721 - 740 Aeneas his family leave Troy, but lose Creusa Flashcards
haec fatus latos umeros subiectaque colla
veste super fulvique insternor pelle leonis,
Having spoken these (words), I cover my broad shoulders and my lowered neck with a garment on top, the skin of a tawny lion,
succedoque oneri; dextrae se parvus Iulus
implicuit sequiturque patrem non passibus aequis;
pone subit coniunx.
and take up the burden; little Iulus entwined himself in my right hand and followed his father with unequal steps; my wife followed behind.
ferimur per opaca locorum
et me, quem dudum non ulla iniecta movebant
tela neque adverso glomerati examine Grai,
We are borne along through shady places, and I, who not long ago was unmoved by any weapons thrown [at me] or by the Greeks,
nunc omnes terrent aurae, sonus excitat omnis
suspensum et pariter comitique onerique timentem.
massed together in an opposing throng, was now terrified by every breeze, scared by every noise, wavering and fearing for both companion and burden alike.
iamque propinquabam portis omnemque videbar
evasisse viam, subito cum creber ad aures
visus adesse pedum sonitus, genitorque per umbram
prospiciens ‘nate,’ exclamat, ‘fuge, nate; propinquant.
And now I was approaching the gates and seemed to have passed over the whole route, when suddenly the frequent sound of feet seemed to come to my ears, and my father, looking ahead through the shade, shouted, ‘Son, flee, son; they are approaching.
ardentes clipeos atque aera micantia cerno.’
hic mihi nescio quod trepido male numen amicum
confusam eripuit mentem.
I perceive glowing shields and flashing bronze.’ Thereupon, some unfriendly divine power snatched away my confused mind from me panic-stricken.
namque avia cursu
dum sequor et nota excedo regione viarum,
heu misero coniunx fatone erepta Creusa
substitit, erravitne via seu lapsa resedit,
incertum; nec post oculis est reddita nostris.
For while I followed the byways at a run, and left the known area of the roads, alas, whether my wife Creusa, snatched away from me in my misery by destiny, stopped, or wandered off the road or, falling, sat down, is unknown; she was not restored afterwards to my sight.