1 - Mathematical Basics Flashcards
How does the Lagrangian of
f (x, y) s.t. g (x, y) = c
look like?
ℒ (x, y, λ) = f (x, y) - λ [g (x, y) - c]
Why do we use the Lagrangian method in economics?
- The Lagrangian method is a method of constrained optimization.
- In economic theory, especially in micro-founded models, we often assume that agents optimize an objective function (e.g. utility, profit, cost function,…). Usually agents face constraints that have to be taken into account in the maximization problem.
- The Lagrangian method can deal with such optimization problems.
What is the intuition behind setting up the Lagrangian?
- Since you are maximizing one function subject to another function as constraint, you are looking for the point where both are tangent to each other (=maximizes the function).
- If they are tangent, their gradients are parallel (but not the same length -> λ is that scaling factor).
- Therefore: ∇ f (x, y) = λ ∇ g( x, y)
What is the interpretation of the optimized lagrange multiplier λ*?
It is the rate of change for the maximum value.
I.e. if the constraint is relaxed by 1 unit, the maximum value increases by λ* units.
What is the Taylor approximation?
A Taylor series approximation uses a Taylor series to represent a number as a polynomial that has a very similar value to the number in a neighborhood around a specified x value.
What is the formula used to approximate a function f(x) near point x₀?
The Taylor approximation formula to approximate f(x) near point x₀ is:
What is the product rule? (when differentiating)
( fg )′ = f′g + fg′
What is the quotient rule? (when differentiating)
( f / g )′ = [f′g − fg′] / g²
What is the chain rule? (when differentiating)
f[g(x)] = f’ [g (x)] ⋅ g’ (x)
Use the product rule for logarithms to transform the following function:
ln(xy) = ?
ln(xy) = ln(x) + ln(y)
Use the quotient rule for logarithms to transform the following function:
ln(x/y) = ?
ln(x/y) = ln(x) − ln(y)
Use the log of power rule for logarithms to transform the following function:
ln(xʸ) = ?
ln(xʸ) = y ln(x)
ln(e) = ?
ln(e) = 1
ln(1) = ?
ln(1) = 0
ln(1/x) = ?
ln(1/x) = − ln(x)