737 Fire Flashcards
Fire Control Panel - APU Bottle Discharge

Illuminated when APU bottle has discharged and is now empty.
Fire Control Panel - APU DET INOP

Illuminated indicates a malfunction in the APU fire detection loop
Fire Control Panel - APU FIRE WARNING Switch

Handle is locked until APU detects fire. (Can override with button under handle)
Up - (BAD) Trips generator Breaker, Arms squib, closes inlet Door.
Rotate - Discharged halon bottle.
Fire Control Panel

Indicates the respective engine’s fire bottle has low pressure.
(Either because the bottle has been discharged or is leaking)
Fire Control Panel - ENG 1 OVERHEAT

Indicates an overheat on the associated engine.
Fire Control Panel - ENG 2 OVERHEAT

Overheat indication on Engine #2
Fire Conrol Panel - Eng Fire Warn

Handle illuminates and unlocks when overheat/fire condition detected.
Pull UP:
Closes 4 SOVs
Arms 1 squib on each bottle
Gen trips off
Disables reverser
Discharges bottle. (Rotate Left, uses left bottle, Rotate Right, uses Right Bottle)
Fire Control Panel - FAULT

Illuminates when
Fault monitoring circuit - if one or both loops fail
Fault detection circuit - during test and circuits are OK
Fire Control panel - SQUIB Test

Squib test switch.
Cargo Fire Panel

ARMED (White) - Extinguishers are armed
FWD / AFT (Red) - At least one detector loop detects smoke.
Cargo Fire Panel Ext

Illuminates during test to verify good circuts.
Cargo Fire Panel - Detector Fault

Indicates fire detection system failure, either automatically or during manual test.
Center Ped - Cargo Fire Panel - DISCH

Illuminates to confirm agent discharge (or less than 250 psi) in bottle.
Wheel Well

Indicates a fire in the main gear wheel well
(Single fire dector loop)