An enhancement block of training instruction that can be conducted at the direction of executive staff or a supervisor, as a result of Critical Incident Review Team (CIRT) findings, and/or as a training enhancement.
Any member who misses more than two consecutive qualification quarters and/or has a documented exemption (medical, military, administrative) will be required to complete the _________ _____________ ______ for handgun, shotgun, low lethal shotgun, slug and patrol rifle, as necessary.
academy qualification course
All firearms must be approved by the Firearms Training and Tactics Unit (FTTU) and found to be serviceable. A department member will:
- Present the firearm to FTTU for inspection and must show proficiency in the use of the firearm by successfully completing the applicable firearm qualification course.
- Complete applicable training in accordance with this policy
Approved duty handguns must be standard factory productions, no ___________ __________ or ________ ___________.
aftermarket triggers or trigger modifications.
Duty handgun requirements:
Firing mechanism:
Traditional double-action to single-action, single-action, safe-action, doubleaction only, or trigger pull weight shall not be less than _____.
4 lb
Duty handgun requirements:
Caliber: (list accepted calibers)
9mm Luger, .40 Smith & Wesson, .45 ACP
Duty handgun requirements:
Barrel length:
(state accepted barrel lengths for duty handgun)
At least 3.5 in. and not to exceed 6 in.
Duty handgun requirements:
Department issued ammunition only. Officers are responsible for knowing:
how many rounds are in each magazine.
Duty, handgun requirements:
Uniformed officers must carry one magazine in their firearm with a round chambered, and a minimum of ___, maximum of _____, magazines.
two / eight
Duty handgun requirements:
Extended capacity magazines/magazine extenders:
Officers may carry and use extended magazines, only if they are produced by the ________________________________.
Same manufacturer as the firearm
Duty handgun requirements:
Extended capacity magazines/magazine extenders:
Base plates, and springs must be from the same manufacturer as the firearm. An extended base plate of no more than ___ additional rounds is permissible.
Duty handgun requirements:
Extended capacity magazines/magazine extenders:
Acceptable colors of extended base plates are:
black, tan, brown, and gray.
Duty handgun requirements:
Optical Sights:
Optical sights must accompany iron sights and be____________ so that if the optic becomes inoperable, the iron sights may be utilized.
Backup handguns will be carried in such a manner as ___ ______________ by ordinary observation.
not discernible
Off-duty handguns will be carried in such a manner as ___ ______________ by ordinary observation.
not discernible
Officers must shoot an _______ ______________ with the off-duty handgun
initial qualification
Optional shotgun requirements:
Caliber: (state accepted caliber)
12 gauge
Optional shotgun requirements:
Barrel length: (state accepted barrel lengths)
At least 14 inches and not to exceed 20 inches
Optional shotgun requirements:
Equipment: (list required equipment for shotgun)
Sling and side-saddle or buttstock ammo carrier
Optional shotgun requirements:
Furniture: (list accepted colors(4))
Black, tan, dark earth, olive drab (no mixed colors)
Optional shotgun requirements:
Sights: Must be adjustable _____ or _____ ____/________ sights.
ghost ring/aperture
Optional shotgun requirements:
Optical sights: Approved optics are permitted on optional shotguns. Optical sights must accompany iron sights and be _______________ so that if the optic becomes inoperable, the iron sights may be utilized.
Where can shotgun slug ammunition be carried?
- On the officer’s person
- On a removable buttstock shell carrier, or on a side-saddle shell carrier.
Shotguns may be________________ with slugs if the officer is slug certified.
Officers are allowed to carry optional (personally owned) rifles approved for department use. Approved rifles must be standard factory productions. The rifle may not be “home built.” Upper and lower receivers must be from the ____ ____________.
same manufacturers.
Vehicles that are equipped with a locking 3-rack mount between the driver and passenger seat will utilize that mount for the:
rifle, low lethality shotgun, and lethal shotgun.
If a rifle is to be carried in a vehicle that is equipped with a locking 2-rack mount, the _____ _______ will be located in the rear cargo mount.
lethal shotgun
A ___ _________ _______ will always remain in one (1) of the locking mounts between the driver and passenger seat.
low lethality shotgun
In the case of a two-officer vehicle when both officers are rifle certified, the additional rifle will be stored in:
A protective case inside the cargo area of the vehicle.
Rifles will be stored/secured in the “Cruiser Ready” condition, which is:
An empty chamber, bolt forward, magazine, inserted, and safety in the “ON” position.
Optional rifle requirements:
Barrel length: (state accepted barrel lengths)
At least 10in and not to exceed 20in.
Optional rifle requirements:
Finish and furniture: (list accepted colors)
finish: blued
furniture: black, tan, dark earth, olive drab, or gray (no mixed colors)
Optional rifle requirements:
Magazine: Maximum __ round capacity (officers will load only __ rounds). Officers are responsible for knowing how many rounds are in each magazine.
Optional rifle requirements:
Firing Mechanism: Modificaitons to the trigger group, may only be performed by certified FTTU armor. The trigger group must be professionally installed and must not be adjustable. Trigger pull weight shall not be less than ____ and will not be less than manufacture specifications.
4 lb.
Optional rifle requirements:
Equipment: (list required additional equipment)
Sling and magazine carry device (such as a plate carrier or chest rig) capable of holding at least two additional magazines.
Optional rifle requirements:
Optical sights: optical sights must accompany iron sights, and must be __________ so that if the optic becomes in operable, the iron sights may be utilized.
Optional rifle requirements:
A 3x magnifier may be added behind the existing approved optic if the magnifier mount allows the magnifier to be _________ __ _________ to the side, enabling a quick transition from a magnification status while preserving the mounting of the device upon the rifle.
pivoted or flipped
SPR officers will have their specialty purpose rifle, a _____ ______, and __________ in their possession for all SPR assignments.
range finder
SPR officers will maintain their rifle in the _____ ____ and will keep their rifle staged in the immediate area at their assigned post. At no time will a rifle be left unattended. The rifle will be cruiser loaded (magazine inserted with the bolt forward and no rounds in the chamber).
rifle case
SPR officers are prohibited from utilizing the ________ on their rifle for observation purposes.
Flashlight mounts activated by the firearm’s trigger are not approved. Flashlights must be activated by a __________ ________ or the firearm’s grips.
separate switch
The finish of flashlight mounts must be blue, black, gray, tan, or olive drab, and be consistent with the finish of the firearm, extending no further than ______ beyond the muzzle of the firearm.
2 in.
Officers must maintain a reasonably clean and functional firearm at all times. Firearms owned or issued for duty/official use should be cleaned every ___________ and more frequently depending on individual usage.
Officers who utilize optional shotguns and optional rifles must be aware that if their firearm has a breakage that cannot be repaired by FTTU, it is the ___________ responsibility to send the firearm to the manufacturer for repair.
While the officer is waiting for their optional weapon to be repaired by the manufacturer, they must continue to _______ with another personally owned optional firearm or a department-issued weapon.
Department members required or authorized to carry a firearm must participate in the mandatory firearms qualification/training program and demonstrate proficiency with ___ ________ _______.
all firearms carried
The qualification/training standard for all weapons carriers will be dictated by the qualification course. In addition, any department member carrying a backup firearm must qualify annually during the _____ _______.
first quarter
Weapons carriers will qualify during ____ and ______ quarter and will participate in mandatory firearms training _______ and ______ quarter.
first and third / second and fourth
All civilian members ____ participate in first and third quarter qualifications and second and fourth quarter training.
Department members who fail to attain the minimum acceptable score on the prescribed course of fire during participation in the quarterly/semiannual firearms qualification without a documented exemption will be __________ ____ ________ _ _______ and assigned, by the division commander, to a position not requiring the use of a firearm until the member successfully qualifies.
prohibited from carrying a firearm
Weapons carriers who fail to participate without exemption or justifiable reasoning will be subject to a _________ __ _________ by the __________ __________.
statement of complaint
immediate supervisor
Department members not on exempt status who fail to participate in qualification for an optional rifle or shotgun slug will be de-certified. Exempt status members who miss more than two quarterly qualifications with the special weapons system will be required to complete a ______.
If a department member fails to participate in firearms qualification the __________ __________ will initiate an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the department member’s failure to participate in firearms qualification and apply appropriate ____________ ________ when appropriate.
immediate supervisor
disciplinary measures
A department member who is non-compliant in firearms qualification, their supervisor will:
Contact FTTU rangemaster, or designee, to schedule an appointment for a make-up firearms qualification session for the department member.
Officer with a medical exemption from qualifications will:
- When released to full duty, provide a copy to the Health and Safety Detail
- Participate in firearms qualification/training as required
Upon return to full duty, the __________ _______ is responsible for scheduling make-up firearms qualification (Qual-7), to remain compliant with Nevada POST standards.
department member