2+3 - Elements of Equilibrium Flashcards
What Are DSGE Models?
- Dynamic, i.e., inter-temporal aspects of individual decision making are taken into account.
- Stochastic, i.e., the presence of uncertainty is modeled.
- General Equilibrium, i.e., all individual plans are mutually consistent.
Why Are Micro-Founded Structural Models Useful?
- Micro-founded structural models permit utility-based policy analysis in a way that takes the Lucas critique into account.
- Of course, normative implications are only useful if the underlying models are empirically relevant.
- Models can be used as a lens to look at the data.
What is the problem of non-micro-founded models?
Correlations in the data, without a working theory of how people may react to policy changes, cannot be used to guide economic policy.
What is the Lucas’ critique?
Correlations among macroeconomic aggregates result from decisions by individuals. Government policies are an important part of the economic environment in which those decisions are taken. If policy changes, the environment changes and as a result correlations among macroeconomic aggregates are also altered.
What are sᵗ and sₜ?
- sₜ: Realization of stochastic event,
sₜ ∈ S.
Example: S = {sunshine, rain} - sᵗ: State of the world,
sᵗ = [s₀, s₁, …, sₜ].
What is E₀?
E₀ is the expected value conditional on the state of the world at time t = 0. It is a probability weighted sum.
What does βᵗ stand for?
- t…simply an exponent of the parameter β
- β ≡ 1 /( 1+ρ )
- ρ is the time preference rate.
What is Cₜ?
Consumption (Quantity consumed of the single good available in the economy.)
What is Nₜ?
Nₜ: Labor, hours of work
What is the households’ objective?
Maximize expected utility over all time, as a function of labor and consumption
What is Pₜ?
Price of the consumption good
What is Wₜ?
Nominal wage
What is Bₜ?
- Quantity of one-period, nominally riskless discount bonds purchased in period t and maturing in period t+1
- Each bond pays one unit of money at maturity
What is Qₜ?
Bond price
What is Tₜ?
lump-sum additions or subtractions to period income (e.g., taxes, dividend, etc.)
What is the household’s budget?
PₜCₜ + QₜBₜ ≤ Bₜ₋₁ +WₜNₜ - Tₜ,
What is the No Ponzi-game condition for the household and what does it mean?
Intuitively, this means that in present-value terms, the agent cannot engage in borrowing and lending so that his “terminal asset holdings” are negative, since this means that he would borrow and not pay back
A no-Ponzi-game condition is a constraint that prevents overaccumulation of debt.
What is the household’s optimization problem?
What is the economic interpretation of parameter σ?
coefficient of relative risk aversion:
The parameter σ ≥ 0 determines the curvature of the utility of consumption, it is consumption smoothing.
The higher σ, the higher the risk aversion.
What is the economic interpretation of parameter φ?
degree of convexity of labor disutility:
Parameter f is the inverse (Frisch) labor supply elasticity. In other words, f determines the curvature of the disutility of labor.
What is πₜ(sₜ)?
probability of a specific state of the world
What does λ represent in the lagrangian function?
λ = marginal value of marginal relaxation of a constraint
-> e.g. household gets one unit of money for free > how does that affect the utility maximization problem?
What is the problem of policy analysis that is purely based on correlations observed in the data?
- A statistical link between macroeconomic variables is always the result of the decisions of individuals and thus depends on the economic environment.
- Once the environment changes, also the decisions and thereby the statistical relationship can change. As government policies are an important part of the economic environment, a change in economic policy can alter the decision making that is reflected in the statistical link.
- A policy aimed at exploiting an empirically observed relationship can thus be unsuccessful or even harmful, because the relationship can change when the policy is implemented.
(Lucas’s Critique)
Give an example of the problem of policy analysis that is purely based on correlations observed in the data?
- In 1958, Phillips found a negative relationship between inflation & unemployment. Politicians, but also economists, wanted to exploit this apparently stable tradeoff.
- However, after increasing inflation on purpose, the link vanished and a high inflation rate coexisted with a still high unemployment rate.
What are the main characteristics of a Micro-founded model?
The main characteristic of Micro-founded models is that they explicitly model preferences, technology, market structure and frictions under the assumption of structural (“deep”) parameters that are assumed to be policyinvariant.
What is Rₜ?
real interest rate, inverse of Q
What is iₜ?
nominal interest rate
What is πₜ?
inflation rate
What is Aₜ?
level of technology
What is Yₜ?
What is MCₜⁿ?
the nominal marginal cost (differentiation of the cost function w.r.t. Y)
What does this equation mean?
the goods market equilibrium (=clearing condition)