#7 Filter and centrifuge Flashcards
Fuel Oil System
Bunker Tank-> Settling Tank-> Strainer Wire Mesh-> Centrifugal Purifier-> Service Tank-> Heater-> Fine Filter (Wire Mesh or Auto Clean)-> Main Enginge
Auto Klean Filter
Self cleaning
Desiged because servicing of wire-mesh filter time consuming
Dirty if the differential pressure between the pressure guages increases
only hand wheel need to be turned, which cuts the dirt and collects at bottom of cylinder
Bunker Tank
Store oil onboard ships
Settling Tank
Quantity Comparable small
for the day use
Gravity Separation takes place (impurities separate out due to difference in gravity)
* Aided by heating oil when viscoisty gets lowered and difference increases
Disadvanatge of Filtration & Gravity Separation
Filters: ineffective if small particle size or oil contain water as an impurity
Gravity: ineffective if small quantities of water or small particles of solid
Use centrifugal separation instead
Centrifugal Separation
- Mixture put into cylinder and spin
- Heavier liquid fly out further and rotate at a greater radius
- Liquid come out at different points
Centrifugal force used, Done in an centrifuge (or purifier)