7b. The Churches of Africa Flashcards
Church Missionary Society
The Church Missionary Society (CMS) related to the Anglican Church was established in April 1799. It drew its membership from the Evangelical wing of the Anglican Church, and it sent missionaries to West and to South Africa.
Mekane Yesus
The largest of the Protestant groups in Ethiopia today appears to be the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus – affiliated with the Lutheran World Federation. Formed in 1959 with some 20,000 believers, it currently embraces 4 million believers, nearly all of whom are Charismatic in their liturgical practice.
A. The issues that surround uprooted people at the beginning of the 21st Century are issues that face not only the nations, but also the churches. Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and churches have all studied these issues.
What were the percentages for Christians in Africa in 1900 and 2000?
9.2% and 48%.
What is the three things that makes it hard to know the exact numbers of Christians in Africa?
The HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Muslim/Christian Relations.
War and Famine.
Islamic law
Nelson Mandela
Former president of South Africa.
Desmond Tutu
Anglican Archbishop, who contributed significantly to the success of the transition by providing the model of confession and forgiveness for the race and reconciliation process.
Thabo Mbeki
Former president of South Africa. President Mbeki’s biggest failure was his long denial of the HIV/AIDS situation in South Africa that did not allow the country to come to terms with that plague in a timely manner.
Jacob Zuma
Current president of South Africa.
Where did Christianity first come to Africa?
A. Christianity came to Africa first in Ethiopia, then to Egypt, and finally to Carthage, further west along the Mediterranean coast in what is present day Tunisia.
Haile Selassie
Former emperor of Ethiopia.
Coptic Church
Church in Egypt.
Pope Shenouda III
From 1971, the Coptic Church was led by Pope Shenouda III, a dynamic leader who died, March 18, 2012. Unfortunately, in recent years, Pope Shenouda made public statements disparaging the newer, Evangelical churches in the region. His motivation appeared to be fear.
Pope Tawridas II
New pope of the Coptic Church
Who were the two competing churches in Zimbabwe in the 50s and 60s.
The Elim Church that served England and Ireland. About the same time, a Carmelite order of Southern Irish Catholics appeared on the scene.
Kairos Document
Calling upon Christians to work to bring apartheid to an end, it was well received at many levels, but because it was produced from what some believed was a Liberation Theology position, they were unwilling to accept it. The Kairos Document was circulated widely throughout Southern Africa.
Evangelicals did not like the Kairos Document because of its Liberation Theology, what did the offer instead?
Evangelical Witness in South Africa
What percentage of Christians are Catholic in Africa? How many diocese?
19%, 500 dioceses.
Why is Catholicism so hard to make inroads in Africa?
Every African diocese still depends heavily on financial assistance from Rome and elsewhere to carry out the essential services of formation, catechesis, and evangelization.” As a result, the Roman Catholic Church continues to struggle to become a truly indigenous, local church.
The concerns of all Bishops were first solicited in five categories, through a series of 81 questions. These questions were known as the Lineamenta. Basically, the 81 questions asked by the African Synod.
Instrumentum Laboris
The answers to the lineamenta. From the results of this questionnaire, a working paper, known as an Instrumentum Laboris, was developed and when the Bishops gathered in Rome, they were asked to address their comments in light of this document.
What was one of the major questions asked by the African Synod, and what conclusions did the come up with?
The first of these had to do with how one turns what had been a missionary church into a truly local, indigenous church? The conclusion was to provide considerable discussion and thought on the nature of evangelization and inculturation.
- Proclamation. To evangelize is to proclaim in word and deed.
- Transformation. evangelization should be centered on transforming encounter with the living Christ.
- Sacraments. Sanctity, especially through sacraments.
- Word. Meeting God in the Sacred Scripture.
What suggestions did the African Synod make?
- translate scripture into local languages.
- putting a bible in the hands of all believers.
- in-depth biblical formation at all levels
- well-prepared celebrations of the word
- reactivation of a biblical center for Africa
What was the second major question addressed by the Synod?
The second major question addressed by the Synod had to do with how the Church was to relate to the society around it.
What three suggestions did the Synod make to help the church relate to society?
- As an African church, it must speak to and participate fully in the African context. This means that the Church needs to speak up more clearly when dealing with secular society, and make its own commitments known, even if it must act prophetically.
- The Church needs also to become more ecumenical in its relationships to other churches.
- The Church needs to undertake a sustained discussion with Islam; indeed, interreligious Dialogue must become an important part of Catholic life.
What is an AIC?
It may refer to African Independent Churches, African Initiatives in Christianity, African Instituted Churches, or African Indigenous Churches.They are, therefore, non-European in their origin and they are entirely African controlled. They have no missionary ties and no formal external financial support. They are principally composed of Africans who have banded together around some charismatic leader.
There are over 10,000 such groups in Africa, and in 1993, Johnstone suggested that they numbered some 39 million adherents. Today, the largest organization that represents these churches is called the Organization of African Instituted Churches
What is one of the main thing that is celebrated in AIC’s?
Inculturation. It is within the context of the celebration of African cultures that African Instituted Churches find their meaning and their message. It is the inculturation of the Gospel or the Gospel viewed through a particular African cultural lens.
a humane society without poverty, exploitation, or disease
What are the different categories of AICs?
- Ethiopian Type of Instituted Churches
- Zionist Type of Instituted Churches
- Apostolic/Pentecostal Type of Instituted Churches
- Messianic or Judaistic Type of Instituted Churches
What is a major weakness of these AICs?
Some of them embrace African culture and reject some things that are mandated by scripture. For example, some of them practice polygamy.
Also, they believe that “blackness” and/or “Africanness” is essential to being a Christian.
Ethiopian Type of Instituted Churches
The Ethiopian-type churches, the earliest type to emerge, is mostly tribal in its makeup. Thus, these churches have frequently been linked to issues of anti-colonialism and nationalism. Ethiopia has traditionally been a symbol of all that is truly African.
What is another word for Pan-Africanism?
Abyssinianism or Ethiopianism
Why did the Ethiopian Type of Instituted Churches form?
It was in part a response to racist attitudes and an attempt to provide Black African Christians greater opportunity to exercise their gifts.
Zionist Type of Instituted Churches
- Of all the AICs, the Zionist type churches are the most numerous. The impetus for these Zionist type churches can be traced to the United States and to the influence of John Alexander Dowie and the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church of Zion [Illinois].
John Alexander Dowie
Dowie was born in Scotland, but as a young teenager, his family moved to Australia. Dowie became known throughout Australia for his vigorous stand against the use of alcohol, for his energetic commitment to divine healing, for his insistence on triune immersion baptism, and for his belief that the return of the Lord was imminent. During the 1893 World’s Fair held in Chicago, Dowie attracted great attention by holding controversial healing tent meetings directly across the street from the gateway to the fair.
Leaves of Healing
A magazine published by John Dowie.
What happened to the Zionists churches?
- Many of them became Pentecostal after the Azusa Street Revival.
- Some of them assimilated into the Apostolic Faith Mission in South Africa.
What are some of the characteristics of Apostolic/Pentecostal Type of Instituted Churches?
Characteristics common to many of these groups may be described as broadly “charismatic.”
- Old Testament, to Old Testament figures such as Moses or some prophet, and a more or less literal interpretation of Scripture
- trance-like behavior and/or Spirit possession plays a role
- manifestations of divine healing
- utterances, and/or glossolalia
- They enjoy singing songs of indigenous origin, often accompanied by dance and with drums.
Twelve Apostle Church
Apostolic Type
Kimbanguists of Zaire
Pentecostal Type
What is the main difference between Apostolic Churches, and Pentecostal Churches?
The so-called Apostolic groups tend to be more sectarian than the others, keeping to themselves, while the Pentecostal groups as well as some Apostolic groups are derived originally from other Pentecostal groups that do not trace their origins to the Zionist churches.
Messianic or Judaistic Type of Instituted Churches
The fourth type of AIC is typically called the Messianic or the Judaistic type. It is found most frequently in Central and South Africa and it is probably the smallest of the AIC types.
El Shaddai
the Hebrew name referring to the “Mighty” or “Powerful” God of Israel
Progressive Pentecostal Churches
Fast growing churches in Africa that are engaging in social issues.
Pentecostal congregations differ from one another in many respects, but Miller and Yamamori decided to call these fast-growing, socially active, self-supporting, indigenous congregations in the developing world, “Progressive Pentecostals”.
- The Church in Africa has had a long and noble history. There have been good centuries and bad ones. During the 20th Century, Africa has seen a great deal of the best and worst in the development of the Church. Based upon your reading, and this lecture, describe in broad strokes the history of the development of the Church in Africa during the 20th Century. If you chose the African regional readings, please make reference to the 19th and 20th Century church based upon your regional readings.
NEED readings. Look at outline.
- The African Instituted Churches (AICs) constitute a phenomenon that is worth watching if for no other reason than because of their explosive growth. Write an essay in which you name the four major streams of the AICs, describing each of them in some detail. Be sure to include two of the strengths and two of the weaknesses for each type.
Look at outline.
- In 1994, the African Synod of the Catholic Church in Africa produced some results that are context specific. They addressed problems that are intrinsic to Africa. Describe in some detail the goals and expectations that the Bishops set for the African Church in the following three areas: (A) Evangelization, (B) Ecumenical, and (C) Interreligious Relations.
Look at outline.