12.1. Coal and Natural Gas Flashcards
Coal Overview
- Dirtiest Fossil Fuel
- Coal production is dominated by China, Russia and Australia who between them hold over 60% of the world’s reserves of coal.
- Majority is from China (42.5% of world total)
- In 20 years, Asia’s production has doubled to 2 billion tonnes of coal.
- Asia is also the largest consumer of coal
- 2 billion tonnes in 2008
- Previously, many countries in Europe (e.g. UK) were the
largest producers and also consumers. - Heavy deindustrialisation reduced this.
Worldwide Coal consumption
- Declining worldwide consumption
- Europe 75% use of coal to 10% use of coal
- In Europe and the USA, the accessible deposits of coal have been exhausted
- Costs risen - machinery and wages
- BUT global consumption is still rising
- May continue to decrease because of environmental concerns and climate change
Problems with Coal
- Huge eco concerns
- Coal releases the most amount of greenhouse gases
- Because of the huge link with climate change, HICs are moving away from coal due to global concerns
- Coal and coal production is locally environmentally damaging
- Coal dust pollutes the atmosphere, locally, soil, water courses
- If are u live near coal mines, you may get lung diseases
Cleaning Coal?
- Whilst coal is recognised as being the most environmentally damaging and polluting of all fossil fuels, steps are being taken to mitigate the amount of harm
- Technologies are currently being developed to prolong coal production such as Carbon Capture and sequestration (CCS) - capture and don’t release it
- To reduce environmental impact of coal, you need to use more energy
Natural Gas Overview
- Cleanest fossil fuel
- 1990-2015: production of gas increased from approximately 2,000 billion cubic metres to 3,500 billion cubic metres (risen by 75%)
- Largest producers - North America and Eurasia
- USA accounts for over 20% of global production, with Russia producing 19%
- Production is determined by factor endowment
- Compared to oil there is a much stronger correlation between gas production and consumption
- The countries that produce gas and countries closest to these countries consume a lot of natural gas as gas is difficult to transport. It is transported by pipelines’
- Local demand can easily determine how much is transported
Natural Gas Consumption trends
- Natural gas is considered to be the cheapest and cleanest of fossil fuels, so therefore is the fastest growing
- Fracking cut USA costs of gas by 50% - technology should expand globally (but local eco concerns)
- Allowed countries to produce more gas
- Fracking allowed them to get access to new reserves (new technology) → increased supply of energy → Price of gas fell → Consumption increased
- This technique offers solution in the short / medium term
- Unsustainable in the long term due to environmental implications