8.3 - CONTENT - Peace and Conflict Flashcards
Name 3 types of bullying….
Any from:
- Physical
- Verbal
- Emotion
Name 7 causes of war
1) Self defence
2) Economics or natural resources
3) Fear
4) National pride
5) Fighting against aggression and injustice
6) Long standing racial or ethnic hatred
7) Protecting people from persecution and exploitation
Name 2 reasons why Christians oppose bullying…
Any from:
- It is violence without a just cause
- Bullying people would be abusing God’s creation
- Jesus taught that we should treat others like we would treat ourselves
- Taking revenge is wrong
- After death they will be judged on what they have done in life
- They should protect the weak
Why do Christians oppose bullying?
Because it is violence without a just cause
Name 2 reasons why Muslims oppose bullying…
Any from:
- They believe that any type of violence or aggression without a just cause is wrong
- Bullying is abusing Allah’s creation
- Muslims are taught to try and bring an end to justice and cruelty
Why do Muslims oppose bullying?
They believe that any type of violence or aggression without a just cause is wrong
Name a Muslim quote that is against bullying…
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoying what is right, and forbidding what is wrong” (Surah 3:104)
Give 4 reasons why the conflict in Darfur occurred
1) Economic/Environment
2) Long standing ethnic hatred
3) National pride
4) Remote location
Why was the economy/environment one of the factors that started the Darfur war?
Years of drought and desertification meant that food and water were scarce.
- This meant the nomadic people were having to move to other peoples land who were already struggling
- Farmers had been growing cash crops, further reducing the land available to grow food
Why was long standing ethnic hatred a reason the Darfur war occurred?
Both sides had long standing disputes and a traditional hatred for each other. The Sudanese government was accused of favouring Arabs and persecuting non Arabs.
Why was national pride a reason the Darfur War occurred?
Some parts of the anti government forces wanted south Sudan to be made an independent country, however the government and their supporters wanted Sudan to stay as one country.
Why was having a remote location a reason the Darfur War occurred?
Darfur was incredibly remote with poor transport and communication links and when problems started to flare up other countries didn’t know about it and by the time the international community found out thousands had already been killed and displaced from their homes.
Name 6 conditions of a Just War
1) There is a reasonable likelihood of success
2) A last resort
3) Warfare must be discriminate and civilians should not be targeted
4) The cause of war should be just, such as resisting aggression or injustice
5) Aim to bring peace
6) The methods used must be fair and reasonable
Why is the Just War Theory an important idea?
It would allow a religious believer to fight in a conflict without thinking they’re doing wrong.
4 reasons why Christians choose to be pacifist
1) 10 commandments forbid killing
2) Jesus taught that people should love their enemies
3) Jesus stopped his own followers from using violence
4) Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction can cause unimaginable suffering to innocent people.
Name 4 examples of conflict in religious families…
Any from:
- Refusing to go to church
- Choosing to take drugs and alcohol when it is against family beliefs
- Children converting to a religion that the parents are opposed to
- A child of atheist parents may become religious.
What do Muslims believe about forgiveness and reconciliation?
Muslims believe they have a responsibility to…
- seek forgiveness from Allah
5 reasons why its okay for Christians to fight in a war.
1) Jesus told people they should obey the lawful government
2) St Paul told people that Christians have a duty to obey those in authority
3) Jesus told his disciples “if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one”, this means sometimes violence is necessary
4) Some Christians would say there are situations were war is the lesser of 2 evils
5) Christians also claim that it is right to have armed forces to protect the nation
What is the difference between greater jihad and lesser jihad?
Greater Jihad = the struggle which Muslims face within themselves to make themselves better Muslims - brings a believer closer to God
Lesser Jihad - physical struggle or war
What are the conditions of lesser jihad?
- Fought for a just cause
- Last Resort
- Authorised by a Muslim authority
- Minimum amount of suffering caused
- End when the enemy surrenders
- Innocent civilians must not be attacked
- Aim to restore peace and freedom
Why would many Muslims believe they should fight if the conditions of lesser jihad are fulfilled?
- The Qur’an teaches that Muslims must fight if they are attacked
- Muhammad himself fought in wars
- Many of the hadith (statements of Muhammad) permit Muslims to fight in just wars
- The Qur’an teaches that anyone who dies in a just war will go straight to heaven
Why would some Muslims choose to be pacifist?
- Peace and reconciliation are central concepts to Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an
- Modern weapons cannot be used in a way that is compatible with the Muslim rules about fighting in a war - for example innocent civilians will always be injured and killed
- Non-violent methods are always the best way to achieve peace
- Violence only leads to more violence even if the enemy surrenders - war only increases hatred and distrust
Why should Christians forgive others?
- The Bible teaches that people should forgive others due to teachings such as:
‘love your enemies’
‘if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him’
‘Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us’
‘If anyone has caused you grief … you ought to forgive and comfort him’ - As God has forgiven them, Christians would feel a responsibility to forgive others’
Why should Muslims forgive others?
- Muslims should reflect the character of God - one of the names of Allah is ‘the compassionate and merciful’
- On the day of judgement - god will show mercy and forgiveness to those who themselves have shown mercy and forgiveness
- They should follow the example of Muhammad who forgave others and taught about reconciliation
There are many teachings in the Quran about reconciliation and forgiveness such as
“If a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God.’
Explain the work of a Christian organisation for peace
World Council of Churches
- brings together Christians from all over the world
- Encourages dialogue and reconciliaiton
- Promotes Jesus teachings about forgiveness, peace and unity
- Develops programmes fighting racism and inequality
Explain the work of a Muslim organisation for peace
Islamic Relief and the Muslim Peace Fellowship
- Helps the victims of war
- Promotes campaigns against violence all over the world
- works against injustice
- encourages interfaith dialogue
How does the UN work for peace?
- Arms control and disarmament
- Organising peace talks
- Trade restrictions
- Sending peace keeping forces
How did the UN work for peace in Sudan?
- Conducting negotiations between different groups
- Threatening and enacting sanctions against different groups
- Sending peacekeeping forces
- Encouraging dialogue between different groups