6.5 Other pathogenic agents Flashcards
What are some ways a virus may be transmitted
1 - Droplet infection
2 - Direct contact with animal faeces
3- Transmitted by infected surfaces
What is the mode of infection for the flu virus
It is to infect the ciliated epithelial cells of the respiratory system
Describe what happens inside the cells of the small intestine that have taken up the
1 - Viral RNA is made
2 - Viral protein is made
3 - Assembly of viruses
How does viral RNA work?
- Takes over the host cell nucleus using its mechanics to make more viral proteins
What is a long thread of fungi called?
- Hyphae
How do the fungi reproduce ?
Reproduce using spores in large quantities
How are spores from infected plants carried to younger plants ?
By wind
What are the pathogenic effects of stem rust fungus
- Stem rust fungus takes up nutrients
- Which means there is less amino acids to form proteins for the plant OR less glucose for resp.
- Stem rust fungus interferes with vascular tissues, therefore weakens the stem of the plant
Describe how influeza viruses are transmitted from one person to another
- Infected air droplets
Give the function of RNA polymerase
Synthesise mRNA
How does the flu cause somebody to have a runny nose
- Virus destorys cell in nasal passage
- Releasing excess mucus
Suggest why the virus causes damage to only some types of human cell
- Shape of virus attaches to specific receptors on human cells