Most common cause of chronic aspiration in adult patients
Cerebrovascular accident with lower cranial nerve palsies
Initial conservative treatment of chronic aspiration:
alternative route of alimentation
Elevation of head of bed
Aggresive pulmonary toilette
Antibiotics for any infectious complications
Surgical options for chronic aspiration if NO chance of recovery of Neurologic function:
Subperichondrial cricoidectomy
Narrow - field laryngectomy
Surgical options for chronic aspiration if recovery is possible:
Tracheoesophageal diversion
Laryngotracheal separation
Tracheoesophageal diversion procedure:
Horizontal division of the trachea at the 4th and 5th tracheal rings.
Proximal end anastomosed end - to - side fashion in anterior esophagus, distal tracheal segment used to create tracheostoma.
Laryngotreacheal separation procedure:
Option for patients who had undergone ________, preventing establishment of _______
Division of tarchea horizontally between 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings, or at level of an existing tracheostomy.
Proximal edges closed onto themselves as blind pouch.
Tracheal closure buttressed with rotated sternothyroid muscle.
Distal segment used to create a tracheostoma.
- High tracheostomy
- Tracheoesophageal anastomosis, as performed in TED