7.2- Recovery Flashcards
What physically happens to the body after exercise
- body fatigued
- Myglobin has lost its stores of oxygen
- ATP, PC and glycogen stores depleted
- latic acid high -> exhaustion
What is EPOC
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
volume of oxygen consumed post-exercise to return the body to pre-exercise state
EPOC is always present regardless of the exercise. But oxygen deficeit and EPOC depend internsity and duration of exercise
Define the fast alactacid recovery
The initial fast stage of EPOC where oxygen consumed within the 3 minutes resuraturates haemoglobin and myoglobin stores and provides the energy for ATP and PC resynthesis
Name the 2 stages of EPOC
fast (alactacid) component of recovery - accounts for 10% of EPOC. The vol of O2 required to return body to pre-exercise state to complete the initial jobs. Apporx 1-4 litres of O2
slow (lactacid) component of recovery - this portion of EPOC shows the volume of O2 required to complete the more complex and time consuming jobs to return the body to pre-exercise state. Approx 5-8 litres of O2
Explain what happens during the fast alactacid component of EPOC
3 mins -> PC stores fully recovered
-30s for 50% recovery
-requires 3-4l of oxygen
replenishment of blood & muscle oxygen -> within 1st min O2 resaturates bloodstream
-3 mins -> restores oxymyogloin link in muscle cells
Explain what happens during the slow lactacid component of EPOC
-elevated ventilation and circulation-> post-exercise respiratory rate, depth & HR remain elevated
-gradually decrease to maximise delivery of O2
-elevated body temperature -> post-exercise elevated temperature ^ metabolic rate
-removal of lactic acid -> removed in 4 ways:
-50-75%- converted back to pyruvic acid
-10-25% converted back to glucose, glycogen
-removed by sweating
What is oxygen deficit
volume of O2 that would be required to complete an activity aerobically
Describe EPOC and oxygen deficit during low-intensity aerobic activites
-small oxygen deficit
as steady-state oxygen consumption is quickly met
limiting use of anaerobic energy systems, lactic acid accumilation
Describe EPOC and oxygen deficit during high-intensity aerobic activites
-large oxygen deficit
as oxygen doesn’t meet demand, lactic acid accumilates
-reaching OBLA quickly
Implications of recovery on training
-warm up
-active recovery
-cooling aids
-intensity & training
-work: relief ratios
-strategies & tactics
How does warming up reduce oxygen deficit, improving EPOC
HR ^, ^ use of aerobic system, minimising lactic acid accumilation & oxygen deficit
How does an active recovery reduce oxygen deficit, improving EPOC
What first stage does the performer face when entering recovery
fast alactacid (before lactic acid) -> initial fast stage of EPOC where O2 consumed in 3 mins resaturates haemoglobin & myoglobin stores -> provides energy for ATP, PC resynthesis
What does the fast alactacid component of EPOC do
shows volume of O2 required to return body to pre-exercise state
-replenishment of blood, muscle oxygen
-resynthesis of ATP, PC stores
What occurs in the replenishment of blood and muscle oxygen within the fast alactacid component
during exercise O2 -> dissociated from haemoglobin in blood & myoglobin in muscle cells to fuel aerobic glycolysis, aerobic energy production
in first min of EPOC -> O2 resaturates blood stream, associating with haemoglobin, in 3 mins -> it retsores oxy-myoglobin link in muscle cells
What occurs in the resynthesis of ATP and PC stores within the fast alactacid component
- first 3mins aerobic energy production continues proviing energy for ATP-PC resynthesis
-30s -> 50% recovery, 60s -> 75% recovery
-process requires 3-4 litres of O2
* Energy + P + ADP -> ATP
* Energy +P+C ->PC
How does the fast component replenish blood and muscle oxygen ?
- within first minute oxygen resaturates blood stream
- o2 associated with Hb
- oxy-myoglobin link in muscle cells
How much oxygen does the slow component require ?
5-8 litres
What are the jobs of the slow component ?
- provision of energy to maintain ventilation, circulation and body temperature
- removal of lactic acid and replenishment of glycogen
How does the slow component maintain ventilation and circulation ?
- during exercise rate & depth of breathing ^ to provide muscles with o2
- after exercise -> rate and depth of breathing remains ^ & gradually decreases to maximise delivery of o2 and remove co2
What percentage of EPOC does ventilation and circulation take up ?
How does the slow component maintain body temperature ?
-during exercise -> core body temp ^
-for every 1 celsius rise in body temp = 13-15% metabolic rate ^
-after exercise temp remains elevated for several hours (if vigorous exercise)
What percentage of EPOC does body temperature take up ?
How does the slow component remove lactic acid ?
- lactic acid converts back to pyruvic acid
- then is oxidised or converted into glycogen