7 - Language Flashcards
fundamental language sounds which form a word or part of a word
- smallest meaningful units of words (eg. base)
- formed from a combination of phonemes
comprises a memory store that contains words & their meanings
words strung together in patterns that conform to the language rules of grammar
the meaning connected to words & sentences
vocal intonation
stringing together sentences to form a meaningful narrative
4 Core Skills Underlying Human Language
- Categorization - assigning tags to information makes it easier to perceive & later retrieve; ventral stream participates in object categorization
- Category Labeling
- Sequencing Behavior - r.e. words takes place in dorsal stream & frontal cortex
- Mimicry - mirror neurons in cortical language regions; fosters language development
discontinuity theory
proposes that language evolved rapidly & suddenly, occurring in the last 200,000 years
continuity theory
proposes that language evolved gradually because of similarities in genes & behaviors of ancestral hominid species
dorsal language pathways
transform sound information into motor representation; categorize sound in terms of frequency of association
ventral language pathways
transform sound information into meaning; extract meaning from grammatical organization of words
Pros & Cons of TMS
- non-invasive
- when combined with MRI can allow brain regions to be examined under controlled experimental conditions
- stimulator produces sound which can cue patient
- can causes muscle contractions, discomfort, pain
- does not easily access deep regions
language disorder apparent in speech
language disorder apparent in writing; inability to write
language disorder apparent in reading; inability to read
Wernicke’s aphasia
inability to comprehend words or arrange sounds into coherent speech (i.e. sensory aphasia); type of fluent aphasia
Transcortical aphasia
inability to speak spontaneously, or cannot comprehend words, but can repeat them (i.e. isolation syndrome); type of fluent aphasia
Conduction aphasia
inability to repeat words (disconnect between perceptual word image & motor system); type of fluent aphasia
anomic aphasia
difficulty naming objects, but comprehension, production & repetition of speech intact; type of fluent aphasia
global aphasia
speech is labored & comprehension is poor; type of non-fluent aphasia
transcortical motor aphasia
spontaneous speech production is labored, but repetition is good; type of non-fluent aphasia