Laryngeal descent (duration)
18-24 months
Type of joint, cricoid arytenoid articulation
Ball and socket
Only active abductor larynx
Vocal cord adductors
Lateral cricothyroid
Interarytenoid - but 3D modeling ahows isolated contraction actually abducts
Thyroarytenoid muscles and indiv actions
Vocalis: shape
Muscularis: adductor
Extrinsic laryngeal
Cranial vector
Caudal vector
Cranial: geniohyoid, anterior belly of Digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid
Caudal: sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
Superior laryngeal nerve
Internal: sensory to supraglottis and vocal fold
External: cricothyroid
Cough phases
Inspiratory - larynx opens widely to permid rapid and deep inhalation
Compressive - tight closure of glottis and strong activation of resp muscles
Sudden opening of larynx - sudden and rapid outflow of air
Typed of sensory receptors in larynx
Airflow receptors - activated by air from mouth, NOT activated by air warmed through the nose
Drive receptors - proprioceptors that respond to laryngeal motion
Circulatory reflexes:
Afferent limb:
Efferent limbS:
Afferent: SLN
Bradycardia: CN X
BP elevation: sympathetic nerve fibers
Activated muscles during:
Nasal breathing
Oral: levator veli palatini
Nasal: constriction of oropharyngeal passage - activation of palatoglossus, medialization of faucial arches, elevation of base of tongue
Five requirements for normal phonation:
Adequate breath support Favorable vocal cord shape Favorable vibratory properties Approximation of vocal folds Control of length and tension
Forces that contribute to return of vocal folds to midline
Bernoulli effect
Elastic forces in vocal fold
Pressure decrease
Falsetto attributed to these properties of vocal fold
Increased tension
Decreased thickness
Composition of specialized tissue that separates mucosa and muscle
Undulation is possible because mucosa and muscle are separated by specialized later of connective tissue that acts as shock absorber
Layers and composition of the shock absorber
Superficial layer (Reinke Space) loose collagen and elastin
Intermediate: elastic
Deep: Dense collagen
Intermediate plus deep layer
Vocal ligament
Mechanism of falsetto
Thyroarytenoid rising pitch
Thyroiarytenoid lowering pitch
Lowering pitch: (+) thyroarytenoid
Rising pitch: (+) cricothyroid, (+) thyroarytenoid
Falsetto: (+) cricothyroid, (-) thyroarytenoid
Source filter hypothesis
Larynx is source of constant sound - shaped into words by upper vocal tract.
Consonants and vowels formed by lips, tongue, palate, pharynx