5. Antenatal Screening Flashcards
How to screen for baby’s growth?
Symphysio-fundal height measurements
1st visit blood test
- Anaemia
- Haemoglobinopathy
- RhD Isoimmunisation
- Syphilis
- Rubella
- Hep B
- Blood sugar
How to screen for diabetes in pregnancy
Screening for Anaemia
- at booking and 28 weeks
- Hb 11% at booking or 10.5% at 28 weeks should be investigated
Screening for Down syndrome
1st trimester: NT scan + blood test
2nd trimester: anomaly scan + blood test
Urine tests screening
UTI, Pre-eclampsia, Diabetes
Screen for atypical RBC alloantibodies
at booking and 28 weeks
Haemoglobinopathy screen
- Pre conception
- At booking (Sickle cell and thalassemia booking)
Foetal anomaly scan
18-20+6 weeks
Spina bifida US signs
Lemon and Banana sign
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
Impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth and facial appearance
Down Syndrome features
Small ears, protruding tongue, short, single crease across the palm, life expectancy 60years,
Soft markers associated with Down
- Ventriculomegaly
- Choroid plexus cyst
- Hyperechogenic bowel
- ‘Sandal gap’
- Polydactyly
1st trimester screen for Downs
Combined test: Nuchal scan (NT) + bHCG + PAPP-A
2nd trimester screen for Downs (levels in detected Downs)
Triple/Quadruple test – AFP (low sensitivity) + B hCG (high) + Oestriol (low) + Inhibin A (high)
Infection screening in pregnancy - offered
Hepatitis B, HIV, Rubella, Syphilis
Infection screening in pregnancy - not offered!
Hepatitis C, CMV, Chlamydia, Group B streptococcus, Toxoplasma
Risk factors for GDM
BMI>30, previous macrosomic baby>4.5kg, previous GDM, FHx of diabetes, Origin (south asian, black carribean, middle east)
Pre-eclampsia screening
BP measurement and urine analysis at every antenatal visit
Risk factors for Pre-eclampsia
Age>40 years, Nulliparity, Pregnancy interval>10 years, BMI>30, Multiple pregnancy,
When are symphysio-fundal height measurements taken?
Recorded at each visit from 24weeks
Screening in suspect cases of IUGR
Serial USS
Foetal presentation assessment
Abdominal palpation after 36 weeks