8+9+10 - Dynamic Consequences of Technology Shocks and Possible Pitfalls Flashcards
Which response to a positive technology shock does the RBC model predict?
It predicts positive comovement between productivity, output and employment in response to technology shocks:
aₜ ↑ -> yₜ ↑, nₜ ↑
What is the traditional approach to explain business cycle fluctuations in the RBC approach?
second moment matching (model driven by technology shocks vs. data)
Which response to a positive technology shock does the NKM (Galí & Rabanal) predict?
It predicts negative comovement between output and employment in response to technology shocks:
aₜ ↑ -> yₜ ↑, nₜ ↓
Where does the NKM result of the negative comovement of output and labor in response to technology shocks stem from? (What is the intuition behind it?)
From two equations:
- yₜ = mₜ - pₜ
- yₜ = aₜ + nt
Thus if technology increases, prices drop (but not as much - Calvo pricing). To keep equation 2. valid, then, labor has to decrease.
What does the RBC model aim to predict by using the positive comovement between output and labor as response to technology shocks?
generate fluctuations that resemble business cycles
Why is it important to examine if the RBC model or the NK model are empirically relevant?
- If the RBC model was empirically relevant, this would imply that there is no scope for economic policy, because business cycle fluctuations would reflect the optimal allocation over time.
- If the NK model is empirically relevant, this implies a need for government intervention, because fluctuations reflect distortions from the optimal allocation. If the frictions in the NK model (rigid prices, imperfect competition) explain large parts of the fluctuations, there is a scope for economic policy (i.e. monetary or fiscal policy) to stabilize fluctuations.
Which methods can be used to examine if the models are empirically relevant? How do the results differ?
- Unconditional: Comparison of second moments generated by model with second moments of data.
- Conditional: SVAR analysis.
The finding of the conditional exercise is that the central mechanism of the RBC model (positive co-movement of hours and output) cannot be found in the data.
How does the unconditional method used to examine if the models are empirically relevant work? What is problematic about it?
Definition of unconditional method: Compare second moments generated by the model with the second moments of the data (second moments = variance, covariance)
How it is applied: They take residuals that cannot be explained by labour/output and call this the technology shocks, which they feed back into the model.
Problematic: One cannot be sure that the residuals are really technology shocks and not other shocks.
How does the conditional method used to examine if the models are empirically relevant work?
Definition of conditional method: SVAR Analysis
How it is applied: They first identify technology shocks and then look at the response of other variables.
How can the negative co-movement of output and hours conditional on a technology shock be explained, given that money supply is exogenous?
If money supply is exogenous, money demand is given by:
mt¯ - pt = at + nt
(first part of equation is the simple money demand m - p = y,
second part is the production function in euqilibrium y = a + n)
If at increases (technology shock), with exogenous m¯ constant and staggered adjustment of pt (price rigidity), nt has to decrease for the equation to hold.
How can you rewrite the inflation equation below?
Where does the inflation equation below originate from?
How does the he existence of sticky prices influence what happens after changes in technology, in the NKM?
The existence of sticky prices reduces the fluctuations in output from changes in technology, compared to the fluctuations in flexible price output.
What is AR (p)? What are the components?
- univariate autogregressive model
yt = α1 yt-1 + α2 yt-2 + … + αp yt-p + ut
- α = coefficient
- p = # lags
- ut = forecast error
What is the reduced form VAR ? What are the components?
- multivariate autogregressive model
- reduced form can only be used for forecast
Yt = B1 Yt-1 + B2 Yt-2 + … + Bp Yt-p + Ut
- Y = vector
- B = matrix
- p = # lags
- Ut = Vector of forecast error