7-Design Development Flashcards
A building design for residential apartments has been established with a separation distance of 1.2 m from a building face to a property line. Which one of the following is required for the design of that wall?*
A) Availability of natural light based on adjacent buildings
B) Encroachment of building projections into the setback
C) Fire rating requirements for exit stairs
D) Percentage of unprotected openings permitted in the wall
D) Percentage of unprotected openings permitted in the wall
Identify the information required at the design development phase.
Submit the design development documents to the Client, advise the Client of any adjustments to the Construction Cost Estimate and obtain the Client’s approval prior to proceeding to the Construction Documents Phase.
- Client’s approval of schematic design
- Geotechnical report
- Occupant loading
- Capacity of the municipal services (electrical power, potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water)
- Locations of non-municipal services (telephone and data services)
- Suyver, topographic and legal
- Below-grade services locations
- Zoning and zoning requirements
Architect/for all
- Base plans from schematic design
- Resolve the design of all major building components
- Properly house mech/elec equipment
- Area location per function
- Further code analysis (travel distances, fire ratings, width of exits, ramps, facilities,etc)
- List and cut sheet of special equipment required
- Hours of operation of building
- Operating cost projection
- Area requiring special condition (AC, freezer, etc.)
- Type of glazing
- Requirement for mechanical system controls and energy management
- Special equipment (green roof, etc)
- Mechanical penetrations
- Structural elements
- Construction project delivery
- Info on typical area, function, size, finish, material, level on lighting
- Future expansion and flexibility required for each space
- Location of major mechanical equipment (high power-consumption equipment)
- Method of construction and project delivery and timeline
- Landscape options, drainage
- Architectural design approach
- Above ground and below-grade services
- Pedestrian and vehicular access points
- Required views and privacy settings
- Rogrammaic requirement
- Specialized items(sculpture, gazebos, screens, etc.)
- Site lighting requirements
List of consultants to take on
- Acoustical
- Energy modeler
- Sustainability consultant
- Specifications writer
Determine the engineering services required at the design development phase for structure
- Typical size of beams and columns
- Maximum depth member
- size/location of opening
- Minimum ceiling clearance
- Items embedded in structure
- Fire rating and separations
- Seismic and wind-loading considerations
- Radon mitigation strategy
- Provision for special equipment
Determine the engineering services required at the design development phase for Mech
- Natural ventilation
- Central or individual heating and cooling plants
- Size or AC/heating systems
- Special HVAC equipment (HRV, heat pump)
- Energy analysis/modelling
- size/location of major duct pipes
- Approximate size of all mech equipment
- Plumbing fixture and controls
- Other feature (noise/vibration control, dampers, fire dampers, special controls, etc)
- Location, geometry and dimensions of main mechanical systems
- Location, path and dimension of vertical shafts
- Constructability concerns
- Coordination with the electrical design
- High-level clash detection
Determine the engineering services required at the design development phase for elec
- Anticipated load and allowance for future expansion
- Requirement for incoming electrical services
- Distribution of power and utilization voltages
- Location volume/area of electrical closets, communication rooms
- Requirement for embedded conduits
- Preliminary size/location of main vertical and horizontal structured cabling
- Light fixtures, int & ext.; requirement for ceiling systems
- Coor. with mech on switching and controls for energy efficiency
- Telecommunications and data systems, fire alarm systems, security system, etc.
Determine the engineering services required at the design development phase from the municipality
- Location of below-grade services
- Upgrading requirement
- Approximate site grading and surface water management
- Site power distribution
- Circulation patterns
Determine the engineering services required at the design development phase from Landscape
- Site plan with major circulation paths
- Hard surfaces
- Layout of planting areas
- Plant list
- Concept elevations
- Grading plans
- Site lighting plan
- Dev. permit application
- Perspectives, sketches, illustrations
Identify the documentation required to obtain the client’s approval of the design development. dwg(5) report (8)
and including:
- site plan,
- floor plans,
- elevations,
- building sections, and
- other Illustrative sketches or renderings to convey the intent of the design.
Prepare an updated design development report incorporating, as appropriate:
- design approach or philosophy,
- site data,
- updated design area(s) comparison to functional program,
- design compliance with regulatory requirements,
- architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical building systems descriptions,
- outline specifications,
- materials, finishes and preliminary colour schemes,
- project schedule, and
- Class ‘C’ Construction Cost Estimate.
Describe the impact of the analysis of the building code and of universal accessibility at the design development phase.
- Fire rating and fire separation
- Exits (width, number, location, travel distance, etc)
- Accessibility (washrooms, equipment in outline specs, free path of travel, elevators, etc)
- Service room (janitor, mech/elec)
- Crawl space, attic space
- etc
Describe the impact of sustainable design at the design development phase.
- Mech/elec response to confort
- Source of energy
- Materials quality
- Life cycle considerations
- Insulation in assembly
- passive/active sustainability
- Discuss with clients about intention for specific material (triple glazed windows, type of HRV, etc.
What is the main structural problem that should be considered by the engineer during DD?
Alternate framing plans + systems, including their associated costs.
What information does the architect need to provide to the structural engineer? (7)
1 - Geoech report
2 - Restrictive Areas for Supports
3 - Areas / uses / finishes
4 - Code (prelim w FRs)
5 - Location + Size of Openings
6 - Construction Materials
7 - Project Delivery
What level of detail is required for the specifications during DD?
Outline Spec (table of contents from all consultants - review with client)
With whom should the architect share the ‘signed off’ schematic design.
All consultants & staff
What should the architect and structural engineer consider together during DD? (3)
1 - Availability of Material
2 - Appearance
3 - Functional Considerations (project location, cost, schedule, time of the year)
List 5 uses of client review documents
1 - Client Review + Approval
2 - AHJ + Public Group Review
3 - Consultant Input / Coord.
4 - Update Cost Estimate
5 - Basis of CDs
What should the electrical engineer and the design team resolve together during DD? (7)
1 - Anticipated ELEC. LOAD + allowance for future
2 - rqrmts for INCOMING SERVICES + space rqrmnts (vault / sub-station)
3 - DISTRIBUTION of power / utilization of voltage
4 - locations for elec / comm / data CLOSETS
5 - rqrmts for EMBEDDING CONDUIT
6 - light FIXTURE selection + ceiling rqmts
8 - Telecom / data / fire alarm / security / pa SYSTEMS
List the 8 KEY architectural tasks to be executed during DD.
1 - prep / COORD ASMECL designs
2 - outline SPEC
3 - perform prelim. ENERGY MODEL analysis
4 - AHJ reviews
5 - prep PRESENTATION material
6 - update construction COST estimate
7 - update SCHEDULEs
8 - CODE review
What should the mech engineer and the design team resolve together during DD? (7)
1 - NATURAL ventilation
2 - central vs. indirect HEAT / COOLING
3 - SIZE of hvac equip
4 - energy analysis + MODELLING
5 - size + location of major DUCTs PIPEs
6 - plumbing FIXTURES + CONTROLS
7 - other FEATURES (noise control)
*future operating costs associated
What information does the architect need to provide to the electrical engineer? (3)
1 - Typ. Areas (function, size, finish, materials, lighting)
2 - Rqrmnts for future expansion/flexibility
3 - Project Delivery
What are the 3 components of Client Design Review documents.
1 - Drawings
2 - Outline Spec
3 - Design Report