7. Consequences of Uses of Computers Flashcards
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Guidelines on how a desk is set up for using Computers for long periods of time.
Sitting / typing at a Computer screen for a long time isn’t natural and can lead to Repetitive Strain injuries in the wrists, back or eye issues.
Students are exempt from this law. Employers can face jail time if this isn’t followed
Conditions of:
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Make Sure screens are adjustable and have anti-glare filters Provide supportive, adjustable chairs Provide Foot Supports Provide breaks in Computer work routine Pay for eye treatment if neccarsary
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
Affects how people can acquire, use and share Ideas, Software and Media.
Conditions of:
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
Use Copyright material without permission
Use patented Design without permission
Edit. Copy or Distribute Copyrighted programs without permission
Define Patent
Intellectual property owned by an organisation or individual for a fixed period of time.
Must be an inventive step forward
Define Copyright
Secures a product so that it can’t be copied, to protect the creator. Usually lasts for 70 years after their death
Conditions of:
Computer Misuse Act, 1990
Act Prohibits:
Unauthorized access to Computer material (data or programs)
Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences
Unauthorised modification of Computer material
Define Design Right
Protect how something looks
Define Trademark
Protects the name or logo used to identify a business or product
Define Craking
Deliberately breaking into a Computer system
Define Hacking
Deliberately breaking into a Computer system
Programming in an unstructured way
Define Personal Data
Data that can be used to identify a living person
Data Protection Act, 1997
Controls how any Data Controller, such as a business, handles personal data
Conditions of:
Data Protection Act, 1997
Data must only be used for the specific reason it was collected
Data must not be disclosed to other parties without consent, unless there is an overriding legitimate reason
Individuals have a right to access data about them
Personal Data may be kept for no longer than it is needed
Personal Data may not be sent out of the European Economic Area without consent or adequate protection
All entities that process Personal Information must register with the Information Commissions Office
Companies must have adequate security in place such as firewalls and staff training
Subjects have the right to correct incorrect data
Define Data Subject
An individual who is the subject of Personal Data