7. The nature of the National Socialist regime 1933-1939 Flashcards
What was the Hitler Myth?
This was an image projected of Hitler as a dominant national figure and the only man that could save Germany
How many germans claimed to admire Hitler in the 1930s?
How was Hitler Portrayed?
- Defended Germanys national interests against enemies
- Would rebuild Germany
- had no personal desire only Germanys greatness
- had delivered all the German governments successes
Why did many people believe the Hitler Myth?
- He was an alternative to Weimar
- Before democracy Germany had succeeded under strong authoritarian governments
- From 1933 Hitler had numerous policy successes which supported the Myth
- The impact of propaganda
What were Goebbels three roles?
Reich Minister for the Propaganda Ministry
President of the Reich Chamber of Culture
Director of the Nazi Party’s Propaganda Office
What did Goebbels mainly control?
Newspapers, Radio, Films, Meetings and Rallies, Photographs, Sport Art and Architecture Universities Schools
What was required of Newspapers that meant they could publish news?
They were required to members of controlled government organisations
How were editors threatened if they published anything seen to be damaging germany ?
How many newspapers did the Nazis own by 1944?
How did the journalists get the information they need to publish ?
They were given it by the Nazi Party
What is one newspaper written by Nazis
Der Sturmer
Which Radio company did the Nazis own that broadcasted his speeches?
The Reich Radio Company
What was the ‘people’s receiver”
a government sponsored action that ensured all Germans had access to radios
How were people punished if they listened to overseas broadcasts?
They were sent to concentration camps
How many people were imprisoned in 1939 for listening to London-based broadcasts?
How many radio stations were under Nazi control ?
All of them
How did Goebbels control cinemas?
all films shown were regulated, and foreign films were banned
Who approved every film made in germany ?
What did the Nazis show before films>
Pro-Nazi adverts and a 45-minute news reel of Nazi Propaganda
What were the main German movies during the war time?
- Eternal Jew
- Triumph of the Will
What was the most notable Nazi rally?
How did Goebbels encourage more Germans to attend the rallies?
He Made films of the rallies
How did rallies and meetings improve Nazi support?
They created a feeling of wanting to belong to the movement under the master manipulator
Who was Hitlers official photographer?
Heinrich Hoffman
How were Hitlers photographs used?
- Postcards
- Cigarette packets
- posters
What did Hitlers photographs do by 1933?
Create a monopoly which was used to deepen support
What was the Nazis desire in terms of sport?
To create a healthy and fit race to defend Germany
How did the Olympic Games help Germany?
Showed they were strong and successful
Who filmed the 1936 Olympic Games?
Leni Riefenstahl
How many medals did Germany win at the 1936 Berlin Olympics?
33, proving German superiority
What was needed in order for someone to paint to hold Exhibitions?
A Nazi License
What type of art did the Nazis ban ?
Degenerate Art
What did artists have to be a member of in order to work?
The Reich Chamber of Culture
When were most books burnt in Germany ?
10th May 1933
What were the four topics that authors could write about?
- Front experience
- World View
- Regional novels
- Racial Doctrine
Why was Jazz banned?
It was seen as black music and therefore inferior
Who was Hitlers favourite composer?
Robert Wagner
How many academics were dismissed between 1933 - 38?
Who picked the senior professors and rectors?
The Nazis
What was the national Socialist Lecturers Alliance Camp?
A 6-week training course all university profressors had to take part in after being approved by the government
Who was the office that controlled schools?
Ministry of Education
How could teachers retain their jobs?
- teaching Nazi curriculum
- swearing loyalty to Hitler
- joining the Nazi Teacher’s League
What does Ein Volk ein Reich win Fuhrer mean?
One people, one empire, one leader
Who was in charge of major Nazi decisions?
What act made the Reichstag irrelevant ?
The Enabling Act
What was the Reichstags role after Hitler?
It only held elections for the Nazis and when it rarely met it was simply to listen and applaud Hitler’s speeches
How would members of the Cabinet pass laws after Hitler?
They would try to influence Hitlers decision
What was the role of the civil service?
Implementing government policy as long as they were a Nazi
How many members of the Nazi Party were there in 1933?
How many Gaus were there in Nazi Germany?
What was the social group for German women ?
Order of German Women
Who was Chief of Police?
Heinrich Himmler
How many SS members were there in 1939 ?
What was a Lebensruam clinic?
Where SS members attempted to breed the master race
How many Gestapo agents were there at its peak?
What is a polycracy?
A society or government which has many different leaders and organisations in charge
What is a Feudal government?
When powerful individuals have huge power over those they control
What is a chaotic government?
When a government has a huge range of organisation and powerful individuals in charge