What is Systematic Desensitisation (SD)?
Systematic Desensitisation (SD) is a behavioural therapy that gradually reduces phobic anxiety through classical conditioning. It uses counterconditioning, where the patient learns a new association (relaxation) to counteract the fear response
What relaxation techniques are used in Systematic Desensitisation?
In SD, the therapist teaches relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness, or visualizing peaceful scenes to help the patient relax before exposure to the phobic stimulus.
What is the anxiety hierarchy in Systematic Desensitisation?
The anxiety hierarchy is a list created by the therapist and patient, starting with the least anxiety-provoking situation related to the phobia and progressing to the most frightening situation. This is used to expose the patient gradually to the phobic stimulus.
How does exposure work in Systematic Desensitisation?
Exposure involves gradually confronting the phobic stimulus while in a relaxed state, starting from the bottom of the anxiety hierarchy. The patient works through the hierarchy until they can relax in the most anxiety-inducing situations.
How might Systematic Desensitisation be used to treat James’ fear of flying?
James would first learn relaxation techniques. Then, an anxiety hierarchy would be created, starting with less anxiety-provoking situations like looking at pictures of planes, gradually progressing to being in a plane. James would work through each step until he can fly without feeling anxious.
What evidence supports the effectiveness of Systematic Desensitisation?
Gilroy et al. (2003) found that patients with spider phobia who received SD showed reduced fear compared to a control group, both immediately after treatment and at follow-ups, showing that SD is effective.
What is an advantage of Systematic Desensitisation in terms of side effects?
SD has no biological side effects because it focuses on learning and behavioural change, meaning patients are unlikely to experience additional difficulties or health risks
What is a limitation of Systematic Desensitisation?
SD is time-consuming, often requiring multiple sessions (6-8 weeks) for the patient to work through the anxiety hierarchy, which may deter people from committing to treatment.
What types of phobias is Systematic Desensitisation less effective for?
SD is less effective for complex phobias, such as social phobias, because these often have cognitive components (e.g., irrational thoughts), which SD does not address.
Why might Systematic Desensitisation not work for everyone?
Not everyone can master relaxation techniques or face feared situations. This makes SD less effective for certain individuals, particularly children or those unable to engage with the process.
What is flooding in the context of treating phobias?
Flooding is a treatment where the patient is immediately exposed to the most anxiety-provoking aspect of their phobia without a gradual build-up. The idea is to confront the fear head-on to reduce anxiety through extinction.
How does flooding lead to the extinction of a phobia?
In flooding, the phobic stimulus is encountered without the feared outcome (e.g., a person with cynophobia is exposed to a dog without being bitten), which causes the fear response to be extinguished as anxiety naturally decreases over time.
Why is flooding considered cost-effective?
Flooding is cost-effective because it is quicker than other treatments, typically requiring just one session (2-3 hours), compared to multiple sessions of other therapies like CBT, making it less expensive overall.
How is flooding less time consuming than other treatments?
Flooding typically requires only one intensive session, whereas treatments like Systematic Desensitisation can take 6-8 sessions over several weeks, making flooding more time-efficient.
For which types of phobias is flooding less effective?
Flooding is less effective for complex phobias, such as social phobias, because they often involve irrational thoughts and cognitive elements that flooding does not address. These may require cognitive therapies.
What ethical concerns arise with flooding as a treatment?
Flooding can be highly traumatic for the patient, and though informed consent is obtained, patients may feel pressured to continue or may drop out, wasting time and resources. This raises concerns about the ethical implications of the treatment.