3.2 - CONTENT - Matters of Life and Death Flashcards
How far through the term must a pregnancy be before it is considered able to survive if it were born?
- 24 weeks.
How far through the term must a pregnancy be before it is considered able to survive if it were born?
- 24 weeks.
What reasons would a Christian give to be for abortion?
- That if a mother’s life is in danger to have the baby it would be more important to protect the mother’s life.
- That it may be the most loving thing to do if the baby will not have what is considered to be a good quality of life.
Give 3 explanations of Catholic beliefs about life after death.
1) The soul of a Christian who has not sinned since their last confession will go straight to heaven
2) They believe in the immortality of the soul meaning that the soul lives on after the death of the body
3) They believe that there is ‘life everlasting’ as stated in the Creed and the Catechism
What reasons would a Christian give to be against abortion?
- That life begins at the moment of conception and we should treat the developing child as a human being with equal rights to life as anyone else.
- That we do not have the right to take away life, only God has the authority to decide if the child lives or not.
Why should the media be free to criticise religious opinions on matters of life and death?
- They have the right to freedom of speech and express their opinions about a topic which may be conflicting with some religious beliefs.
- No definitive argument is flawless, there will always be positives and negatives for every argument and they should be addressed to weigh up whether or not it is a reasonable idea to follow about life and death.
- Religion may condemn a matter such as euthanasia, but the media may argue that it may be the most loving thing to do if the person is in pain and has a terminal condition.
What quote can be used from the Bible to explain why Christians should be against abortion?
- “Do not murder” because we do not have the right to choose whether the child lives or dies.
Give 3 explanations of Non-Religious beliefs about life after death.
1) They may believe in Reincarnation ( a person’s soul will be reborn into another body when they die)
2) They may claim to have or use paranormal activities such as mediums who talk to the dead, or to have seen ghosts proving people live after death in a different form
3) People may have near-death experiences where someone who is about to die has an out of body experience
Christian attitudes to abortion
Roman Catholics are against abortion as they believe conception is the start of life but some Christians are for abortion due to situation ethics and the mother’s life being endangered
types of euthanasia
voluntary euthanasia and non-voluntary euthanasia
Muslim attitudes to abortion
it is seen as haram so forbidden but may be permitted in certain situations, such as when it endangers the mother’s life
How do Catholic beliefs about life after death affect their lives? Give 4 reasons
1) They believe that they will be judged by God after death thus they must live their lives within the guidelines of the Bible, which impact the way they treat others and their personal relationships
2) Jesus resurrecting from the dead gives them hope that they too will rise and be rewarded with eternal life
3) It offers comfort to those who are grieving since they know a place of paradise awaits their loved ones
4) Jesus’ resurrection from the dead gives people hope that they can be forgiven for their sins so they can work towards a better future
Give a Roman Catholic Teaching about life after death
- ‘He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives in me will never die’ John 11;25-6
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) is a reminder that the way people live their lives determines where they will spend eternity
Name and describe the places a Roman Catholic could go after life
- Heaven - a place of paradise where God rules
- Hell - a place of horrors where Satan rules
- Purgatory - a place of waiting and preparation for people who don’t go straight to Heaven as they have unpurified souls; people on Earth can pray for those in Purgatory
What are the Laws about euthanasia in the UK?
Euthanasia is against the law in the UK. There are many different types of euthanasia; many people are campaigning for voluntary euthanasia to be allowed in the UK.
What are the Christian attitudes against euthanasia?
- It is taking away a life and is against the commandment ‘Do not murder’
- God created humans in his image and only he has the power to take life away
- No person should value themselves to be so worthless that it would be better to die
- They believe it is up to medical experts to determine when death has occurred. If the medical experts state that the person is brain dead, then they believe hat their life has already ended and switching off a machine is not euthanasia.
Give 3 explanations of Non-Religious beliefs about life after death.
1) They may believe in Reincarnation ( a person’s soul will be reborn into another body when they die)
2) They may claim to have or use paranormal activities such as Mediums who talk to the dead, or to have seen ghosts proving people live after death in a different form
3) People may have Near-Death Experiences where someone who is about to die has an out of body experience
What quote can be used from the Bible to explain why Christians should be against abortion?
- “Do not murder”
What is the teaching against paranormal abilities?
‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death’
List some reasons for not believing in life after death
Scientific evidence shows that when the body dies, everything decays.
No one has returned from the dead to tell us.
The end of life means exactly that, it is illogical to speak about life after death.
Life-support machines prove the brain dies before the body
Despite having explored the universe, there is no place yet that the life after death could be yet
Science provides better answers making life after death impossible
They believe mediums etc. are just giving people false hope and cheating them
List causes of global poverty
- Dirty water
- War
- Natural Disasters
- Corrupt Government
- HIV and AIDS
- Debt
How does CAFOD work against global poverty? (Think FEEL)
Finding a voice for those who are unable to speak out for themselves
Education - giving developing nations opportunities to reduce poverty through economic growth
Emergency aid - short-term aid that helps those affected in disasters and emergencies
Long-term Aid - CAFOD provides long-term support so that people can work their way out of poverty and no longer need help - this will include sustainable projects
Why does CAFOD work against poverty?
- Puts into practice teachings about being a steward of the earth and helping others
- Follows the example of compassion set out by Jesus for example in the story of the Good Samaritan
- Puts into practice the message of the sheep and the goats - ‘whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it