804 Natural Gas And Carbon Monoxide Flashcards
Who has the legal responsibility to deal with gas leaks (including carbon monoxide)
Gas Authority
What does the use of DIM do
The only true indicator of natural gas-
Wind detection is quoted as coming from eg northerly wind. True or false
What is the minimum distance appliances should be situated from a suspected gas leak
Should you position crews directly in front of a building suspected of a gas leak
No. 45 degree ideally
For high pressure pipeline gas leaks what is the minimum hazard zone
For “under” congested conditions what is the minimum hazard zone
What must the IC do when discovering a high pressure pipeline gas leaking (2)
Inform national grid and request the supply be shut down.
Do bot make an attempt to control the leak
If a high pressure gas leak is found on fire should the crews be ordered to extinguish the fire
No. Protect surrounding risks and await national grid to shut supply down
Where there is an uncontrolled leak from a mass storage site what is the hazard some and who must yiu contact for advice
1000 metres
Who might the IC seek to question when searching for a gas leak (3)
Site employees (particularly engineering)
Safety staff
Reliable witnesses
Minimum ppe for crews shutting off gas supply
Full PPE and BA
Before entering a building what safety steps should the IC take
Shut off utilities Vent property PPE DIM Intrinsically safe equipment BARIE not handheld
Does the LFB have powers of entry for a gas leak (in particular for securing a gas supply)
The GA do
**unless exceptional public safety issue
If at a level 1 has incident and a rescue is to be made what must the IC do
IC to priority make incident level 2
Shutting down an incident involving gas who does the IC hand over to
Where the gas supply has been shut off before the arrival of brigade what must the IC do (2)
Attach tag 5288 on the valve
Contact control to inform duty of care is passed to them
What words are used to describe gas/electric equipment to control
When might a Fire Investigation Team might be contacted to attend a gas leak incident
When the GA want to investigate if they are at fault
Crews are only to remain on site for public safety. A request to remain on site to provide cover fir the GA should be authorised by whom
Duty DAC (chargeable service)