7. RESEARCH METHODS (Reporting psychological investigations) Flashcards
What is the function of the Title in a psychological report?
The title tells the reader what the report is about. It should be concise, informative, and reflect the aim of the study. It typically begins with “An investigation into…”
What is the purpose of the Abstract in a psychological report?
The abstract provides a brief summary of the study, including the aim, hypothesis, sample, procedure, results, and conclusion, usually in 150-200 words.
What information is included in the Introduction of a psychological report?
The introduction includes background information, a review of relevant theories and studies, and a rationale for the study. It leads to the formulation of the study’s aim and hypothesis.
What is the main purpose of the Method section in a psychological report?
The method section describes how the study was conducted, ensuring the study is replicable. It includes sub-sections like design, participants, materials, and procedure.
What should be included in the Design subsection of the Method section?
The design subsection describes the research method (e.g., experiment), experimental design (e.g., independent groups or repeated measures), variables, control measures (e.g., counterbalancing), and the number of conditions or groups.
What is described in the Participants subsection of the Method section?
The participants subsection details the target population, sample size, selection method, demographic information (e.g., age, gender), and the sampling technique used.
What is the purpose of the Materials subsection in the Method section?
The materials subsection lists all materials used in the research, such as consent forms, standardised instructions, debrief information, and any equipment or tools used in data collection.
What is described in the Procedure subsection of the Method section?
The procedure subsection provides a step-by-step outline of what participants did during the study, including how they were allocated, the testing environment, how data was collected and analysed, and the use of consent forms and debrief.
What is the function of the Results section in a psychological report?
The results section summarizes the findings of the study, including both descriptive statistics (e.g., measures of central tendency and dispersion) and inferential statistics (e.g., statistical tests, significance levels).
What is included in Descriptive Statistics in the Results section?
Descriptive statistics include tables, graphs, and charts, as well as measures of central tendency (e.g., mean, median, mode) and measures of dispersion (e.g., range, standard deviation).
What is the purpose of Inferential Statistics in the Results section?
Inferential statistics assess whether the results are statistically significant. This includes the choice of statistical test, critical values, significance levels, and whether the null hypothesis is rejected or accepted.
How are Qualitative Research findings reported in the Results section?
In qualitative research, categories and themes are described with examples. Raw data is included in the appendices but not in this section.
What is the purpose of the Discussion section in a psychological report?
The discussion summarizes the findings, compares them to theories or past studies, discusses limitations, practical applications, and suggests areas for future research.
What should be included when discussing limitations in the Discussion section?
Limitations should focus on issues such as generalizability and methodological flaws. Suggestions for addressing these limitations in future studies should also be included.
How are practical applications included in the Discussion section?
Practical applications explain how the findings can be used in real-world settings. For example, findings from a cognitive psychology study might inform teaching methods.
What type of information is typically included in the References section?
The references section includes a list of all sources cited in the report. References should include the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, and publication details.
How should references be formatted for a book?
A book reference should include the author’s surname and initials, publication year, title of the book, and publisher. For example: Flanagan, C. & Berry, D. (2016). A Level Psychology. Cheltenham: Illuminate Publishing.
How should references be formatted for a journal article?
A journal article reference should include the author’s surname, year, title of the article, title of the journal, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers. For example: Gupta, S. (1991). Effects of time of day and personality on intelligence test scores. Personality and Individual Differences, 12(11), 1227-1231.
Why is the References section important in a psychological report?
The references section allows the reader to locate the original sources cited in the report for further reading and ensures that proper credit is given to original authors, preventing plagiarism.
What is the purpose of including an Appendices section in a psychological report?
The appendices section includes additional raw data, supplementary materials, or other detailed information that supports the study but is not essential to the main body of the report.
What is the function of the Title in a psychological report?
The title serves to clearly indicate the study’s focus. It should be concise yet informative, giving readers a precise understanding of the research.