7. Contraception Flashcards
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception
- Intrauterine System (IUS or Mirena – or new SKYLA)
- Intrauterine Device (IUCD or copper coil)
- Contraceptive Injection (“depot” or medroxyprogesterone acetate)
- Subdermal Contraceptive Implant (etonogestrel)
COCP Risks
VTE, breast cancer, cervical cancer
COCP role
Inhibits ovulation, inhibits implantation, thickens mucus
COCP ingredients
Ethinylestradiol and semi-synthetic progesterone
- Does not interrupt sex
- Periods lighter, less painful
- Helps PMS, reduced acne
- Reduces risk of bowel and ovarian cancer
- Protects from fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast disease
- Efficacy is user dependent
- Does not prevent STI
Emergency contraception
Levonelle, IUD, Ella One
Levonelle as emergency contraception
Single dose 1500 mcg, up to 72h post sex
Can be used >1x in a cycle, re-start contraception within 12h
IUD as emergency contraception
Banded IUD 380mm copper
Inserted up to 5 days post sex or 5 days post ovulation
EllaOne as emergency contraception
30 mg Ulipristal acetate; up to 120h
Can be used >1x in a cycle, re-start contraception after 5 days
EllaOne Emergency vs Progesterone contraception
EllaOne blocks action of progesterone (use extra precautions 7-21days)
Emergency contraception considerations
Abx prophylaxis, STI screen,
Intrauterine System
52 mg levonorgestrel, average 20 mcg/day.
Can be used for 5 years;
IUS risks
ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, glucose tolerance affected,
IUS side effects
depression, reduced libido, headache, acne, irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge.
IUS role
inhibits implantation, thickens mucus
IUS Pros
- No user dependent
- Periods lighter, less painful, no periods
- long lasting and reversible
- does not interfere with sex
IUS Cons
- Discomfort and risk of insertion
- Irregular vaginal bleeding
Licensed for 5-10 years
IUD role
Inhibits fertilisation and implantation
IUD risks
Ectopic pregnancy
IUD side effects
irregular vaginal bleeding, heavier periods, iron deficiency, cramping abdo pain
IUD Pros
- No user dependent
- Lasts 5-10years
- Does not interfere with sex
- Does not contain hormoes
- Can be used as emergency contraception
- Immediate return to fertility
IUD Cons
- Insertion - discomfort and risk
- Periods heavier/painful/longer
Subdermal contraceptive implant
68 mg etonorgestrel (30-60 mcg/day),
Licensed for 3 years; Contains barium
Subdermal contraceptive implant role
Prevention of ovulation and implantation, thickens mucus
Subdermal implant risks
bleeding, bruising, haematoma, infection, allergic reaction, scar, lost implant
Subdermal implant side effects:
depression, reduced libido, headache, acne, irregular vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness
Subdermal implant Pros
- No user dependent
- Lighter period
- Does not interfere with sex
- No hormoes
- Fertility returns soon after removal
- Safe in breast feeding
Subdermal implant Cons
- Insertion/Excision surgery
- irregular vaginal bleeding
- does not prevent STI
- can interact with other medications
Contraceptive injection
Depo provera,
150 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate
Contraceptive injection risks
reduce mineral bone density, local infection, allergic reaction
Contraceptive injection side effects
Anorgasmia, depression, anxiety, reduced libido, acne, rash, headache, loss of bone density, osteoporosis, bloating, nausea, breakthrough bleeding
Contraceptive injection Pros
- Less prone to user failure
- Does not interfere with sex
- Can be used in breast feeding
- periods less heavy/none
Contraceptive injections Cons
- Unacceptable bleeding pattern
- Delays fertility return
- Weight gain
- Does not protect from STI
POP role
(synthetic progesterone) • Thickens mucus, may inhibit ovulation
POP Pros
- helps with pain,PMS
- does not interfere with sex
- Safe in breast feeding
POP cons
- Tight interval window
- Does not protect from STI
- can interact with other meds
- Irregular vaginal bleeding
Lactational amenorrhoea (as a contraception)
- No periods since birth
- bebo <6 months
- exclusively breastfeeding
Contraception and enzyme inducing drugs (epilepsy)
Progesterone only injectable; IUD; IUS