6.4: Acid deposition Flashcards
In hot girl atmosphere, there is an scale hilighted in organge, learn it.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, whereas a pH result below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline.
outline the natural realse of primary pollutants that can result inacid deposition?
released by volcanic erruptions and nitrogen oxides by lightning.
outline how human activities result in the release of primary pollutants that can result in acid deposition?
combustion of fossil fules produce sulferdioxide and oxides of nitrogen.
outline threee secondary polluatnts of both wett and dry acid deposition?
sulphuric acid
nitric acid
carbonic acid
distringuish between wet and dry deposition?
wet- the acid comes down in the form or rain or snow.
dry- the acid comes down as ash or dry particals.
draw a dirgam to sumamrize acid deposition.
Hilighted in green in hot girl atmosphere.
wiht the help of examples and in refrence too acid deposition, distinguish between the terms direct effect and indriect effect?
Direct effect- weakinging tree growth coniferes forests , acid pain or snow falling on ales and ponds, decreasing the PH and affecting organisms.
Indirect effect- toxic effects incresed solubility of metal iones which is toxic to plant roots and leaching of nutrients.
expain the effects of acid deposition on the coniferous forest?
LEAD AND BUD YELLOWING- this is due to loss in chlororphyll and damage inthe form of thinning of waxy cuticals. These and other changes reudce growth as nutrients are leached out and washed away and pathogesna nd insects gain entry.
NURTIENT LEACHING- soil particals are not able are not able to hold onto nutrients such as calcium, magnisiuma and potassium wich are the leached out.
SYMBIOTIC ROOT MICROBES- These are killed which greatly reduces the avalibility to nutrients. Acid rain also inhibits nitrogen fixing bacreria.
TOXIC IONES- toxxic alliminium iones are realsed into the soil which then damages root hairs.
outline the effect of acid deposition on aquatic organisms?
An increase in soil acidity (a decrease in PH) results in leaching of aliminium (and other toxic metals) as it dissolves more easility in acidic conditions.
When aliminium is present in water, it chnages the amount of salt and water that a fish can take in. Fish take in oxegen for respiration from water so a ahcnage in water intake infleunces salt intake.
The changes in levels of salt, water and oxegen in the body can result in the death of fish and other aquatic organisms.
If aliminium presents is high in consentration, it can cause direct suffication of the fish as it causes the build up of soild material on their gills.
outline the effect of acid reposition on buildings?
limestone buildings and statues (many with archological and histroical value) react with acid and desolve.
expalin how acid deposition can cause lung disease?
dry deposition in the form of small particals of sulfates and nitrates can entre the lungs. these can cause asma and bronchitis.
with refrence to peatbogs, outline a positive effect of acid deposition?
Peat bogs with acid rain produce 40% less methane, a powerfull GHG. Methane producing bacteria die nad are replaced by sulfphere comsuming bacteria.
with refrence to named countires/regions, expalin why acid deposition is considered a regional problem, as opposded to a global one?
Before the pollutants can spread over long distances, they return to the surface as wet or dry deposition. The acids seldon travle furthere than a few throusand KM.
Scandinavian frest and lakes ere mainy affected by acid rain orgininating in britan as they were down win d of the briritsh industrial areas.
what are your managemnt stratagies for acid deposition?
altering human acitivty causing the pollusion
regulate and reduce at point of emmision
clean up and restore
expand and evaluate on altering human activity as a management statgy for acid deposition?
replace fossile fules by using alternatives such as ethanol to run cars and renwable energy sources for elecriticity—> also reduces co2 emmisions, fossil fules relinat economy, powerd emands increasing
use low surfer fules, remove sulphere beofre buring or burn mixed with limestone. —>addes expesnse, does not remove co2.
expand and evaluate on regulate and reduce at point of emission as a management statgy for acid deposition?
clean up tecnologies e.g scrubbing chimmnies to remove so2. —> expensive, cost passed to consumer.
catalye converters to convert nitrat oxides back into nitrogen gas. —— > although initially expensive are very effective if mentained.
expand and evaluate on clean up and retor as a management statgy for acid deposition?
liming acidified lackes and forests- ——> costly and needs to be repeated, but very effective.
recolonise damges area- can affect biodiverity
international agreements——> these are difficult to establish and moniter.