6.7 Flashcards
What is any arthropod or rodent capable of transmitting disease to individuals, act as intermediate hosts or reservoirs present problems of sanitary or hygienic significance or otherwise affect the health and efficiency of personnel?
What is an individual potentially susceptible to illness?
What is an organism where the agent lives and multiplies, or acts as an intermediate host?
What is any substance or mixture of substance that kills pests?
Functions of a Navy Entomologist
- (R)ecommendations
- (O)n-site consultation
- (T)echnical assistance
Reviews and evaluates for shipboard use:
- Pest control procedures
- Pesticides
- Pesticide equipment
- New technologies
What is the purpose of vector control?
preserves the health and morale of Navy and Marine Corps personnel
Vector control improves morale by:
- Preventing disease transmission
- Ensuring sanitary conditions
- Eliminating the hosts/reservoir of disease
- Ensuring a safe food supply
Department of Defense Pest Management Program
DOD Directive 4150.07
DOD Directive 4150.07
- Provides basics standards and policies governing the Navy’s pest control program
- Establishes minimum levels of pest control for DOD installations and program policies
- Provides Navy and Marine Corps policies and procedures for implementing pest management programs.
- Minimize the use of pesticides when non-chemical alternatives are available. (pesticide last resort)
NAVMED P-5052-26
- Outlines DoD, OPNAV and BUMED policies and procedures
- Provides detailed guidelines for the U.S. Navy Shipboard Pest Management Program
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) is responsible for
Standardizing pesticide and equipment recommended by BUMED for use aboard ship.
BUMED is responsible for
- (P)rovides guidance
- (M)onitors programs
- (E)valuates prior to approval
- (D)evelops training
CO is responsible for
Ensure you are certified to preform pest control
SMDR is responsible for:
- Procure approved pest control supplies and equipment
- Conduct or supervise pest management operations
- Record all pest management activities
- Report pest management info to higher authority
The development of a comprehensive pest management identifies:
- Trained & certified personnel
- Control strategies
- Materials & equipment
- Staffing
- Safety
- Environmental protection
- Goals
3 (DOD) Pesticide Standards
- Restricted
- Non-restricted
- Non-standard
Restricted requires:
no training
approval by entomologist
What are the 6 Pesticide types:
- Acaricide - 8 legs
- Fungicide - fungus
- Herbicide - vegetation
- Insecticides - insects
- Molluscicide - snails
- Rodenticides - rodents
What are the 3 types of insecticides?
- ovicide (egg)
- larvicide (larva)
- adulticide (adult)
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are not used by the DoD because
they cause cancer
Stomach poisons kill by
Contact poison
breaks down insects body
gaseous or vapor form via the respiratory system
The various formulations into which pesticides may be prepared are:
- Oil solution
- Emulsions
- Suspensions
- Dusts
- Granules
Who requires all pesticides be labeled?
FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1972)
DANGER: means
highly toxic
WARNING: means
moderately toxic
CAUTION: means
slightly toxic
No warning:
free of toxicity
All pesticides must have what 2 statements?
“Keep out of reach of children”
“It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner
inconsistent with its labeling”
Respirators must be approved by who?
For regular usage respirator filters should be changed how often?
every 8 hours
For heavy usage respirator filters should be changed how often?
every 4 hours
What eye protection should be worn to prevent contamination to the eyes?
- vented goggles
- unvented googles
- face shield
Head protection should not be
fabric lined
Gloves should be tested for leaks
Authorized Shipboard Pesticide
- Permethrin Arthropod Repellant
- D-Phenothrin
- Perma-Dust
- PT 565 Plus XLO - Pyrethrin
- PT Crack and crevice I
- CB Air Devil HPX
- CB D-Force HPX
Authorized Shipboard Pesticide
Gel Bait
- Siege Gel Bait
- Maxforce Roach killer
Authorized Shipboard Pesticide
Bait station
- Combat Quick Kill
- Avert Bait Station
Causes irreversible cholinesterase inhibition
Organophosphate Treatment for pesticide exposure
- 2 to 4 mg of atropine sulfate intravenous (IV)
- Repeat doses at 5 to 10 min
- Maintain treatment 24 hours or longer.
- 2 PAM Chloride, 1 gm IV slowly, may be used for supportive therapy.
Carbamate poisoning treatment for pesticide exposure
reversible cholinesterase inhibition
Carbamate Treatment for pesticide exposure
- give 2-4 mg atropine sulfate IV
- Repeat doses at 5 to 10 min
- Maintain treatment 24 hours or longer
- 2-pam chloride is CONTRAINDICATED
Organochlorine poisoning symptoms appear within
20 minutes - 4 hours
Organochlorine treatment
Lavage stomach with 2-4 liters of tap water
30 gm sodium sulphate in one cup of water
AVOID epinephrine or stimulants
Calcium gluconate (10% in 10 mL ampules) IV q 4 hours
Minimum Requirements for the Contents of a Pesticide Spill Kit
- Apply Absorbent material
- Shovel.
- Barrel for disposal
- Detergent and water or chlorine bleach (do not use latter with organochlorines!).
- Appropriate protective clothing includes rubber gloves, apron, boots, and goggles
Shipboard Pest Control Reporting Requirements
Keep records in two places
- Separate Pest Control Log
Report Pest Management activities monthly to Navy Entomology Center of Excellence (NECE)
Use e-DD1532-1 form