2.1 Firearms & Taser Policy & Procedures Flashcards
According to section 40 of the Arms Act 1983:
1) What can be required?
2) What if they refuse?
3) What is the associated penalty (2)?
1) Every person in possession of any firearm weapon etc shall on demand, give his full name, address and date of birth to any member of police who is in uniform or produces evidence that he is a member of police.
2) If the person refuses to provide details, the police member may caution that person and arrest if the continue to refuse or fail to provide correct particulars.
3) Penalty 3 months or $1000 fine if they refuse to give their name, address, or date of birth or gives false particulars.
What does section 66 of the Arms Act 1983 state?
For the purposes of this Act every person in occupation of any land or building or the driver of any vehicle on which any firearm, airgun, pistol, imitation firearm, restricted weapon, prohibited magazine, or explosive is found shall, though not to the exclusion of the liability of any other person, be deemed to be in possession of that firearm, airgun, pistol, imitation firearm, restricted weapon, prohibited magazine, or explosive, unless he proves that it was not his property and that it was in the possession of some other person.
The case law derived from Hepi v R [2010} dictates what with respect to section 66 of the Arms Act 1983?
Section 66 is a deeming provision. An alleged offender can be ‘deemed’ to be in possession of arms/ammunition if proven that the alleged offender was in occupation of the relevant property.
A presumption of such possession can be rebutted by the defence proving, on the balance of probabilities, that the arms/ammunition was in the possession of someone else, NOT the alleged offender(s).
When can firearms be carried with respect to the immediate operating environment?
When one’s perceived cumulative assessment of a situation or the immediate operating environment is that it is in, or likely to escalate to be within, the death/GBH range. For example, a suspect is known to be at large, has not been contained, and is believed to be armed and present a risk of death or GBH.
When can firearms be used?
- Training
- Animal destruction
- As a tactical option
An offender must not be shot unless what (3)?
1) They have been asked to surrender (unless it is impractical to do so)
2) There are no less violent means
3) Further delay would be dangerous or impractical
Fact - According to Fire Orders, what are the four lawful purposes for using a Police firearm?
- Section 48 - Defending themselves or another
- Section 39 - Arresting an offender
- Section 40 - Prevent escape
- Destroying animals
What are the general rules around warning shots?
Warning shots should not be fired.
However, there are circumstance where a warning shot may be fired e.g the suspect has been asked to surrender and has not done so and it can be safely aimed as a warning shot
What does policy say about shooting at moving vehicles?
Shots may only be fired at moving vehicles in exceptional circumstances.
It is extremely difficult to disable a moving vehicle by shooting at tyres. There is a high probability of of misdirection, ricochet increasing the risk of causing death, injury or damage.
Actions when firearm discharge involves injury or death
- take control of the scene
- render first aid
- manage the scene
- advise the district commander who will initiate alcohol and drug testing of the employees involved.
What is the first step which should be taken by an incident controller or O/C scene following the discharge of a firearm?
They should mark the discharging employee’s position, empty cartridge cases, bullet fragments, and any other items or people associated with the discharge.
Who issues the Tactical Options Report in regards to a
fatal or non-fatal Police shooting
The report must be submitted by a supervisor when a discharge results in injury or death
Which four situations require the completion of a tactical options report?
1) Presentation
2) Discharge
3) Unintentional Discharge
4) Destruction of animal
Who must be notified when a TASER is shown or used?
The employee must notify a supervisor as soon as practicable.
In the case of rural employees, they must notify the nearest on duty supersvisor
What obligations does one have when firearms are carried (2)?
- Advise their immediate supervisor and comms as soon as practicable.
- Deploy with a TASER where one is available.
What are the seven principles of dealing with an armed offender?
- Conduct an ongoing TENR assessment during the course of an incident.
- It is better to take the matter too seriously than too lightly.
- Caution is not cowardice.
- When the offender’s actions permit, focus on de-escalation, communication, and prevention, cordon the area, and adopt the wait and appeal role in order to negotiate a surrender.
- Never go unnecessarily into danger. However, it the offender is acting in a way that makes casualties likely, police must act immediately to prevent this.
- Treat all armed offenders or offenders believed to be armed, as dangerous and hostile unless there is definite evidence to the contrary.
- Where practical, police should not use a firearm unless it can be done without endangering other persons.
What are the three sections which make up Fire Orders?
- Responsibility for knowing when firearms may be used.
- Conditions to be satisfied before use.
- Making decisions to use
What do Fire Orders say about one’s Responsibility for knowing when firearms may be used?
Every Police employee issued with a firearm is personally responsible for ensuring they are thoroughly conversant with relevant law, particularly sections 39 , 40 , 41 , 48 , and 62 of the Crimes Act 1961, and all relevant instructions and guidelines contained in this chapter.
According to Fire Orders, what are the three conditions to be satisfied before the use of firearms?
1) Communication: they must have first been asked to surrender (unless it is impractical or unsafe to do so), and
2) Less violent alternatives (Proportionality): it must be clear they cannot be disarmed or arrested without first being shot, and
3) Delay (Necessity): it must be clear that further delay in apprehending the offender would be dangerous or impractical
Must a supervisor physically attend the scene following a TASER discharge?
This should be determined after consulting with the operator involved. Facetime may be sufficient.
Is the supervisor responsible for TASER aftercare?
Yes. You should ensure that proper aftercare and medical attention where necessary is provided.
What must a supervisor do at the scene of a TASER discharge (2)?
1) Preserve and photograph the scene
2) Collect evidence such as discharged cartridges, wires, probes, and sufficient (4-5) cartridge identification tags.
Who must examine a subject following the application of TASER?
A registered medical doctor (or where not available, an intermediate life support qualified ambulance (ILS) officer).
Who’s responsibility is disclosure?
The officer in charge of a file. However, when required, CJUS may handle it on the officer’s behalf.
What should a supervisor do with a TASER following unintentional discharge?
It must be immediately withdrawn from service and the Police national armoury must be consulted as to whether or not the particular TASER and associated evidence is forwarded to them for examination and a report.
Who should be notified following an unintentional TASER discharge?
The District Police Professional Conduct Manager.