7th Religion Chapter 7 Flashcards
Which apostle does this describe?
- The first leader (pope) of the Church
- Name was changed from Simon to Cephas, which means rock
- Jesus said he would build his Church upon the rock
- He was crucified hanging upside down
- Jesus gave him the keys of the kingdom of heaven, often pictured with keys in his hand
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was the first apostle that Jesus called to follow him.
- He was a brother to Peter
- He was a fisherman
- His name means manly and courageous
- He was crucified on a cross
Which apostle does this describe?
- His nickname “sons of thunder”
- His symbols are the travelers’ staff and a pilgrim’s bell.
- He was the first apostle to be martyred for Christ
- He was beheaded in Jerusalem at the command of Herod
- He was the brother of John
James the Great
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was a fisherman
- His symbol was the eagle
- He was the only apostle not married
- He was known as the apostle of love
- He was the only apostle to die a natural death.
- He was one of those who Jesus called “sons of thunder”
- He was the 4th Evangelist.
Which apostle does this describe?
- His symbol is the column or pillar
- He is the great missionary
- He is buried in Asia Minor
- He came from Bethsaida, like Peter and Andrew
- He received a direct invitation from Jesus to follow him.
Which apostle does this describe?
- He is believed to be Nathanael, the man Philip introduced to Jesus
- His symbol is the knife
- He was very honest
- His name means “son of Tolomai”
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was a tax collector
- His nickname is Levi
- He is one of the Gospel writers; the first of the four gospel writers
- His symbol is the head of a man
- Tradition tells us he died a martyr’s death
Which apostle does this describe?
- His symbol is carpenters’ tools
- He is remembered for doubting because he did not believe that Jesus had risen
- He was not with the other apostles when Jesus came to them after the Resurrection
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was the first bishop of Jerusalem
- His symbol is the club - he was beaten to death by Jews angered that Paul had escaped death.
- He is the brother of Jude
- Given his name to distinguish him from another, perhaps because he was shorter or younger
- His mother was Mary of Clopas, a follower of Jesus and possibly a cousin of the Blessed Virgin Mary
James the Lesser
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was the brother of James the Lesser
- He was a cousin of Jesus
- His symbol is the axe
- He is the patron saint of hopeless cases
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was the only apostle who was a Zealot
- He was beaten to death and sawed apart
- He had to channel his zeal into the peaceful pursuit of the Kingdom
Which apostle does this describe?
- He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
- He hung himself instead of returning to Jesus to receive his loving forgiveness
- He was the keeper of the money; entrusted with the care of the common funds
- His symbol is money
- He is believed to have come from the town of Judea
Which apostle does this describe?
- He was the apostle who took Judas place
- He witness the resurrection
- He was crucified
- His symbol was the lance
followers; means learners
Who was the world’s greatest teacher?
How many men did Jesus chose to accompany him on his mission?
What word comes from words that mean “send” and “messenger”?
What were the missions of the apostles?
- To share the ministry of Jesus
2. Preach the Good News of the risen Lord
Who were the successors of the apostles?
The bishops
What do the 12 apostles symbolize?
the new People of God
Why were there 12 apostles?
Because there were 12 tribes of Israel
Describe the apostles in general.
They were -
- political nobodies
- ordinary people
- sinners
What did the apostles and all the other disciples find in Jesus?
Compassion and strength
What does challenge us and the apostles to do?
Continue his mission
Jesus intended that the faith of the apostles be proclaimed to when?
the end of time
The teachings of the apostles is carried on by their successors. Who are they?
the pope and the bishops of the Catholic Church
The pope - the bishop of Rome - is whose successor?
Who is the pastor of the whole Church and has the universal power in the care of souls?
the pope
Who was the first one to believe and follow Christ?
Mary, the mother of Jesus
Queen of the Apostles
One of Mary’s titles
Who are the real members of Christ’s family who believe and act of their beliefs?
True disciples
Someone whose life gives testimony to his or her beliefs
Who stood faithful at the foot of the Cross?
What did Jesus call Mary as she stood at the foot of the Cross?
mother of John, the beloved disciple
From the moment of the Incarnation, Mary became what?
Mother of Jesus and mother of all believers (Mother of the Church which is his mystical body)
Mary is the model for what?
Everyone who seeks Jesus Christ
In our struggles to be faithful disciples, Mary not only inspires us but she what?
Prays for us and loves us
Nathanael might be called _________ too. Jesus describes him as honest and true.
Jesus made _______ the head of his flock. He renamed him Simon the fisherman “rock”.
Peter’s brother named _______ was called from his nets. He dies on a cross in the shape of an X.
The publican _______ said yes to the Lord. He left all that he had, followed Christ and wrote God’s Word.
______ was on of the favored three, first martyred apostle, and son of Zebedee.
James the Greater
The evangelist ______ was James’ brother. He stood by the Cross and received Mary as mother.
Apostle to India, Saint _______ once doubted. To Jesus, “My Lord and my God”, he later shouted.
The brother of Jude, _______, an early Church leader. Was Jerusalem’s bishop and known for his letter.
James the Lesser
Saint ______ preached in Persia. A letter bears his name. To do the impossible in his great fame.
From Cana came __________, a Zealot all-fired. In Egypt, then Persia he preached and was martyred.
_______ invited a friend, “Come and see,” right after he answered Christ’s “Come, follow me.”
By ________ Iscariot Christ was betrayed to him 30 pieces of silver were paid.
________, our model in answering God’s call, was the best of disciples and first of them all.
________ was chosen by lot to replace Judas, the traitor who dies in disgrace.
“Be my disciple,” the Lord calls to _______. “So take up your Cross, and love and serve too.”