8-17 Flashcards
1st line meds for BPH
alpha blockers (tamsulosin, etc) -> can add on 5-a-RI (finasteride) later
when to administer tocolytics
<34 wks
what graves dz tx worsens ophthalmopathy?
radioiodine ablation
tx for neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis
PO azithromycin
how do pts on TPN get gallstones?
no CCK release -> no GB contraction.. so stasis
CML mutation, LAP score
BCR-ABL fusion, low LAP
cause of death in friedreich ataxia
cardiac dysfunction
outpt abx for PID
CTX + doxy
w/u for HIV pt w/ watery diarrhea
stool culture, ova/parasites, acid fast stain, Cdiff
intrinsic AKI: urine sodium, FENa, BUN:Cr
high urine sodium + FENa b/c tubular damage limits reabsorption
tx for body dysmorphic disorder
CMV colitis features
bloody diarrhea in pts w/ CD4<50
yellow fluffy + hemorrhagic retinal lesions in pt w/ advanced AIDS
CMV retinitis (HIV retinopathy causes cotton-wool lesions, not hemorrhagic)
teenager w/ monoarticular arthritis w/ negative tap, pustular rash
disseminated gonococcal infection
tx for tourette syndrome
- behavioral therapy
- antipsychotics
indication for c-section in HIV+ mom
viral load >1000 = ART + zidovudine + C/S
how does thyrotoxicosis cause HTN
inc HR + contractility
holosystolic murmur at cardiac apex
mitral regurg
best predictors of post-op outcomes following lung resection
middle aged woman on OCP w/ liver mass (hyperechoic)
hepatic adenoma
tx of HTN in pregnancy
BBs or CCBs
XS anxiety + 1+ unexplained symptom
somatic symptom disorder
ppx for HIV pts w/ low CD4 counts
TMP-SMX (no antivirals or antifungals)
elevated mean corpuscular Hgb conc (MCHC) is assoc w/ what?