7. RESEARCH METHODS (Design a study) Flashcards
What is the first stage in designing a psychological investigation?
The first stage is to consider what you want to find out (the aim of the study) and determine what data is needed.
What do you need to consider when designing a study for your exam?
Key points include the research method, materials (such as standardised instructions, consent form, debrief), procedure, design (including variables, participants, and sampling), and the hypothesis.
What is the aim of a study?
The aim of the study is the overall goal or purpose of the investigation, explaining what you want to find out.
How should you operationalise the hypothesis in a study design?
The hypothesis should be written in a way that defines the variables in measurable terms so they can be tested empirically.
What is an example of operationalising a hypothesis?
Instead of stating “There is a relationship between sleep and memory,” an operationalised hypothesis might be “Participants who sleep for 8 hours will recall 20% more words than those who sleep for 4 hours.”
What is the research method, and how should it be chosen?
The research method refers to how you will collect your data (e.g., experiment, survey, observation). It should be chosen based on the aim of the study and the type of data needed.
What materials should be included in your study design?
Materials include standardised instructions for participants, a consent form outlining the study details, and a debrief statement informing participants of the study’s true purpose after completion.
What is the procedure in designing a study?
The procedure is a step-by-step outline of how the study will be conducted, ensuring that it is clear and detailed enough for replication.
What is meant by ‘design’ in a study?
The design includes the research method, identification of the variables, the choice of participants, sampling method, and the number of participants.
How do you determine the appropriate hypothesis for a study?
The hypothesis should be based on the aim of the study, clearly operationalised, and should specify the expected relationship between variables.
How many participants should be included in a study?
The number of participants depends on the research method and the study’s goals, but the sample size should be large enough to ensure reliable and valid results.
What is a target population?
The target population refers to the specific group of individuals that the researcher is interested in studying, from which the sample will be drawn.
How should you choose the sampling method for your study?
The sampling method should be selected based on the target population, aiming to obtain a sample that is representative of that population (e.g., random sampling, stratified sampling).
What should be considered when writing the procedure for a study?
The procedure should be detailed enough to ensure that another researcher could replicate the study. It should include clear steps on participant allocation, materials used, and the timing of each part of the study.
What are standardised instructions, and why are they important?
Standardised instructions ensure that all participants receive the same information in the same way, minimizing bias and increasing the reliability of the study.
What should be included in a consent form?
A consent form should include information about the study’s purpose, procedures, any potential risks, and the participant’s right to withdraw without consequence.
What should a debrief include?
The debrief should explain the purpose of the study, clarify any deception used, reassure participants, and provide contact information for further questions or concerns.
What does it mean to design a study for replication?
To design a study for replication, the procedure, materials, and methods must be detailed and standardized so that another researcher could repeat the study and obtain similar results.