7. RESEARCH METHODS (Types of experiment (Laboratory, Field, Natural and Quasi)) Flashcards
What is a laboratory experiment?
A laboratory experiment is carried out in a controlled environment where the researcher manipulates the independent variable (IV) and controls extraneous variables.
What is a strength of laboratory experiments?
High control over extraneous variables allows researchers to establish cause and effect, increasing the internal validity of the study.
What is a limitation of laboratory experiments?
Low ecological validity because the controlled setting and artificial tasks may not reflect real-life situations, decreasing external validity.
What is a field experiment?
A field experiment takes place in a natural setting, where the researcher manipulates the IV and measures its effect on the DV, but participants are unaware they are being studied.
What is a strength of field experiments?
High ecological validity, as they occur in real-world settings, and participants’ behaviours are more natural and representative of real life.
What is a limitation of field experiments?
Low control over extraneous variables, making it difficult to establish cause and effect and reducing the internal validity of the results.
What is a natural experiment?
A natural experiment involves observing naturally occurring variables (IV and DV) without manipulation by the researcher, measuring how the IV affects the DV in a real-world context.
What is a strength of natural experiments?
High ecological validity since the IV and DV occur naturally, making the behaviour studied more reflective of real-life situations.
What is a limitation of natural experiments?
Low control over extraneous variables, which makes it difficult to establish cause and effect, reducing internal validity.
What is a quasi-experiment?
A quasi-experiment involves studying naturally occurring groups or pre-existing variables (e.g., gender, age), where the researcher manipulates the task but not the IV.
What is a strength of quasi-experiments?
Control over extraneous variables within controlled conditions allows for the establishment of cause and effect, increasing internal validity.
What is a limitation of quasi-experiments?
Quasi-experiments may have lower ecological validity if the tasks are artificial, reducing external validity compared to more natural settings.
How do field and laboratory experiments differ in terms of ecological validity?
Field experiments have high ecological validity because they take place in real-world settings, while laboratory experiments often have low ecological validity due to their artificial environments.
Why is replicability an advantage in laboratory experiments?
Laboratory experiments are highly replicable because they use standardized procedures and controlled conditions, making it easier to repeat the study and verify the results.
What ethical issue is associated with field experiments?
Ethical concerns arise because participants are often unaware that they are part of a study, leading to a lack of informed consent and the inability to withdraw from the study.