7th Religion TOB Chapters 3 & 4 Flashcards
God created this with with both a body and soul. It is the only creature that God made in his image and to love.
Human Person
The major teaching that the visible human body can reveal truths about the invisible human soul.
Language of the Body
God in heaven becoming man.
After the crucifixion Jesus did this.
Jesus did this 40 days after the resurrection.
A act repeated that it becomes a part of someones routine.
A good habit that empowers human persons to love God.
A bad habit that enslaves us to selfishness.
God’s free gift of freedom given to us through Jesus.
Visible signs and realities that are ministered through the Church.
The sacrament of telling our sins to God.
The sacrament when we consume the Body and Blood of Christ.
Our bodies allow us literally to see invisible things like ______ and _______.
emotions, ideas, and thoughts
A visible _________ and an invisible ________ are united together to complete each unique person.
Body and soul
Our ______ give life to our bodies and reveal our true _______.
Souls, beauties
________ separates our bodies and our souls.
Human life is _________ from beginning to ________.
sacred, end
_________ means you know the truth and strive to practice it even if that means making sacrifices.
The word virtue comes from the Latin virtus which implies what?
Great strength
Who is a person who is strong and healthy in their humanity?
Virtuous person
_______ virtue makes us free and happy because it fulfills who we are.
_______ makes what we do on the outside match who we really are on the inside.
________ virtues are given to us by God and direct us toward God.
The theological virtues are _________ and ________.
Faith and hope and love
The cardinal virtues are __________, __________, and ________.
Justice prudence temperance and fortitude
Ideal human behaviors and attitudes are called ________.
An important part of practicing true virtue is _______.
Being consistent in all areas of your life.
Where should you go when your soul needs healing? Explain.
Reconciliation, it cleanses your heart.