the contract of marriage
- all children have the right to know their natural parents
Surrogacy is banned in Islam because:
- it violates the marriage contract
- it removes a baby from relationship with her birth mother
Why should Muslims care for the environment?
- Like Christians Muslims believe that God created the world
- Muslims believe they are khalifah - or vice regent over the earth - humans were put in charge by Allah of God’s creation
- They should treat the gift of creation from Allah with respect
- As khalifah they have been placed in a position of responsibility for the environment
- Creation is in unity with each other - therefore this unity and balance should be maintained
- Muslims have a responsibility to care for the environment as part of the ummah - the global community of Muslims - this includes a responsibility to future generationz
- Animals are part of Allah’s creation and as such should be treated with respect
- Muslims will be judged for their conduct by Allah - this will include how they cared/or not for the environment