In accordance with the National Child Search Assistance Act of 1990 (as amended) and the federally mandated Suzanne’s Law, entry into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) will be made under the following circumstances:
- All juveniles, 17 years old and younger, will be entered into NCIC immediately upon receiving the required minimum data elements, not to exceed two hours.
- Missing persons 18 through 20 years old (even though legally considered adults) will also be entered into NCIC in accordance with the federally mandated Suzanne’s Law immediately upon receiving the required minimum data elements, not to exceed two hours
The the required minimum data elements for entry of a missing person into NCIC are:
1) Name
2) Date of birth
3) Sex
4) Race
5) Height
6) Weight
7) Hair color
8) Eye color
9) Date/time of last known contact.
Adults may go missing for a variety of reasons. However, adults can only be entered into NCIC if they have a;
1) disability,
2) are in physical danger,
3) are a victim of a catastrophe,
4) or suspicious or involuntary circumstances (i.e., endangered).
Regardless of NCIC entry, all missing persons will be entered into _________.
Missing Persons procedure, Patrol will;(13)
- respond and conduct a preliminary investigation
- verify minimum data elements for NCIC entry
- Immediately contact NCICsection/verify NCIC entry/get NIC number
- Determine if call meets Missing Person Detail callout criteria
(<11yoa, diminished mental capacity <11yoa, physical/medical condition w/risk of death, juvenile suicidal, child custody dispute w/articulable danger, lost/overdue hiker, adult w/guardianship) - Avoid contacting Missing Person Detail unless callout criteria met
- If callout criteria met ensure NCIC entry has “If located, contact on-call Missing Persons Detail detective 24/7”
- Parent missing w/child(not custody issue)/both on same P1 report/add parent as “Person w/Information” to child’s NCIC.
- if adult under guardianship get documentation for report/add endangerment factors and guardian contact info in SCOPE and NCIC
- Start ICR
- if case unsolved, meets callout, call supervisor who notifies Missing Persons Detail.
- if NCIC entry, add NIC# to P1
- Remain in contact with Sgt/Missing Persons detail until investigation complete
- Found Person who is vulnerable (unable to care for themself)/no found person report/investigate and contact appropriate unit (abuse/neglect/CPS)
Call out criteria for Missing Persons detail;(7)
- The missing juvenile is 11 years old and younger.
- The missing person, adult or juvenile, has a documented diminished mental capacity of 11 years old or younger.
- The missing person, adult or juvenile, has a physical/medical condition or life-threatening situation that would hinder their ability to care for themselves, posing a significant risk of serious bodily harm or death.
- The juvenile (17 years old and younger), is actively suicidal, making a direct threat to harm oneself (e.g., with a weapon, pills, jumper) via phone, text, email, social media (not merely possible suicide)
- The missing juvenile(s) is involved in a child custody dispute and only if the child(ren) is in immediate articulable danger and a threat to harm has been made.
- The missing person has been reported as a lost/overdue hiker.
- The found person is an adult, has proven guardianship over them, and the guardian cannot be located/contacted.
When a missing persons report involves a vehicle, the report taker will immediately call RFB’s ________ ________ _________ ______ and enter the vehicle information into the P1 report’s _______ _______ if that vehicle is not related to a crime.
Wanted Vehicle System Desk
vehicle tab
When taking a runaway report involving numerous non-sibling juveniles, each runaway receives a _________ ______ ______ and ____ ______ (to include calls to Child Haven and The Harbor).
separate event number
P1 report
Multiple runaways can be reported under one report if they have the _______ __________________ or live in the ________ ___________ (and leave at the same time/together).
same parents/guardians
same household
If there is a crime reported in addition to the missing person/runaway, a ________ _________ in P1 must be completed under a ________ event number.
separate report
If the subject is an adult but not threatening suicide under volatile circumstances, officers will:(1)
- Complete a preliminary investigation
Patrol officers are responsible for the preliminary investigation of anyone (adult or juvenile) who is reported to be actively suicidal. CIT officers will be dispatched to events involving a subject threatening suicide under volatile circumstances. A field supervisor will respond to the scene to assume _________ ___ __________, and on-call _______ ________ will be notified for response.
command and control
patrol detectives
If the non-volatile suicidal subject (adult or juvenile) is missing, officers will:(3(7))
- Use all available resources to locate the missing adult. These steps should be considered:
a. If the adult has a cellphone, patrol supervisor will request a Kelsey Smith phone ping through Dispatch supervisor.
b. Contact Fusion Center for a workup.
c. Add pertinent details into patrol briefing.
d. Hourly broadcast with description of the subject to all area commands (and vehicle if involved).
e. Obtain latest photo and upload into OnBase.
f. Obtain social media accounts and usernames/passwords.
g. Check area for video. - Make every attempt to locate the missing adult. If all avenues have been exhausted, complete a report for a missing adult and ensure they are entered into NCIC, to include if they are in possession of a weapon. OR
- Complete a report for a missing juvenile and ensure they are entered into NCIC. Add the following to the NCIC notification: “If located, contact the on-call Missing Persons detective 24/7.”
If the non-volatile suicidal juvenile is missing, Patrol Supervisor will:(1)
- Notify the on-call Missing Persons detective for requested response.
The crime of kidnapping will be investigated by the appropriate ______ depending on the circumstances (e.g., patrol detectives/Robbery, etc.)
If there is a need to issue an Amber Alert, the applicable investigative detail will contact the Missing Persons Detail immediately. The Missing Persons Detail will assist the primary investigating section and respond as outlined in section manual. The Missing Persons Detail does not assume criminal prosecution. An Amber Alert will be activated only when the following criteria are met:(4)
- Confirmed abduction.
- Child is under 18 years old.
- Threat of serious bodily harm or death.
- Information on suspect and/or vehicle.
When contact is made with a missing person (juvenile or adult), officers will review the original missing persons report and the NCIC record and ensure the following occurs:(2)
- If the missing person is an adult who has been entered into NCIC, their SCOPE and NCIC records will be reviewed to determine if a guardianship is in place. If a guardianship is in place, officers will attempt to notify the guardian. If contact cannot be made with the guardian, officers will contact the on-call Missing Persons detective for assistance.
- If the missing person is a juvenile, officers will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. If contact cannot be made with the parent/guardian and no criminal charges exist, the juvenile will be transported to the Child Haven receiving area at 701 N. Pecos Road.
Department members have the authority granted by Missing Persons Detail to determine if a Detain/Hide/Remove Child involving a custody matter is valid and to submit/complete an _______ _______ ________. Appropriate notes will be included in the report for later review by Missing Persons Detail.
Incident Crime Report (ICR)
Children will not be entered into NCIC on simple violation of custody alone (exception: if PC exists for ________ for the taking parent if the rights have been revoked via Family Court. The appropriate section will be contacted for investigation).
In situations where a parent is claiming abduction by the other parent, Patrol officers will:(4)
- If the elements of a crime exist take a report for Detain/Hide/Remove Child from the biological parent, guardian, or court-appointed guardian. A probable cause arrest cannot be made for this event
- Only notify the Missing Persons Detail if the child is in immediate danger of physical harm in the custody of the adverse parent.
- Refrain from entering children into NCIC on custody disputes. If, after a preliminary investigation, the elements of kidnapping exist, the appropriate investigative detail (i.e., patrol detectives) will be contacted. Family Court orders are considered civil in nature and will not be enforced by LVMPD.
- Refrain from physically removing children from one parent/guardian to another on child custody disputes alone. Children can be removed during certain criminal investigations. In those cases, the appropriate investigative details should be contacted (e.g., Abuse/Neglect, patrol detectives, etc.).