8.1. Marine Erosion, Sub-aerial Processes, and Marine Transportation and Deposition Flashcards
Marine erosion processes
caused by the action of waves
1) abrasion (corrasion)
2) wave Quarrying
3) cavitation (in Wave Quarrying)
4) solution (corrosion)
5) attrition
Abrasion (corrasion)
where rock fragments are hurled at cliffs by breaking waves, gradually scraping away at the cliff face
Wave Quarrying
- as waves break against the cliff face, the pressure
of the breaking wave can compresses air in cracks. - this compressed air gradually forces open the crack in the rock - as this process continues, the rock becomes increasingly weakened.
Cavitation (in Wave Quarrying)
(the implosion or collapsing of air bubbles)
- is also part of this process; as the air bubbles collapse, they release jets of water which further weakens the rock.
Solution (corrosion)
- this occurs where the salt water is able to dissolve some of the chemicals in rocks
- for example, limestone cliffs are gradually weakened as the salt water dissolves the
calcium carbonate in the limestone.
this is where rock fragments carried by the waves hit
against each other and gradually wear down to form sand and silt
Hydraulic Action (Wave Pounding)
- the sheer force (power) of waves hitting against the cliff face, remove or pull away (‘pluck’) loose rocks from the cliff face.
- these dislodged blocks of rock later abrade the
cliff base.
Sub-aerial processes
1) weathering
2) mass movement
Types of sub-aerial weathering
1) Solution weathering
2) Salt crystallisation
3) Biological weathering
4) Freeze-thaw weathering
5) Slaking
Solution weathering
- the change in the chemicals in rocks by acidic rainwater.
- in particular, limestone is weathered by rainwater
containing dissolved CO2.
Salt crystalisation
the growth of chloride crystals (from seawater) loosens rock fragments for erosional processes to work on.
Biological weathering
molluscs in their search for food wear down rock surfaces.
Freeze-thaw weathering
water enters the cracks in a rock and freezes; it expands and pushes the cracks further apart.
- Alternate wetting and drying of rocks; the accumulation of successive layers of water molecules in between mineral grains of a rock.
- The increasing thickness of the water pulls the rock grains apart with great tensional stress.
Sub-aerial mass movements
soil creep, landslides, slumping and rock falls
Factors affecting coastal erosion
1) rock type
2) rock structure
3) type of wave
4) shape of coastline
How rock type affects coastal erosion
- some rock is easily eroded (e.g. clay and shale)
- these rocks tend to form wide beaches
- other rocks are resistant to erosion (e.g. limestone and chalk)
- these rocks tend to form steep steep cliffs or rocky outcrops (headlands)
How rock structure affects coastal erosion
- where rocks are parallel to the coastline, the coastline is CONCORDANT and the amount of erosion will be determined by the rock type forming the coastline
- where the rocks outcrop at right angles to the coast, the coastline is known as DISCORDANT, and differential erosion may occur due to bands of hard and soft rock forming headlands and bays
How rock type of wave affects coastal erosion
- the amount of energy a wave has will also determine the amount of erosion that will take place
- destructive waves have a steep angle of break and are high in energy
- they degrade the beach due to the scouring action of the strong backswash
How shape of coastline affects coastal erosion
- on concordant coastlines, rocks are parallel to the wave front and therefore rates of erosion are similar along the coastline.
- on discordant coastlines, differential erosion may occur, where bands of hard and soft rock outcrop at right angles to the sea.
- consequently headlands and bays form along discordant coastlines and whilst headlands remain exposed to the force of the waves, bays are sheltered.
Coastline receives sediment from where
- rivers flowing from the land to the sea
- erosion of the coast - e.g. rock falls and slumps
- material moved on to the coastline from the sea bed - mostly by constructive waves
Once the sediment arrives on the coastline, it can be transported in a variety of ways
Movement of sediment up and down the beach
1) Suspension
2) Solution
3) Traction
4) Saltation
Fine sediment is carried as a suspension in the water, making it look muddy or murky
Dissolved material is carried along in solution, so you can’t see it
Larger pebbles and cobbles are rolled along the sea bed
Small pebbles are moved when one pebble hits another, causing it to bounce. This bouncing can set up a chain reaction
Movement of Sediment Along the coastline: LONGSHORE DRIFT
- waves break on the beach at an oblique angle controlled by the prevailing wind direction
- material is moved up the beach in the swash
- material then moves straight back down the beach in backwash under the influence of gravity
- as the process continues material moves along the coast in a zig-zag movement
Amount of Longshore Drift depends on:
- the strength of waves
- size and amount of material available for the movement
- incline (slope) of the beach
Types of sediment
- coastal sediment comes in a range of sizes: cobbles, pebbles, shingle, sand and mud
- larger particles usually form a storm beach at the top of the beach while the smaller particles form the wider, more gently sloping lower beach
- all of this sediment can be moved along the beach by longshore drift
Deposition of Coastal sediment
- takes place whenever the movement of coastal sediment slows down
- happens updrift of a groyne or in sheltered locations such as an estuary or bay
- deposition also occurs where the coastline changes direction abruptly - spits can develop as the beach is built out across the inlet, estuary or bay
- wave refraction around an island close to the coast can lead to the deposition of sediment between the island and coast - a cupsate tombolo
Sediment Cell
- largely self-contained stretch of coastline by coastal processes
- they are regarded as closed systems as sediment is not usually transferred from one to the other
- each cell consists of a source (INPUTS), storage areas (beaches) and sinks (OUTPUTS)
- in reality, some sediment does get transferred between neighbouring cells
Sediment Cell INPUTS
- coastal erosion (cliffs, sand dunes)
- the sediment transported by rivers and wind; rivers bring huge volumes of sediment into the coastal zone
- sea shells or offshore deposits (eg. those left on the sea shore) washing on to the beach by tides and currents)
- material transported (by longshore drift) by the erosion of other beaches; beach material can be moved through the beach and then moved along the coast (by longshore drift) to the next beach
- beach nourishment (sand taken from somewhere else and scattered on a beach)
Sediment Cell OUTPUTS
- the sediment removed from the cell include sediments lost to the open sea during storm conditions - high energy waves are capable of transporting much material in just one storm
- a severe storm at the same time as a high tide can not only lower a beach but can also remove material such as sand dunes from inland
- material can also be blown onto sand dunes
- sediment can be removed by human interference (dredging and sand mining)
- longshore drift moving sediment into another cell
Sediment Cell Boundaries
1) Longshore drift divides
- where the coastline abruptly changes direction such as at major headlands
- also where wave conditions causes a change in longshore drift direction
- since material is moved outwards from a drift divide there is a net output of sediment from the area. This results in a dominance of erosional processes and landforms e.g. eroding beaches and cliffs.
2) Sediment sinks
- where sediment transport paths meet so that sediment builds up in depositional environments
- occur in deep bays and estuaries, although spits may form sub-cell sinksk