7.Consolidation And Expansion Of The British Empire In Africa Flashcards
Until the 1880s what was the strategy of the British establishing bases
Usually it was for their strategic value or purposes of trade,e.g matching settlements captured by the Germans or french
From the 1890s what happened to British strategy when taking territory
It became more assertive
What did the British demand of the Asante people after their continued resistance to British rule
They ordered the king to turn over the rest of his territory to the British as a protecterate
What happened in the fourth Anglo-Asante war
The British conquered the Asante territories and forced Prempeh from his throne in 1896
When was the annexation of Ashantiland and why
A final Asante uprising in 1900 led to Britain’s formal annexation of the kingdom
How did the British take Nigeria
In an 1890 agreement with the French,the French agreed to recognise Britains dominance of the area so long as their colony in Madagascar was recognised.The British then took over responsibility from the Royal Niger company and unified Nigeria in 1914
What happened in Zanzibar and when
After the death of the ‘puppet’ sultan.His cousin succeeded him without Britain’s blessing,After asking the cousin (Khalid) to leave his refusal meant the Britain began bombing Zanzibar,The war lasted 38 minutes with 500 Zanzibari deaths and one injured soldier on the British side.The pro British Sultan Hamud was placed on the throne
How did Uganda become a protectorate
There was a civil war in Uganda,The British were given some sovereignty,revenue,trade and the administration of power in return for the backing of the King Mwanga in said civil war
What was the Uganda railway
A railway constructed in 1896 from Mombasa to connect the coast with the fertile and temperate highlands bordering Lake Victoria
How was Kenya taken over by the British
Due to the succesion dispute between the indigenous people and native Muslims,The British forced their control on Kenya,Sheikh Mbaruk took up arms against the British who crushed the rebellion in 9 months with Sheikh Mbaruk fleeing with Kenya officially becoming a colony in 1920
Why did the British launch another campaign in Sudan
To protect British interests in Egypt/The Nile,There were worries over a potential Sudanese invasion and even more of another European power taking the headwaters of the Nile which were key to Egypt
When was the second campaign in Sudan
When was the second campaign in Sudan
Where was General Sir Herbert Kitchener ordered to go as far as in Sudan but where did he actually go as far as
He was ordered to go only as far as Dongola,However he wanted to take over the whole country and take Khartoum
What happened in the second Sudanese expedition
The new modern weapons of the British were too much for the Sudanese,The British won a decisive victory at Omdurman in 1898
What happened after the second Sudanese expedition in Fashoda
Both the French and British had a claim to Fashoda on the headwaters of the Nile,There was a disagreement however due to internal French issues the British were given in in 1899
How was Rhodesia captured
There was gold discovered in the region,As a result Cecil Rhodes established mining concessions and was followed by a group of settlers who wanted to form a protectorate.
What happened and when were the Ndebele wars
The first Ndebele war was from 1893-94,The Ndebele were defeated however their leader survived.There was a second war in 1895-96 which was again crushed.
What happened in Nyasaland when the British tried to take it and when was this
Nyasaland (a small territory on the shores of Lake Nyasa) had been opened up by Livingstone.However they faced Portuguese backed arab attacks,They finally took control in 1891 however Guerrilla warfare continued until 1897 however in 1907 it became a Protecterate as a part of Rhodes’s south africa
When was the quest for a British confederation of South Africa taken up
The 1890s largely to counter German territorial gains and the Boer confidence derived from the Transvaal’s gold wealth
What happened in the Jameson Raid
A raid was launched into Transvaal by Dr Jameson This wasn’t goverment backed however did ruin the reputation of the British as with just 500 mounted police they were forced to surrender after 4 days.The Boers still living in the cape colony formed an anti-British Afrikaner bind to show their solidarity
How did the Second Anglo-Boer war come about and when was it
Negotiations with the Boers broke down in 1899,The Boers wanted to strike first and so invaded British territory and besieged Ladysmith in Natal.The Boer war ran from 1899-1902
What happened in the second Anglo-Boer war
After the Boers striking first against the British in Natal,The British fought back,pouring in nearly 400,000 troops from around the empire,They fought against the Boers,using tactics to remove civilian support,winning in 1902
What policy did the British employ in the second Boer war
The ‘Scorched Earth’ policy including decimating and burning villages and farms,and putting Boer natives into concentration camps
What treaty ended the war
The Peace of Vereeniging
What was the problem with the ‘concentration camps’ used in the second Anglo Boer war
Thousands died of disease and starvatiom
What did the ‘Peace of Vereeniging’ mean for the Boers
The Boer republics became British colonies with a promise of sensible self goverment
When did the Union of South Africa become a part of the empire
When did King Mwanga make two further attempts to regain his lost territories
1897 and 1898