7 - Dynamic Consequences of Shocks Flashcards
Interpret the equation:
Technology aₜ evolves according to a Random Walk: aₜ = aₜ₋₁ + ϵₜᵐᵘ (where ϵₜᵐᵘ is a technology shock with {ϵₜᵐᵘ} i.i.d. with mean zero). We can transform this process to a stationary process by substracting aₜ₋₁ from both sides:
Interpret the equation:
New IS Curve (or Dynamic IS Equation)
As output inherits the non-stationarity of aₜ, we want to work instead with the output gap, which is stationary. We use the New IS Curves (with ṝₜ = ρ, σ = 1):
Interpret the equation:
New Keynesian Phillips Curve
Interpret the equation:
Production function:
Interpret the equation:
Real interest rate definition.
Interpret the equation:
We use Galí’s definition of the money demand in logs.
We assume η = 1 and substract natural output from both sides. Then, we multiply the last term on the RHS by 4 in order to annualize the interest rate
Interpret the equation:
Accounting identity
If we take the difference over time of MPYₜ, we get:
What are the steady state values of the variables in the stationary model?
As all variables are in percentage deviations from the zero-inflation steady state, their steady state value is 0. (Except for i = r = 0.01)
What is REE?
rational expectations equilibrium
It is a model-consistent equilibrium in the two-way relationship between the influence of expectations on the economy and the dependence of expectations on the time path of the economy.