10a. One Church: Ecumenical Discovery Flashcards
In regards to ecumenism, what are the two major notations church history in the 20th century?
First it was the century in which many Christians became concerned once again about the visible unity of the Church.
Second, it was the century in which the Church rediscovered the Holy Spirit.
How do we know the church in the 20th century became concerned with unity?
That fact was made apparent through (1) the famous 1910 Edinburgh missionary conference, (2) the call for unity made by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in its 1920 encyclical, and (3) the formation of the World Council of Churches.
How do we know the church in the 20th century rediscovered the Holy Spirit?
This fact has been evidenced in (1) the rise of the modern Pentecostal Movement, (2) its appearance within the historic churches in the form of Charismatic Renewal, and (3) the emergence of the Second Vatican Council in response to the prayer of John XXIII for a “New Pentecost”.
World Council of Churches
World wide ecumenical organization. J. The first Assembly of the World Council of Churches was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 1948. Leaders from 147 denominations and 44 countries around the world gathered there for worship and discussion. Membership in the World Council of Churches is open only to denominations. In 2013, membership in the WCC has risen to 349 denominations.
The World Council of Churches was not designed to be a “super-church,” but rather, it has traditionally understood itself as a “fellowship of churches.” Its stated purpose was to “offer counsel and provide opportunity of united action in matters of common interest.”
Christian Churches Together
Ecumenical organization in the United States.
What factors have negatively impacted ecumenism recently?
- Massive declines of church membership in Protestant churches.
- World Council of Churches has had to lay off 3/4 of its staff over the last 25 years.
- Disagreements about homosexuality.
- Disagreements about the role of women in leadership.
Ut Unum Sint
Pope John Paul II’s attempt to re-articulate the Vatican’s commitment to ecumenism in his 1995 encyclical.
transliterated into English as ecumenical
What is the history of the word “oikoumene”?
- The original meaning of the oikoumene referred to the entire inhabited world, referring to the whole of creation as a single household.
- A second meaning of this term relates to those who inhabit the world, specifically all of humanity. Human beings are, as the result of a single creative act, brothers and sisters who stand in a single human household under a creative God.
- A third use of the term describes those things that Christians, members of a new creation, hold in common with one another. The Church is the household of God.
What does Haight’s “Christian Community in History” teach us about globalization and the church?
- The first is that in ways that are different from those in previous centuries, we understand better that Christianity is but one of a number of world religions that are ancient and vital..
- The second is that “The distance between Christianity and other world religions makes the quarrels among Christian churches appear parochial and relatively unimportant”. On the logic of a common identity won by contrast with the others, globalization is enabling the Christian churches to appreciate with new eyes the enormous common ground that unites them.
What is the roots of ecumenism in the United States?
Formal ecumenism in the United States can be traced back to the end of the First Great Awakening, when Presbyterians and Congregationalists agreed to establish churches together, and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission was established by the Congregationalists.
Bishop Newbigin of the the South India church talked about the effects of disunity in the church, what did he have to say?
He told the Indian populace of Christ’s power to reconcile humanity to God, and His ability to reconcile people one with another, their response was often tainted by skepticism. In short, the current state of division between Christians is sufficient to raise doubts among those for whom the message of reconciliation is intended to be Good News.
John R. Mott
Planned an international missionary conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was an “invitation only” event, and the theme of the event came to include the missionary message to the whole world in their generation.
What was formed at the World Missions Conference in Edinburg?
From that meeting, the International Missionary Conference was formed.
What became of the International Missionary Conference?
In 1961, the International Missionary Conference became the missionary wing of the World Council of Churches.
What ecumenical agency did most Evangelicals prefer?
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)
Why did Evangelicals reject the Federal Council of Churches?
It was dominated by the socially active “liberals” of the 1920s and 30s.
What is the new name of the Federal Council of Churches?
National Council of Churches of Christ USA.
What propelled international ecumenism?
Formal ecumenism on the international stage was given a kind of “jump start” following World War II when American churches cooperated in order to aid churches in Europe as they began to rebuild from the ashes of war.
What are some of the purposes of the World Council of Churches? What does it NOT do?
- to carry on the work of the two movements of Life and Work as well as Faith and Order;
- to facilitate common action by the churches, as noted;
- to promote cooperation in study of problems;
- to foster the growth of ecumenical consciousness;
- to establish relations with denominational federations; and
- to call world conferences on specific subjects.
The WCC stated explicitly that it “shall not legislate for the churches; nor shall it act for them in any manner except…as may hereafter be specified by the constituent churches.”
What are the three major projects for the World Council of Churches today?
- Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry, a study of these “sacraments” in light of a theology of convergence,
- Confessing the Apostolic Faith, a study of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed as it was expressed in its original form, without the Filioque clause, and
- The Church, a study that takes seriously the major issues that still divide the Church.
Who is the General Secretary of the WCC?
Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit
What is the name of the Catholic encyclical that prohibited Roman Catholics from participating in any ecumenical movement because Protestantism had sinned against Rome? Who issued it? When was it issued?
- Moratalium Animos
- Pope Pius XI
- 1928
the meeting in which a Pope is elected
Who became the Pope in 1958? What did he do 3 months after being elected?
John XXIII. Within three months of beginning his pontificate, however, John XXIII surprised everyone by announcing a Second Vatican Council against the strong urging of the entrenched members of the Vatican’s curia, that is, its administrative office holders.
What did John XXIII want his pontificate to be known as?
“aggiornamento” meaning “updating,” “modernization,” or “adaptation.”
What is the name of the encyclical that began to define “Church” as “People of God”?
Lumen Gentium. Prior to the Council, the Church was typically viewed in terms of its institutional reality. With the help of a number of theologians, a new focus on the Church as the “People of God” found its way into Roman Catholic vocabulary.
What does the encyclical Dei Verbum outline?
This document spells out the nature of God’s revelation to humankind. It makes clear that Scripture and Tradition together play a role in making known to humankind what God wants to make known. Thus, this Constitution rejects the Reformation understanding of Sola Scriptura, noting that because of the nature of the Apostolic Tradition having been handed down through the successors of the Apostles, a magisterium or teaching office within the Church is necessary.
What encyclical makes it clear that the Church by her very nature is called to engage in missionary activity?
Ad Gentes Divinitus, or more commonly as Ad Gentes. Just as God sent the Holy Spirit, so too is the Church sent to tell others of God’s message. “…the Church has an obligation to proclaim the faith and salvation which comes from Christ (Ad Gentes 1.5).” Primary witness comes through direct proclamation, the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ad Gentes 1.6).
What was the main thrust of Gaudium et Spes?
It calls upon all Christians to take seriously the nature of humankind, and to work toward that which lifts up and develops the dignity of humankind. In short, Gaudium et Spes sets forth the basis for Roman Catholic social teaching.
Which encyclical called for the human right of religious freedom? Who drafted it?
Dignitatis Humanae. The right of the human person to religious freedom must be given such recognition in the constitutional order of society as will make it a civil right. This teaching, drafted by an American theologian, John Courtney Murray, is based on the same logic as that which guided the founding generation of American patriots.
Which encyclical recognizes that all humanity is related to one another, and that they all look for answers to their existence in the various religions to which they are committed?
Nostra Aetate. Christians are encouraged to interact with non-Christians, to engage in inter-religious dialogue, in such a way as to affirm what is spiritual and moral in these various religions, but to remain faithful to the central role that Jesus Christ plays for all who embrace the Christian message.
Dominus Iesus
Ratzinger’s encyclical on how the church should engage in inter-religious dialogue.
Which encyclical encouraged ecumenism in the Catholic Church?
The Decree on Ecumenism, known also as Unitatis Redintegratio. It called upon Roman Catholics to enter into discussion with other Christians wherever it was possible.
Ut Unum Sint outlined the gains of ecumenism for the Catholic Church. What are the five issues still left unresolved from the Reformation?
- the relationship between Scripture and Tradition,
- the nature of the Eucharist,
- Ordination,
- the role of the Magisterium, and
- the place of Mary in the Church.
What is the name of the ecumenical organization working to improve ties between the Catholic Church and its separate brethren, mainly consisting of Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians?
Joint Working Group. It exists because the Catholic Church is not part of the WCC.
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)
The two issues that it considers significant for its work is to provide an alternative to “theological liberalism and unreformed Catholicism.”
bilateral dialogues
Ecumenical conversations between churches. Frequently they represent the interests of two denominations (hence the prefix “bi”), but they also may represent the interests of a denominational family (hence the prefix “multi”).
At present, who has the largest number of bilateral discussions, and who do they have it with?
The largest number of ongoing “bilateral” dialogues is held by the Roman Catholic Church. It has ongoing discussions with Pentecostals, Baptists, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglicans, Disciples of Christ, Lutherans, Methodists, and others. The international bilaterals involving the Roman Catholic Church are the work of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
What are some of the things the Catholic church has engaged with in bilateral discussions?
In recent years, the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue has focused its attention on the subject of “Justification.” From 1991-1998 the Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue focused on “Evangelization, Proselytism, and Common Witness.” Since that time it has worked on the subject, “On Becoming a Christian”. The Anglicans talked with the Roman Catholic Church have engaged in dialogue about ministry, including both the episcopacy, and the role of women.
Who formed the Fundamentalist ecumenical agency, and what is it called?
Carl McIntire formed the American Council of Christian Churches.
Who formed the National Association of Evangelicals?
Harold John Ockenga, the first President of Fuller.
Who criticized Ockenga for starting the NAE?
Ockenga took severe personal criticism by Carl McIntire, but managed to build a coalition of Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Holiness Christians who could provide the minority voice for which he sought.
Who was the most ecumenical person of the 20th Century, and why?
Billy Graham. As standard policy, Graham required that all Christian churches be part of its planning, implementation, and follow-up in every city where he held a crusade. His designation of all churches includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, historic Protestant, and newer free, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Wesleyan-Holiness churches. In this way, he sought to lift up a unified Christian voice before the world.
What is the name of the Christian businessmen’s organization that was dedicated to training lay men to use their evangelistic and gifts to bless others?
Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International. Demos Shakarian.
What encouraged the rise of the Charismatic Renewal?
When Reverend Dennis Bennett announced to his congregation that he had begun to speak in tongues at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, California.
Who was crucial in helping denominations understand what their members were experiencing in the Charismatic Renewal?
The Classical Pentecostal, David du Plessis.
What was the “Third Wave”, and who came up with the term?
The so-called “Third Wave,” named by C. Peter Wagner, is a product of the 1980s. In one sense, it is the successor to the “Charismatic Renewal,” but in a very real sense, it is merely an extension of the renewal into churches that were previously not involved in it. The earlier portion of the Charismatic Renewal found its home in the churches that most Evangelicals would describe as “liberal” or as “unreformed.” In the “Third Wave,” many Evangelical churches joined in the renewal.
What was the “New Apostolic Movement”?
Wagner gave this movement its name as well. It has provided an umbrella to many of the more independent churches that have been prominent throughout the nation.
Former General Secretary of the World Council of Churches
Dr. Konrad Raiser
What ecumenical organization has the broadest constituency of believers?
The Global Christian Forum
- Evangelicals have frequently had a difficult time accepting their “Liberal” Protestant counterparts or their “Unreformed” Catholic sisters and brothers. Each of these groups has been rejected for different reasons. Based upon what you have learned about the global Church over the past century, with which of these two groups would you be more inclined to attempt to build some kind of ongoing relationship? State clearly the historical factors that aid you in the decision that you have made, and explain why you have made that decision?
Look at outline, be prepared to share your answer for 2-3 minutes.
3.Based upon your reading and the lecture materials drawn from this and other regional or topically related lectures, write an integrative essay in which you give an overview of Roman Catholic history since 1900 and the changes in that history that have resulted in its openness to Evangelicals at the beginning of the 21st Century. Be specific with respect to readings, regions, and lectures.
NEED READINGS. Look at outline, be prepared to share your answer for 2-3 minutes.