737 good to know Flashcards
Conditions for aborted engine start
No N1 rotation
No EGT increase 15 seconds after start lever moved to IDLE
Little or no increase in N1 or N2 after EGT starts to increase
EGT quickly approaches or goes above the start limit line
No oil indication by engine idle
As the airplane crosses the runway threshold it should be:
- airspeed within + 10 knots until arresting descent rate at flare
- on a stabilized flight path using normal maneuvering
- normal landing in the touchdown zone (the first 3,000 feet or first third of the runway, whichever is less).
Minimum turning radius
24 meters (79ft)
Fuel capacity
Wings - 3,915 each
center - 13,066
Total - 20,896
Items requires “confirm”
Engine thrust lever Engine start lever Engine, APU or cargo fire switch Generator drive disconnect switch IRS switch when only one IRS is failed Flight control switch
Pulling Engine fire switch
Closes engine & spar valves Closes engine bleed Trips generator Closes hydraulic fluid shutoff valve disables thrust reverser allows the engine fire switch to be rotated Arms squibs
Cold weather - engine run up
Temp < 3 : 70% N1 for 30 seconds every 30 min & before takeoff
freezing rain, freezing drizzle, freezing fog or heavy snow, run-ups to a minimum of 70% N1 for approximately 1 second duration at intervals no greater than 10 minutes
Required Fire fighting and Rescue Services
800/900 - ICAO 7 or C FAA
Departure and destination- One category below the aircraft RFFS category may be accepted where provided but not lower than Category 4.
Temporary or alternates - Two categories below the aircraft RFFS category, but not lower than Category 4.
Approach category
Approach Category:
737-800/900 קטגוריה (D (141-165
Take off minima
יום, 500 VIS/RVR ללא דרישות. 400 (VIS/RVR) יום - תאורת מסלול או ציר מסלול לילה - בנוסף לדרישת יום + REIL 300 RVR (LVP הוכרז בשדה) יום - תאורת מסלול ותאורת ציר מסלול. לילה - תאורת מסלול או תאורת ציר מסלול + REIL 200 RVR (LVP הוכרז בשדה) תאורת מסלול ותאורת ציר מסלול. 175 RVR (LVP הוכרז בשדה) תאורת מסלול ותאורת ציר מסלול - כל ה RVR חייבים להיות שמישים. למעט RVR 175 ה rollout יכול להיות לא שמיש במידה והשלישי אינו נדרש במקרה של הפסקת המראה .
Minimum fuel for takeoff
3800 kg
Carry-On Baggage - up to 100 no action required
Total of 300kg is aloud (cumulative!)
LMC weight
Passenger/crew is considered to weigh 85 Kg.
Each hand luggage 7 Kg and each checked baggage 15 Kg
Wing span
800/900 - 36m
Climb Gradient
Vertical speed (ft/min) = ground speed (Kts) * gradient (%)
Severe turbulence checklist
Yaw Damper……………………………………….ON Autothrottle ……………………………………….Disengage AUTOPILOT ……………………………………….CWS A/P
ENGINE START switches………………………FLT Thrust ………………………………………………..Set
Turbulent air penetration
Climb - 280/.76
Cruise- Use FMC recommended thrust settings. If the FMC is inoperative, refer to the Unreliable Airspeed.
Descent- 76 Mach/280/250 knots. below 15,000, airplane less than the maximum landing weight, may be slowed to 250 knots in the clean configuration.
Engine start limitations
- Multiple consecutive start attempts are permitted. Each start attempt is limited to 2 minutes of starter usage.
- A minimum of 10 seconds is needed between start attempts.
Rejected takeoff up to 80knt
- activation of the master caution system
- system failure(s)
- unusual noise or vibration
- tire failure
- abnormally slow acceleration
- takeoff configuration warning
- if a side window opens
- fire or fire warning
- engine failure
- predictive windshear warning
- if the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly
Meaning of declaring “Minimum fuel”
informs ATC that all planned airport options have been reduced to a specific airport of intended landing and any change to the existing clearance may result in landing with less than planned final reserve fuel.
This is not an emergency situation but an indication that an emergency situation is possible should any additional delay occur.
Fuel leak is suspected, and cannot be explained due to prevailing winds, longer routing, actual level flown, ZFW etc.:
Flight time of up to 6 hrs: when 10% or more of the contingency fuel is consumed without an apparent reason (300 kg for 737 aircraft).
Separation on departure behind J or H aircraft
Departing from the same position: 2min behind H aircraft & 3min behind J aircraft.
Departing from an intermediate point on the same runway: 3min behind H aircraft and 4min behind J aircraft.
Lower/upper/super - 80/100/140 seconds
Separation on approach behind J, H or M aircraft
7nm behind J aircraft 5nm behind H aircraft 3nm behind M aircraft Non Radar: 2 min behind H aircraft 3 min behind J aircraft
Lower/upper/super heavy - 3/4/5 no
Limited to 15 degrees of bank
- Takeoff Flap Retraction till V2 + 15 knots
- Flap retraction from1to Up with Engine or Wing Anti-Ice ON
- Go-Around - airspeed below top of the amber band.
- Engine Failure During Go-Around - Maintain flaps 15, VREF 30 or 40 plus wind additive speed.
- One Engine Inoperative Go-Around- airspeed is less than VREF 15 + 15 or VREF ICE + 5 knots or the.
Approach ban
Approach Ban Point: • 1000’ above the aerodrome -Visibility reported below minima: • Before: do not pass ! • After: may continue
PIC briefing to cabin crew
• Flight time;
• Weather;
• Timing for PA PIC introduction announcement;
• Aircraft specific safety/security items;
• Cabin MEL/NEF items/cabin log book;
• Update on special passengers;
• Other traveling crew members;
• Service passengers requiring crew seats;
• CAAI inspectors.
If higher speeds are required, the following speeds must not be exceeded:
- 250 KIAS below 5,000 ft AGL;
* 300 KIAS below FL 100/10,000 ft.
Facts Options Risks/Benefits Decision Execution Check/Re-Check.
Takeoff is prohibited if any of the conditions exist
- Snow, ice or frost deposits are adhering to the wings, control surfaces or engines of the aircraft;
- Heavy wet snow with ambient temperature around the freezing point;
Holding speeds and altitudes
Do not use assumed temperature reduced thrust
if conditions exist that affect braking, such as slush, snow, or ice on the runway, or if potential windshear conditions exist.
An entry in the ATL shall be made also for the following events:
- Aborted take-off above 80 knots for any non-technical reason (in that case it shall include the airspeed, wind, runway slope and use of reverse thrust);
- Return to Ramp due to any technical reason;
- Unscheduled landing due to any technical reason;
- Non-standard system operation (e.g.: alternate landing gear of flaps extension, use of fire switch etc.);
- Unusual landing that may require special maintenance action (e.g. hard landing, overweight landing etc.);
- Unusual in-flight event that may require special maintenance action – refer to list in the OM Part B - FCTM “Events Requiring Maintenance Inspection”;
- When ground de-icing or anti-icing was performed, an entry shall be made stating that de-icing was performed and the type of fluid applied with mixture ratio;
- When an autoland has been performed successfully. If the Autoland was not satisfactory, an entry shall be made with details of the problem.
Identifying Short filed performance in the FMC
FMC IDENT page: 737-800.1
En route obstacle clearance (MOCA)
En-route: MOCA 1000ft In mountainous area: 3000-5000ft terrain elevation 1500ft Above 5000ft terrain elevation 2000ft MSA - 1000ft MORA- 1000ft non mountains, 2000ft mountains (10nm from center line) GRID MORA- 1000ft up to 5000ft elevation, 2000ft above 5000ft elevation
Flight/Duty time limitations
Rest requirements
Flight time - S/A/D - 8/12/16 (8 personal)
Duty time - S/A/D - 12/15/17 (may be exceeded by up to 2 hrs.)
Rest - 8hrs plus one hour for every hour above 10hrs duty time.
Deviating from flight duty time limitations
- Saving the life of a person in danger;
- Matters of national security;
- Safety of the aircraft;
- Returning the aircraft to the home base if the aircraft was delayed from returning to the home base due to force majeure and as long as the deviation is reasonable.
Economy Climb Schedule - FMC Data Unavailable
- 250 knots/VREF 40 + 70 knots, whichever is higher - Below 10,000 feet
- 280 knots/0.78M - Above 10,000 feet
additional fuel required for a 4,000 foot enroute climb
Cruise fuel penalties
- ISA + 10° C: 1% increase in trip fuel
- 2,000 feet above/below optimum: 1% to 2% increase in trip fuel
- 4,000 feet below optimum: 3% to 5% increase in trip fuel
- 8,000 feet below optimum: 8% to 14% increase in trip fuel
- cruise speed 0.01M above LRC: 1% to 2% increase in trip fuel.
Landing Climb and Approach Climb Requirements
- Landing Climb Gradient (landing configuration, all engines operating) of 3.2% or higher;
- Approach Climb Gradient (one engine inoperative, landing gear retracted) at least:
- 2.1% for 2 engine aircraft;
- 2.7% for 4 engine aircraft
Landing Field Length Requirements (Planning)
destination airport and at any alternate airport shall allow a full stop landing from 50 ft above the threshold within 60% of the Landing Distance Available (LDA) on the runway most likely to be assigned, considering the proba-ble wind speed and direction and landing aids.
If wet or contaminated or CAT III operations are expected, add 15%
Circuit breaker reset
• In flight, reset of is not recommended unless directed by a non-normal checklist. However, a tripped circuit breaker may be reset once, after a short cooling period (approximately 2 minutes), if in the judgment of the captain, the situation resulting from the circuit breaker trip has a significant adverse effect on safety. On the
ground, flight crew reset of a tripped circuit breaker should only be done
after maintenance has determined that it is safe to reset the circuit
• Flight crew cycling (pulling and resetting) of a circuit breaker to clear a non-normal condition is not recommended, unless directed by a non-normal checklist.
Stabilized approach
1000ft AFE in IMC or 500ft AFE in VMC.
- correct flight path & small changes to maintain path.
- +10knt or -5knt if airspeed trending towards app speed.
- landing configuration, checklist&briffings done, normal thrust.
- sink rate is no greater than 1,000 fpm unless briefed.
- ILS: LOC&GS one dote or LOC expended scale.
- Circling: wing level by 300ft AFE.
- At 100 feet HAT,flight deck is within, and tracking to remain within, the lateral confines of the runway edges extended.
Mandatory missed approach
- a navigation radio or flight instrument failure occurs which affects the ability to safely complete the approach
- the navigation instruments show significant disagreement
- ILS final approach and either LOC or GS shows full deflection.
- on an RNP approach alert message indicates ANP exceeds RNP.
- NPS Airplanes , anytime NPS deviation exceeds the limit or an amber deviation alert occurs and the crew is unable to change to a non-RNP procedure
- Non NPS airplanes, anytime the XTK exceeds 1.0 X RNP and the crew is unable to change to a non-RNP procedure.
PIC always FP
Landing related system failed. Aborted to take off. Rapid descent. Passenger evacuation. Ditching. First 3 take offs and landing after ugrading to captain or conversion to a new type.
Landing gear limitations
Extend 270/.82
Retract 235
Extended 320/.82
Emergency landing announcements to the cabin crew
2min צוות היכון לנחיתה
If it was decided brace position requires:
Brace for landing/עבור לתנוחת חירום
Non pax flight 737-800 additional fuel
Additional fuel may be required in order to keep the center of gravity within the envelope
Early departure
For flights not terminating at Tel Aviv not to arrive more than 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
Once airborne restrictions not applicable
The flight crew may release the flight only if the following conditions are fulfilled:
- All normal Preliminary Pre-flight Procedures and Exterior Inspection are completed, including verification that all access panels are closed;
- There is no maintenance defect affecting airworthiness, excluding a defect identified as an MEL;
- There are no airworthiness or maintenance checks planned before the next landing time.
Wind additives on landing
add one half of the reported steady headwind component plus the full gust increment above the steady wind to the reference speed
The steady headwind additive is bled off before touchdown while the gust correction is maintained to touchdown
Condition for visual approach following an instrument approach
• Day
When the airport and surrounding terrain can be seen from a distance, or the airport becomes visible following an instrument approach procedure;
• Night
When the airport becomes visible.
The runway environment shall be kept in sight while maneuvering visually
Items to be done during Flight in an incident involving dangerous goods
- “No smoking sign” on;
- Consider landing as soon as possible;
- Consider turning off non-essential electrical power;
- Determine source of smoke/fumes/fire - Identify the item.
MEL Repair Category
Repair Category A - as specified in the “Remarks or Exceptions”
Repair Category B - within 3 consecutive calendar-days
Repair Category C - within 10 consecutive calendar-days
Repair Category D - within 120 consecutive calendar-days
P- precision +- 1nm 95% of the time
B- basic +- 5nm 95% of the time
CDL NEF time limit
120 day as of the date CDL has been recorded for the first time.
Whenever time limit for CDL/NEF is derived from the MEL this time limit prevail
RTO available above speed
90 knt
LIDO terrain clearance
2000 ft above highest obstacle.
1000 ft fpm climb above highest obstacle
1500 above destination- positive rate
Conditions for selecting VREF ICE
Engine anti ice will be used.
Wing anti ice was used.
Icing conditions where in countered and landing temperature is below 10°.
Engine fuel leak during engine start
If, during engine start, the ground crew reports a fuel leak from an
engine drain, continue to run the engine at idle for up to 5 minutes.
If the fuel leak stops during this time, no maintenance action is
needed. If the fuel leak continues after 5 minutes, shut down the
engine for maintenance action
Taxi longer for take off
כדאי להסיע 4 דקות על כל דקת טיסה שחוסכים בנתיב, לדוגמא, טיסה הממריאה בכוון ההפוך מהנתיב המתוכנן נדרשת בערך ל 15 מייל נוספים באוויר. אלו מקבילים לשתי דקות בגובה השיוט (הטיפוס זהה הרי). במקרה כזה יהיה הדבר כדאי להסיע כ 6-8 דקות נוספות.
Rejected handbag
Up to 10 - no LMC required.
More then 10 - up to half the LMC weight
Moderate to Heavy Rain, Hail, or Sleet –
ENGINE START switches…CONT Autothrottle disengage Thrust levers …..adjust slowly Lower speed. consider starting the APU
Using VNAV without having approach data in FMC
Not aloud for RNAV.
Not aloud for use passing FAF.
Loss of trust on both engine
Above F270 275knt
Below F270 300knt
מגבלות - פעולות לביצוע - תפעול
Engine failure at cruising
Max trust Rudder trim Memory items CRZ page - ENG OUT - drift down info. Initial descent - VS
Consecutive night flights restrictions
Any flight where:
- STD is between 22:00 and 06:00; or
- STA is after midnight, and the block time is more than two hours.
Single - 2
Augmented or Double on at least one of the night flights - 3
Maximum windspeed reported for operation
Maximum windspeed for company operations is 65 kts including gusts (actual wind report by airport authority).