Thick mucus causes
Lack of hydration
Chronic irritation from mechanical trauma, smoking, LPR
Mucus pooling indicates:
Poor laryngeal sensation
Weak lateral pharyngeal walls
Inefficient swallowing
Basic movement patterns of vocal fold vibration
Lateral displacement and return to midline
Timing difference between superior and inferior portions of the vocal folds (vertical phase difference)
Videostroboscopy clinical utility:
Characterizing stiffness, scar, submucosal injury
Detecting small vocal fold lesions
Identifying asymmetric mass or tension
Monitoring tissue healing after phonosurgery
Types or closure patterns:
Complete closure Anterior glottal gap Posterior Spindle - shaped Hourglass - shaped
Most common closure pattern
Men: complete closure
Women: posterior glottal gap
Closure pattern: normal variants in men of any age and ______(age group, sex)
Spindle - shaped
Older women
Hourglass shaped gaps seen in which conditions?
Vocal nodules
Cyst, polyp
Contralateral reactive lesion
Def’n - amplitude of vibration
Horizontal excursion from midline
Def’n closure pattern
Degree and pattern of vocal fold contact at most closed instant of vibratory cycle
Causes of offplane closure
Laryngeal trauma
Neuromuscular difference between folds
Excursion of approximately ______ the ______ of the fold us considered normal.
1/3, width
Def’n mucosal wave
Vertical upheaval of vocal fold cover over the vocal fold body
Def’n symmetry
Phase symmetry - how vocal folds mirror each other during vibration
Definition of Regularity
Degree to which one phonatory cycle is similar to another in amplitude and time
Properties assessed during stroboscopy:
Glottal closure Regularity Mucosal pliability - amplitude of vibration - mucosal wave Vertical closure level Phase closure Phase symmertry