7.1 Strategic Awareness & Staff Management Flashcards
In Our Business, what sections come under Why We’re Here?
1) Our Vision - To be the safest country
2) Our Purpose - To ensure everybody can feel safe and be safe
3) Our Mission - To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
<p>Our vision</p>
<p>To be the safest country</p>
<p>Our purpose</p>
<p>To ensure everybody can be safe and feel safe</p>
<p>Our mission</p>
<p>To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing</p>
<p>In Our Business, what areas come under 'What We Do' (4)?</p>
<p>1) Our goals2) Our functions3) Our operating model4) Our relationship with Maori</p>
What are Our 3 Goals (What we do)?
1) Safe homes
2) Safe road
3) Safe communities
<p>Name the act that mandates the functions of NZ Police</p>
<p>Policing Act 2008</p>
<p>What is 'Our Operating Model'?</p>
<p>Prevention First</p>
<p>Under 'Prevention First' describe our mindset we should be implementing when going about our business?</p>
<p>Looking for opportunities to prevent further crime and harm</p>
<p>What are the three Pou (pillars) of Te Huringa o Te Tai?</p>
<p>1. Our people and our mindset2. Effective initiatives and improved practice3. Effective partnerships</p>
<p>What areas of Our Business come under 'How We Do It'? - (PEERLESS)</p>
<p>PEERLESS=- Our Priorities- Our pEoplE- Our leadeRship - Our cuLture- Our partnErS- Our valueS</p>
Within ‘How We Do It’ and under ‘Our Priorities”, describe how we go about achieving Our Business (3)?
1) Be first, then do: strengthening how and who we are as an organisation.
2) Deliver the services NZers expect and deserve: understanding and providing what the public want from their police.
3) Focused prevention through partnerships: focused Police effort and working with others to achieve better outcomes.
<p>Our Business - How we do it includes Our People. What is important about this aspect of Our Business (4)?</p>
<p>1) Safety and wellbeing is a top priority2) Our people feel valued3) Our people have a sense of ownership over the direction we are heading4) Our people respond in a compassionate and reflective manner</p>
What defines our culture according to Our Business? (2)
1) Collective effort for shared outcomes
2) Bringing humanity to every interaction
<p>'Our Partners' - working with and beside ...</p>
<p>- Government agencies- Maori, Pacific, and ethnic communities- Community groups- Industry and business- International partners</p>
<p>What is the 'mindset' of 'Prevention First'?</p>
<p>Taking every opportunity to prevent harm</p>
What are the core components of the Prevention First strategy (3)
1) Deploy to beat demand
2) Target the drivers of demand
3) Mindset: taking every opportunity to prevent harm
What is our mission statement with respect to Effective Partnerships under the Prevention First National Operating Model (3 parts)?
1) We must build strong relationships of trust and confidence in each other 2) with iwi, Maori, our communities and our partner agencies 3) so that we can share information and implement collaborative approaches.
What is the Deploy to Beat Demand mission statement?
<p>We are prepared and flexible, allowing us to mobilize resources pre-emptively and quickly to get on top of demand eg, DCC and NCCC</p>
<p>List the drivers of demand that Police should focus their efforts on</p>
<p>- Families/whanau- Youth/rangatahi- Alcohol- Roads- Organised crime and drugs.- Mental health</p>
<p>Part of the prevention first mindset is about fulfilling our responsibilities to victims. How have Police committed to doing this (2)?</p>
<p>1) Introduced Empathy and Valuing Diversity to our core values.2) Using case management to provided information and support to victims at a challenging stage of their journey.</p>
<p>Explain "Pou Mataara"</p>
<p>Our people and their mindset - Adopting a Te Ao Maori view</p>
<p>Explain "Pou Mataaho"</p>
<p>Effective initiatives and improved practice - taking every opportunity to prevent harm</p>
<p>What is Pou Hourua and what does it emphasise?</p>
Pou Hourua is the part of Te Huringa o Te Tai which focuses on building effective partnerships. There is an emphasis on investment in Iwi Maori partnerships and everyone taking responsibility. Hourua roughly means partnership.
What are the five frameworks which make up PHPF?
F1 - Strategy F2 - Culture F3 - Leadership F4 - Capability F5 - Performance Management
<p>Describe F1 Strategy from PHPF</p>
<p>This enables leaders to connect their teams to 'Our Business' by clarifying our purpose in Police and the outcomes we need to deliver - uses SPT's and group purpose statement - the SPT becomes the performance agreement</p>
<p>Describe F2 Culture from PHPF (4)</p>
<p>1) F2 Helps us build the high performance culture we need to deliver 'Our Business' -
2) it's a shift in mindset from 'prescription based' to principle based.
3) it encourages the qualities inherent in high performing teams
4) Culture assessments are used to review progress on this.</p>
<p>Describe F3 leadership from PHPF</p>
<p>This equips leaders with the tools to help us deliver on our purpose in Police</p>