15. Early pregnancy care Flashcards
Early pregnancy blood loss investigations:
- Urine pregnancy test
- Hb, X match, Rhesus status
- B hCG (IUP should be seen on TVUSS if >1500IU)
TVUSS in early pregnancy blood loss:
- Rule out ectopic
- Measure free fluid
- Assess viability
Threatened miscarriage:
- Closed cervix
- Bleeding and pelvic pain
- USS: intrauterine gestation sac, foetal pole, subchorionic haematoma
Inevitable miscarriage:
- Cervix open
- Bleeding and pain
- USS: intrauterine gestation sac, foetal pole
Incomplete miscarriage:
- Cervix open, products might be seen
- Bleeding and pain
- USS: heterogenous tissue, may be gestation sac with retained products
Complete miscarriage:
- Cervix closed
- Pain and bleeding stopped
- History of passing products
- USS: thin endometrium and empty uterus
- Follow with BhCG until Pregnancy test -ve
Missed miscarriage:
- Little or No pain and bleeding
- Cervix closed
- Pregnancy has failed (foetus stopped growing or never developed, no heart beat)
Criteria for miscarriage:
- Foetal pole >7mm with no heartbeat
- Mean gestation sac >35mm with no foetal pole
- Rescan at 7 days shows no growth
Expectant management of miscarriage:
- Wait for 7-14d to await events
- Rescan at 14d
Medical management of miscarriage:
- Induce miscarriage
- Oral or vaginal Misoprostol (PG E2 analogue, SE: Diarrhoea and vomiting)
Surgical management of miscarriage:
- Manual vacuum aspiration (local anaesthetic)
- ERCP – evacuation of retained products of conception (general anaesthetic)
Ectopic pregnancy:
Implantation of foetus outside the uterine cavity
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy:
- Fertility treatment
- Smoking
- Previous ectopic
- Pelvic infection
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic/Tubal/Abdominal surgery
Why is ectopic an emergency?
- Pregnancy can outgrow the space and rupture it, causing intra-abdominal bleeding
- Fallopian tube supplied by ovarian artery, direct branch of aorta
- First presentation might be catastrophic collapse
Ectopic management:
- Expectant (if hCG falling, monitor every 2 days)
- Medical
- Surgical (open surgery or laparoscopy)
Medical management of ectopic, indications:
- Gestational sac <35mm, no foetal heart beat, bHCG <1500IU
- Methotrexate IM 50mg – measure bHCG on day 4 and 7
Surgical management of ectopic, indications:
- If gestational sac >35mm, foetal heart beat, bHCG>5000
- If unstable and unsuitable for outpatient care, or haemoperitoneum
- Surgery: open, or laparoscopic – salpingectomy, salpingotomy
Gestational trophoblastic disease:
Partial or complete hydatidiform mole – abnormal pregnancy from the conception (imbalance of maternal and paternal genetic material). Risk of abnormal tissue persisting and causing cancer.
Complete mole symptoms:
- Snowstorm appearance on US
- Irregular bleeding, large uterus
- High BhCG levels
- No foetus
Partial mole:
- Foetal pole and cystic placenta
- Mimics a missed miscarriage
- hCG can be normal
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia:
- Invasive mole
- Choriocarcinoma
- Placental site trophoblastic tumour
Risk factors for trophoblastic neoplasia:
- Extremes of age
- Asian (Korean and Japanese)
- Previous gestational trophoblastic disease
Management of trophoblastic neoplasia:
- Products sent to histopathology, registered with Central Unit (CX)
- Monitor HCG for 6 months after normalised,
- Chemotherapy if persistently high
- Avoid pregnancy until follow up
Anti D use in early pregnancy:
- Bleeding post 12 weeks
- Surgical instrumentation of uterus
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Termination
- Miscarriage
- Molar pregnancies
Recurrent miscarriage:
- Loss of 3 or more consecutive pregnancies
Reasons for recurrent miscarriage:
- Alcohol drinking
- PCOS (insulin resistance)
- Poorly controlled diabetes
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Protein C resistance or protein S deficiency
- Uterine abnormality (septate, arcuate uterus)
- Cervical weakness (2nd trimester loss)
Investigations in recurrent miscarriage:
- Antiphospholipid antibodies
- Thrombophilia screen
- 3rd and any next products of conception – cytogenetics
- Pelvic USS and hysteroscopy
Management of recurrent miscarriage:
- Stop smoking, Weight loss, Take folic acid
- Antiphospholipid syndrome: aspirin and heparin
- Thrombophilia: heparin (Reduces 2nd trimester miscarriage)
- Uterine septum resection
- Cervical incompetence: suture if 3 or more 2nd trimester loss
- Cervical length screening: if 1 or more 2nd trimester loss