7. RESEARCH METHODS (Self-report techniques (Questionnaires & Interviews)) Flashcards
What is a self-report technique?
A self-report technique involves collecting data by asking participants to provide information about their own feelings, thoughts, or behaviours through questionnaires or interviews.
What are closed questions in a questionnaire?
Closed questions are those where the researcher determines the range of possible answers in advance, such as yes/no or on a scale (e.g., 1 to 10).
What is a strength of closed questions in questionnaires?
Closed questions produce quantitative data that is easy to analyse, allowing researchers to make comparisons and form conclusions.
What is a limitation of closed questions in questionnaires?
Closed questions limit the depth of responses as participants can only choose from predetermined options, potentially reducing internal validity.
What are open questions in a questionnaire?
Open questions allow participants to respond in their own words, providing detailed, qualitative data about their thoughts or feelings.
What is a strength of open questions in questionnaires?
Open questions provide rich, detailed data, which enhances internal validity by offering more in-depth insights into participants’ experiences.
What is a limitation of open questions in questionnaires?
Open questions generate qualitative data that is harder to quantify and analyse, making it difficult to check the reliability of results.
What factors should researchers consider when constructing a questionnaire?
Researchers should consider the aims, length, previous examples, question formation, pilot studies, and measurement scales to ensure clarity and effectiveness.
What is a pilot study in questionnaire design?
A pilot study is a small-scale test of the questionnaire with a sample from the target population to identify issues like ambiguous or misleading questions before the main study.
What is a strength of using questionnaires for data collection?
Questionnaires are quick to complete, allowing researchers to gather a large amount of data in a short period, saving time and money.
What is a limitation of using questionnaires for data collection?
Self-report data may not be valid if participants provide socially desirable answers or misinterpret questions, reducing the internal validity of the study.
What is the main difference between structured and unstructured interviews?
Structured interviews use a predetermined set of questions asked in a fixed order, while unstructured interviews allow for a more flexible, free-flowing conversation with no set questions.
What is a strength of structured interviews?
Structured interviews are easy to replicate because the questions are standardized, making it easier to assess the reliability of findings.
What is a strength of unstructured interviews?
Unstructured interviews allow the interviewer to explore complex issues in depth by tailoring questions to the responses of the participant, providing rich qualitative data.
What is a limitation of structured interviews?
Structured interviews may not allow for follow-up on unexpected answers, limiting the depth of responses and the amount of information gathered.
What is a limitation of unstructured interviews?
Unstructured interviews are difficult to replicate due to their flexible nature, which limits the external reliability of the findings.
How can misunderstandings be addressed in interviews?
Misunderstandings can be clarified immediately in interviews, as the researcher can ask follow-up questions to ensure the participant understands and answers correctly.
What is a strength of using interviews to gather data?
Interviews may provide more truthful and detailed responses as the participant may feel encouraged to open up due to the face-to-face interaction.
What is a limitation of interviews regarding researcher influence?
Interviewer effects, such as body language or tone of voice, may inadvertently influence participants’ answers, reducing the internal validity of the study.
What is a limitation of interview data in terms of validity?
Self-report data from interviews may not always be valid due to social desirability bias, where participants may give answers they think are more socially acceptable or favourable.
What ethical issue can arise during interviews?
Interviews can sometimes lead to participants revealing more than they intended, potentially causing emotional distress or psychological harm.
What is a strength of qualitative data obtained from interviews?
Qualitative data from interviews provides depth, detail, and meaningful information that enhances internal validity by offering a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Why is it important to consider interviewer characteristics when conducting an interview?
Characteristics like the gender and age of the interviewer can affect participants’ willingness to share honest answers, potentially lowering the validity of the findings.
What is researcher bias in interviews?
Researcher bias occurs when the interviewer unintentionally interprets or records answers in a way that supports their hypothesis, which can reduce the internal validity of the study.